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Who has watched the new trailer?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Starbug, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    So. um. do you, um, think we will be able to catch a star bug?
  2. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    rip in piece winter update, declared doa on 12/15/2014 ಥ_ಥ7
    Starbug likes this.
  3. Demos_Tex

    Demos_Tex Orbital Explorer

    There is a beekeeping mod that looks very similar to the trailer. If some of the same mechanics are used, it'll be fun.
  4. Bird-People

    Bird-People Orbital Explorer

    Great trailer, I just hope they deliver :DD

    Please deliver.
  5. The13thclam

    The13thclam Big Damn Hero

    All the waiting, all the patience, all the quietly letting the devs do their thing and not complaining about "where the game is headed" and "it's taking too long". All the shrugging off the people who whine constantly to the point where the forums weren't even worth visiting anymore.

    And this? This is what they give us?

    I have only one word for this.

  6. Zouleena

    Zouleena Pangalactic Porcupine

    Meh... to all you naysayers I say Meh. :lickitung:

    Watching that make my fingers twitchy and eager: as someone who has been around for years and is pretty much avoiding nightlies as they are a huge mess and, I'm a pretty patient person who can bide her time, this trailer makes me all happy and excited to play whenever the update happens to arrive.

    Seriously, if you just can't stand it any more, go outside and play, smell whatever roses you can find, sit on a park bench and dream about the future, or go play something else. Starbound ain't going anywhere, but to the starrrrrrrrsssssssss....
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2014
    Axe Garian and TheFloranChef like this.
  7. Sremaj

    Sremaj Phantasmal Quasar

    I love the new trailer and all the stuff that is coming out!

    I haven't played Nightly in forever and I've not seen it mentioned other than some random obscure daily update a while ago but does anyone know if we'll still be able to place guns in turrets for home defense? I was very excited about that. :)

    Edit: Daily blog reference

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2014
    MrLevi likes this.
  8. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    Not sure, but I suddenly imagined being able to place swords on those turrets and how awesome that would be. You could make a hallway of spinning bladey death! Or at least keep the space-pigeons off your house. :fusrodah:
  9. Splignarth

    Splignarth Orbital Explorer

    Wow, Chucklefish--way to make me feel guilty and ashamed for whining about the presumed lack-of-progress on the official release...
    SqualidMisnomer likes this.
  10. liradarc

    liradarc Subatomic Cosmonaut

    All the people who jokingly responded to the question of "When's the next stable?" with "2015" were right. That's funny and sad at the same time.

    Anyways, given the track record, I'll be interested only when I see the auto-update kicking in on Steam.
  11. StarKaiser

    StarKaiser Big Damn Hero

    well for one thing.. i do finally am happy to see this news comes out that it will be involved in Jan for update confirmation and its just like.. thats good things since we all waited and waited and focus on different games when they still are developing that game so.. once the update is out in woods next month.. i do hope that Tiy will make a news about porting it to PS4 consoles since we console players was left in dust waiting for months to come for PC update to come out first then Tiy will of course.. focus on that next thing to weeks or months to come (i don't know their timespan but reckon it will do that but we got to give the developer team some break in this christmas holidays and happy new years later so they did good over April when they was first started working on PC atfer their issues was resolved.. like moving their people off US to UK to be allowed to work on SB and i think its coming out nicely :)
  12. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    @StarKaiser why would they make a port so early? I don't think the next update means finished product, as it is just another update to further development far as I know. I am sure eventually they may think of such, but probably when they actually got out of beta EA. So in the way I see it, still might be too early to consider, as there are still systems that are not yet in the game. At least while it is still in development that would not be something to put forth.

    I agree the holidays is meant to be enjoyed, and they are people like us that like enjoying holidays when they can. :)
  13. Fresh Ears

    Fresh Ears Big Damn Hero

    stoked! I was able to resist nightly participation, so this is going to rock my world.
    Feera and SqualidMisnomer like this.
  14. SqualidMisnomer

    SqualidMisnomer Pangalactic Porcupine

    Coming from someone (among others) who hasn't played since earlier this year after being somewhat disappointed, I've gotta say that I'm really excited. Like Jonesy and other people have said, the trailer reminded me of how excited I was for the game just over a year ago. I remember getting up at about 5am just to start downloading it.

    I sure hope this release this a little before the New Year. With this as well as the massive Terraria update coming out soon, I'll be a busy, yet heavily entertained beaver over my holidays. Seems like my opportunity to really get into Starbound.
    Dr. Otaku-Sensei likes this.
  15. MMbsman777

    MMbsman777 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Such WOW. Very Anticipate! Much Stars Bounded! Five Starbounds!
  16. Dwagon

    Dwagon Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Lets hope this one lasts more than a couple months...I know that sounds snide, but I genuinely mean it.
    I hope this game is actually going places.
  17. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    My desire to expand way beyond the mere confines of a ship and arrange things how I want to.

    More on this compound here!
  18. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    I won't call them fools if they don't include some form of keybinding, but keybinding seems like an EASY task to the monumental stuff they're doing right now... so I will be very surprised if they DON'T have a nice and easy keybinding GUI ready for us.
  19. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    :megusta: :dishappy: :lickitung::chucklefish:

    That good enough for you?

    But once I've managed to stop hyperventilating, I saw that this is all nice, and all. But considering they took almost 8 months to get us this, I've tempered my feelings a bit.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
  20. Arkax

    Arkax Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i was expecting Logan Cunningham to narrate the trailer
    7.8/10 too much water

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