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Which Month would you think Beta is going to start? (Poll)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by CrimsonWingzz, May 15, 2013.


Which month do you think Beta is gonna be out?

  1. May

    49 vote(s)
  2. June

    353 vote(s)
  3. July

    403 vote(s)
  4. August

    265 vote(s)
  5. September

    143 vote(s)
  6. October

    54 vote(s)
  7. November

    23 vote(s)
  8. December

    112 vote(s)
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  1. Sadron

    Sadron Ketchup Robot

    Would a mod just lock this stupid thread already? It's dumb, it should have been locked as soon as the person posted it.
  2. vimio

    vimio Big Damn Hero

    Why should it be locked
  3. Valkoor Moonblood

    Valkoor Moonblood Existential Complex

    They're obviously not going to release the beta until I preorder because they love me. And that won't be for a few days yet.
  4. Auudar

    Auudar Phantasmal Quasar

    It being a codex i'm pretty sure its just going to tell you the basics, Not meaning Beta is near. Not saying its not near but the picture is Omni's work, it even says this lol.
  5. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    I really want OP to be right.

    But alas, life is cruel. :(
  6. DerJonason

    DerJonason Big Damn Hero

    I don't know when the beta is going to start, but everyday past is one day less to wait :p
  7. Miss Andry

    Miss Andry Cosmic Narwhal

    because it's stupid.

    the devs will say when the beta is near, and won't do any of these stupid "hints" at it that you're trying to think of. People are tired of getting a thread almost every single day saying the "beta is near" because "Tiy ate a bagel at 5 pm"

    also, while we're at it, if you want to say the beta is near because of a dumb daily update, why don't you just say it in one of the daily update threads so people can then ignore it much easier
    tatswaru, vimio and Ken_Chihuly like this.
  8. Huami

    Huami Pangalactic Porcupine

    "welcome to starbound" is, perhaps and likely, a general greeting from the game itself when you create a new character, campaign, story, or any new mode in the game. Much like how many games have these things incorporated in their own creations e.g. 'welcome to the world of...', 'greetings from the development team... from the makers of...', 'we proudly bring you...' etc etc
  9. Ken_Chihuly

    Ken_Chihuly Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  10. tatswaru

    tatswaru Phantasmal Quasar

    I agree with the people saying your looking too much into it.
    Starbound will be done when it is done. We do NOT want a game half done and full of bugs and glitches (no not the Glitch, I like them).
    I will agree waiting is very hard, especially when Starbound will be so EPIC!:cool: :up:
    vimio likes this.
  11. Lawls

    Lawls Space Kumquat

    Oh please, not another one of these threads... roll in 2 seconds.
  12. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    I'm guessing it'll be mid-July.
  13. Sadron

    Sadron Ketchup Robot

    LOCK THE THREAD, MODS. This thread needs to die, already.
  14. UncleCoord

    UncleCoord Big Damn Hero

    Negative Nancy :<
  15. .:FancyPants:.

    .:FancyPants:. Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is outrageous

    no one eats a bagel at 5pm.
    Repede likes this.
  16. tatswaru

    tatswaru Phantasmal Quasar

    But I do.:confused:
    I like to eat bagels since I don't get them often.:cry:
  17. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    I have a suggestion for you.

    How about you unsubscribe from this thread, and be a mature human being and just ignore it?

    Seriously, calm, the fuck, down. Yes, its a pointless thread, but the funny thing is, every single thread on this forum is pointless. Just leave the thread alone, there is a discussion going on and they don't need you posting every now and then to demand the thread be locked. There are THOUSANDS of other threads on this forum, I don't see why this particular one would irk you so much.
  18. gamerseal

    gamerseal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    My vote was more of a hope than what i actually thought.
  19. Damiann47

    Damiann47 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So you know what a beta is right? You know we are talking about the start of beta right? I know what you are trying to say but when it comes to betas I want it to be an actual beta. Not the case where it's practicaly a fully made game just with "beta" slapped onto it's name. I hope beta is filled with bugs so I can do what I'm suppost to do and test the game.
    IndieGamerRid likes this.
  20. Felonious

    Felonious Existential Complex

    I enjoy the optimism curve compared to the last poll.
    MobyDiglett likes this.
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