Who did you marry?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by piratezevelyn, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. piratezevelyn

    piratezevelyn Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you guys for all your responses. It was fun hearing all your different idea's
      Tamorr likes this.
    • piratezevelyn

      piratezevelyn Void-Bound Voyager

      I agree although I have discovered that Elliott recites poetry and Sam (I feel) is kind of insulting with his complements, plus he complains about dancing with you at the flower dance.
      • piratezevelyn

        piratezevelyn Void-Bound Voyager

        I plan on starting a new game when Shane becomes available, lol. Something about him makes me want to take care of him, I guess would be the best way to put it.
        • Landwalker

          Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

          At the end of the day, there are no Bachelor/Bachelorette characters that are very similar to my wife, who is basically a 75-year-old cat lady who knits sweaters in the body of a 29-year-old... cat lady... who knits sweaters.

          We have a lot of knitted items in our house.

          Including two cat sweaters (from when we had to get one of them shaved, because he is bad at personal hygiene).

          She might be close to Penny, but doesn't like kids, and her parents are decidedly not trailer trash.
          She occasionally plays a couple of video/computer games (LEGO Harry Potter all the way), but her similarities with Abigail stop there.
          Definitely not Maru in any capacity at all.
          Nothing in common Elliott, Sam, or Alex.

          I suppose at the end of the day she's something of a mashup between Haley, Harvey, Sebastian (barely), and Leah... whatever you imagine that to be like (I don't even know).

          Then again, maybe I'm projecting because those are the four Single characters I like the most. Who knows! It's basically a mystery.
          • Kashmir

            Kashmir Giant Laser Beams

            Sorry to go off topic, but I have to ask. Is she really 75 or was that sarcasm? I thought I was close to the oldest on these forums.
            And I love Lego Harry Potter also.

            Sorry, back on topic, it won't happen again.
            • Landwalker

              Landwalker Pangalactic Porcupine

              Oh, no, she's coming up on 30. We are old codgers in spirit only (for now).
              • lilly_ampleton

                lilly_ampleton Void-Bound Voyager

                You know what? Just do it like my farmer Paula. She was so into Shane but then she got to know Harvey better and now she is happily married to one of the nicest men in the whole Valley. Harvey might appear to be a bit boring, but he is very supportive, gives massages all the time, makes breakfast, lunch, dinner and always has something really nice and romantic to say.
                But the choice is entirely yours. Sebastian too is a very interesting character but like me IRL my farmer wanted to have a completely nice and calm man. ;)
                I mean that 10 heart event. He planned it all for you, despite his fear of heights. *sighs*
                  MagicallyClueless and Megzzzx like this.
                • Megzzzx

                  Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                  I KNOW!!! He is so sweeeet! I love it. But there are a lot of things I like about Sebastian and Sam and Abigail...and everyone. I like everyone... my farmer is a horrible person. Harvey deserves better. Hahahaha. But yeah Harvey's event was so sweet. I took a screen cap and made it the background on my comp.
                    lilly_ampleton likes this.
                  • chlorophylls

                    chlorophylls Void-Bound Voyager

                    Sebastian is top tier husbando, no contest so far for me. My entire playthrough has literally devolved into "let me take this pic of Sebastian being cute" "oh here's another one" and by the time I stop, I realize I've taken like 20 screenshots.
                      lilly_ampleton likes this.
                    • Irediel

                      Irediel Space Penguin Leader

                      I KNOW RIGHT, I love him too! Too bad the only breakfast he makes is coffee, huh?
                      • MoonlitBrenya

                        MoonlitBrenya Existential Complex

                        For me, I keep swinging to Elliot. Not sure what's up with the other peeps who married him and he didn't do much for them... Granted, he does "feed the animals (who happen to be on auto feeders) and waters the cat bowl", but he has also repaired fences, watered crops, made dinner on several occasions (all seafood)... there was this one time, I finally had all the flooring in the house the way I liked it and he up and decided to change the floor in the nursery, it was HIDEOUS! I wanted to shave his head then, lol. I married Sebastian once... won't do it again. He reminds me of an ex... who's an ex for a reason. thinking either Harvey or Leah next game, unless Shane becomes available by then. When he becomes available, I hope he keeps his personality, like, snarky and stuff... I'm like that, and I think it would be fun to wake up, go to the kitchen, have him pass me a cup of coffee, while saying who are you, would you leave me alone? but with a smexy smirk. -dreams-
                        • BreacK

                          BreacK Subatomic Cosmonaut

                          Oh man I hate this game...
                          First I wanted to go with Haley but now I have seen the 8 heart event with abby and now I'd just feel guilty for dumping her...
                          • AnjyilLee

                            AnjyilLee Void-Bound Voyager

                            So far I've only married Sebastian, but my best friend has married Abby (though almost married Penny).

                            I picked Sebby because I could really related to his family situation and, like him, I'm shy and nerdy and overall have completely different interests than the rest of my family.

                            Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using Tapatalk
                            • Megzzzx

                              Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                              That made me laugh and made me think of how my fiance are in real life. Now I want to marry shane too. Hahaha but I didn't know they could change your house!!!!!!!
                              • Wildroses

                                Wildroses Void-Bound Voyager

                                You know nothing of guilt. I got her eight heart scene for the first time the day before my wedding with Elliott. I had Abigail knocking on my door to apologise and say I probably knew what it was all about the day after my wedding. I'm so sorry Abigail, I had no idea. But even if I did, I'd have still picked Elliott.
                                  XaviiKinz and Megzzzx like this.
                                • Dougl07

                                  Dougl07 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  Yeah, I married Elliott and at one point he changed three different floorings, which I really liked, ALL BACK TO THE FREAKING DEFAULT FLOOR LIKE CHRIST PLEASE.
                                  Also he never freaking waters any of my plants or repairs fences or feeds animals. Like EVER. I seriously waited 3 months for him to help once, apart from making coffee, staring at my sofas and walking to the beach. He's a lazy bum but I still love him.
                                    lilly_ampleton and Megzzzx like this.
                                  • Megzzzx

                                    Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Haha. I am going to not marry him for sure then. I can't deal with that in a game on top of real life!!!! HAHAHA
                                      Dougl07 and lilly_ampleton like this.
                                    • Dougl07

                                      Dougl07 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      Heh, sounds like the two of them would get along perfectly.
                                        Megzzzx likes this.
                                      • Megzzzx

                                        Megzzzx Void-Bound Voyager

                                        I can say this. My fiance does take out trash and mow on his own. I have to bug him to do litter, he refuses to do it every day though. And occasionally I can get him to make sandwiches for dinner or unload/load dishwasher. And once in a while he vacuums and sweeps. But basically I handle all cooking and most of the chores. It is too much work having to bug him to do it like a little kid. And I can't really punish him like, "Do these chores or I'll take your Halo away!" LOL
                                          Dougl07 likes this.
                                        • Dougl07

                                          Dougl07 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                          LMAO He sounds like 13-year-old me.
                                            Megzzzx likes this.

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