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Which Month would you think Beta is going to start? (Poll)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by CrimsonWingzz, May 15, 2013.


Which month do you think Beta is gonna be out?

  1. May

    49 vote(s)
  2. June

    353 vote(s)
  3. July

    403 vote(s)
  4. August

    265 vote(s)
  5. September

    143 vote(s)
  6. October

    54 vote(s)
  7. November

    23 vote(s)
  8. December

    112 vote(s)
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  1. Rankomonaut

    Rankomonaut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is that maid a promised woman to the ones who get Beta-access? Sounds just logic the way you say it...
  2. DNAY!

    DNAY! Ketchup Robot

    It's probably just the backstory you start with.
  3. IndieGamerRid

    IndieGamerRid Zero Gravity Genie

    Guys, guys, the devs. are saying things, that means BETA SOON!

    No offense meant, but...that's likely a default piece of content as a introductory text that starts out in your logbook. Like, you know, "You started a game, here's some things that are recommended for you to do, like build a shelter, here are things to look for, here are things to look to try next and look forward to, and here's your overarching goal. Have fun!" Not a tutorial, per se, but an introduction.

    People need to chill with the beta conspiracies.

    Roll on Tuesday.
    Renlou, Sakaru, XVDragoNX and 3 others like this.
  4. Bigkahuna

    Bigkahuna Big Damn Hero

    All that probably means is that they have written up the initial welcome message to new players, not that they're hinting about a beta release. It's been stated several times that they will let us know when they beta is once they have figured it out themselves.
  5. Sadron

    Sadron Ketchup Robot

    This is not a sign, you've clearly misinterpreted what was meant to be a simple placeholder message welcoming a new player to the world of Starbound. *facepalm*

    Edited by:
  6. Landlaw

    Landlaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    maybe is realy near
  7. vimio

    vimio Big Damn Hero

  8. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    This.. this has got to be the most silly tinfoil-hattery yet. :laugh:
    I mean really.. the implimentation of the crafting ui and finishing 1300 recipies is a bigger clue.

    Not that the clues point to anything BUT, 2013.
    Ard Galen likes this.
  9. Ghostar

    Ghostar Steakeater

    Because there is totally no way that is a Tutorial on the game basics.
  10. M07HMAN

    M07HMAN Aquatic Astronaut

    It may seem like the beta is impending because of all the updates, but i think that is more of a community courtesy. Believe me, I hope the beta comes out soon but I am still willing to wait as long as it takes for the devs to feel it is ready. Sure they could roll out with it today if they wished, but with all the missing pieces that are going to make starbound starbound, people would probably loose interest or flood the forums with ideas that area already in the works, then scream out when the daily update does not reflect their wishes.

    Hell, I got trolled hard last night when a friend of mine changed his registry files to view notepad as a game: 'Starbound v.53' and linked it to steam. Seeing that pop up on steam caused me to flip my lid lol.

    Who knows, maybe you are right and beta is around the corner and my pontifications are pointless ::shrug::

    For now all we can do is be patient and watch the art happen.
  11. LimeTwist

    LimeTwist Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh look. a guide book for when you start up starbound. Probably explaining key features that they added in when they were working on that there codex to test it as well as to get the guide out of the way. That definitely means that we are so close to beta, I can almost taste it :rolleyes:

    In other less sarcastic words. I doubt it means much. We don't even have that trailer that was suppose to be released two weeks ago. I wouldn't get your hopes up just yet
  12. Manry

    Manry Void-Bound Voyager

    I am so sad right now.

    Hey these forums are called the Starbound forums. Starbound is coming out today woahh
    Ard Galen and WoxandWarf like this.
  13. Alluvian_Est-Endrati

    Alluvian_Est-Endrati Existential Complex

    Beta is nearing but I am not sure it is near yet.
    Lumberjack_Liam likes this.
  14. Xilitu

    Xilitu Industrial Terraformer

    Tiy stated that the beta will just be bugg testing so first they need to get everything IN the game and mostly polished up :p and since there's still stuff being put in Beta isnt near at all
  15. Annoctatio

    Annoctatio Pangalactic Porcupine

    It COULD mean that the beta is near.

    OR it's just simply a codex page that appears when you start a new character.
  16. AlphaMongoose

    AlphaMongoose Ketchup Robot

    Beta probably is near, but not because of some codex.
  17. Iroza

    Iroza Phantasmal Quasar

    Hey, whatever helps calm your mind to believe its close.
  18. vimio

    vimio Big Damn Hero

    Making these threads and discussing it actually helps
  19. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

  20. Sadron

    Sadron Ketchup Robot

    Why hasn't this thread been closed? :zzz:
    vimio likes this.
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