RP Whipper's Berg Chronicles.

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Alaizia Darkstar, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pavo comes up after him and, with a smile that is as suave as they come, takes one of the girls hands in his own. He looks into her eyes for a moment and says "They call me Jamir, but you can call me whatever you like. Perhaps papa?" Then he kisses her gently on the hand. Pavo releases and slips along down the street, pausing momentarily to turn and blow a kiss to the young maiden.

    (19+10 diplo= I win beotch.)
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  2. The girl giggled nervously and fainted.

    ALaizia giggles a bit " my, what a show...are you two competing or something?"

    AS the group turned the corner, they approached a sign that read "Lennos battle-goods."
  3. Ralin Garyx (Retro1253)

    Ralin Garyx (Retro1253) Big Damn Hero

    " Yes, it seems and I appear to be out matched." reever laughs lightly patting pavo on the shoulder. " So where are we head now?" Refering to the girls.
  4. " we are heading to the temple, where you will be staying." Indrana called back to them, a short distance ahead " feel free to look around at the different shops we pass, it will do you some good to get a lay of the city as we go."
  5. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    "Oh... We are staying at a temple? Full of the Inquisitor types..." Fraus spoke with a slightly worried look shooting a look at Adeleide. "Also, can you two stop trying to pretend to be me. We all know the joke is funny."
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  6. Ralin Garyx (Retro1253)

    Ralin Garyx (Retro1253) Big Damn Hero

    "Then why aren't you laughing fraus?" Reever grins slightly.
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  7. " pretending to be you? what do you mean Mr. kistune" Alaizia blinked before responding the question " oh, no there wont be many inquisitors...the Voices are on thier respective missions so there are rarely many around at one time."
  8. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "What joke? This is my profession." Pavo says with a grin. "And, like you, I'm not to keen on staying in a Pharasman Temple. Perhaps we could board at an inn?"
  9. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    He giggled a little bit. "Alas, it may just be an inside joke. Hard to believe Reever made trouble with you two. You sure he wasn't dragging you two into trouble everywhere." Fraus grinned back a bit.
  10. " oh, I dont see why you would have such a problem with it...its just a temple...or do you have some sort of aversion to temples?" Alaizia asked curiously.
    ALaizia whispered to him " I mainly followed, but sister and Reever were as thick as thieves when we were kids...she was really depressed after he left...though she wont admit it"
  11. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    He sighed at first. "Well... Its more that if I want to stay at a temple, I'd stay at a temple of my own goddess. A bit of my cursed loyalty." He then smiled. "I'm guessing your sister won't Admit a lot of things. She likes to keep the image tough. I know I wouldn't want to fight her so she's doing a good job at it."
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  12. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pavo nudges the fox. "How about you and I find an Inn then? Maybe a few maidens aswell?"
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  13. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    "You can stay at an inn. I have to pay respects to my goddess and visit her house while I'm here. I'll spend the night there."
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  14. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "Suit yourself."

    "Ey, Indranna was it? Know of any Inns nearby?"
  15. " well, theres the goblorc and then theres the cutlass... both are a distance away, but the Cutlass is closer"
  16. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  17. " a wierd name isn't it...its owned by a goblin and an orc..." She chuckled a bit " only a few of thier kind in the city...not many people like them...with good reason most of the time"
  18. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "Oh, wonderful. I, for one, enjoy the little creatures. So volatile, So dim witted, So easy to manip.. Anyway, just point me in its general direction. I'm more than capable of finding my way from there."
  19. " right, well you g-----" Indrana gives the hafling the directions.

  20. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pavo thanks her and, sets off away from the group eventually disappearing around a corner.
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.

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