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Which Month would you think Beta is going to start? (Poll)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by CrimsonWingzz, May 15, 2013.


Which month do you think Beta is gonna be out?

  1. May

    49 vote(s)
  2. June

    353 vote(s)
  3. July

    403 vote(s)
  4. August

    265 vote(s)
  5. September

    143 vote(s)
  6. October

    54 vote(s)
  7. November

    23 vote(s)
  8. December

    112 vote(s)
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  1. greenskye

    greenskye Pangalactic Porcupine

    As a software developer I know how often it works out where that last "quick" item on the list turns out to take 3 or 4 times as long as you thought it would. So yes, it can take quite a bit longer even when you feel close to being "finished". That being said, I do get a sense that they're getting reasonably close. I'd say the end of August, but I'll tack on another month for various delays to Sept. Hopefully I'm surprised.

    Also did they ever say it was getting a full release in 2013? I thought it was just a beta release.
  2. Avinious

    Avinious Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They have said it would be both I believe.
  3. greenskye

    greenskye Pangalactic Porcupine

    According to the beta post from Tiy:
    This part confuses me. It's a thread about the release date of the beta. So when he says "The official release date is currently 2013" I do not know if that means the official beta release date or actual full-game release date. Then he states "access to the beta this year." which seems to reinforce the idea of only the beta being confirmed for 2013.

    I had originally thought the full game to be out in 2013, but then started to question it when July passed with no beta. I expected the beta to last for at least 3-5 months before the full release. Anyone else have a quote confirming 2013 as full game release?
  4. Delimar

    Delimar Star Wrangler

    Edit 2: You are correct. That post is referring to the Beta release.

    The Road Map confirms a 2013 release. Tiy has stated numerous times that there is a separate road map for the Beta that he will not release to us.

    Edit: I know how it is to program things. You never truly know when you are done, I agree with this, but considering all they have left to do is implement the minor features, I don't see complications taking them too long to complete. The beds prove me wrong on this statement, but the beds were a new feature. The rest of the features to be implemented seem to be relying on the major ones before those can be done.
  5. doguso

    doguso Big Damn Hero

    I doubt it'd take 3 months to do all of the minor things if they're showcasing end-of-august.
    When I read Bartwe's thing, especially his later response to it, it seems like he was saying "Expect December, that way you won't be disappointed. We don't know so expect the worse."

    Which means it COULD come out earlier but we shouldn't EXPECT it to come out till Dec 31st. As in don't take what he said as a definite this-is-fact.
  6. It's never that easy, they are doing minor things since last year, it's not a to-do list of "first major, minor after", they go for areas, they may finished now the core stuff but there is a big part of bug fixing, optimization, add content, details, more content, more content, content, tons, of, content. And then of course the unexpected problems that always come in from mad bugs to other issues that make the devs stop what they are doing and focus into fix it.

    What bart said shows the rhythm they are going and with the possible delays that can happen as i said up there, the reply:
    Jul 05 21:43:58 <IcyOrio>do you think there's ANY chance Beta before december.. <<;
    Jul 05 21:44:11 <bartwe>perhaps

    Says us a Maybe for have the beta before December, what clearly shows they will have their time and no worries about launch the beta as soon possible, but yes launch the beta when it is ready, in the 2013 timeline. So i think unless there is some major flame wars and madness around the forums complaining (what already happens a bit) adding pressure for they release, they will have their time to get everything ready. :cautious:
  7. doguso

    doguso Big Damn Hero

    Except the major stuff, by definition of its' name, takes a lot more time. Plus typically a lot of the minor stuff is based around the major stuff. Thus with major coding done, the minor things will be easier to implement. Bugs will undoubtably take the largest portion of time, but it'll be easier to snipe done with the rest of the larger systems seeming to work, they will, in most cases, have a much smaller area to look for bug-inflicting code. Because if everything works and you add something that bugs the system, chances are by logic that the new additions are what's causing the bugs, not what was working and unchanged before.

    I still think Bartwe is just saying that to lower the amount of hype and disappointment each month. He did say *think* not it *is* plus just look at the current evidence. The art team has been working hard alongside the programmers, I'm sure there's just loose ends here and there for several things (like adding new weapons or monsters, etc). I think it's closer than you think.
  8. DEVs are trying to do that since 2012, reducing the hype and the possible dates rumors for everything. For me it's not close, most of the community expected the Beta in June/July/August, what we know now it wont happen, so is the same thing, people see the daily updates and "oh they are working in small minor tweaks, it's almost done" create one illusion that is not true.
    For me the game is close when the DEVs are hyped, not the community, when the Devs start to be hyped it's because their work is reaching the point it's ready. Till then, update here, update there. :p
    Eriktion likes this.
  9. Delimar

    Delimar Star Wrangler

    I see your point, but back in 2012, the major content wasn't even close to done. Fast forward to the Summer of 2013. Every single major feature except for quests has been completed. Only thing left in the major content is Quest. Once these finish, the only thing left is the little stuff that revolves around all the majors. The time it would take to complete these minor features isn't known since we don't know how many features they have yet to add. With all of this said, we will be hearing more about the beta come Insomnia. Also, the devs ARE actually getting hyped up about this. The closer it gets to Insomnia, the closer they will show it.
  10. doguso

    doguso Big Damn Hero

    They seem more and more hyped to me. I mean, they're doing that "weekend of fun" projects thing, and based on the music, they've been super hyped about. And it was even said, directly by Tiy, that all the major stuff is done. It's not that they're working on minor stuff, it's that it was literally stated that major stuff is (except for quests) done and thus minor stuff is literally all that's left. Thus it's not an illusion anymore but fact.

    Minor stuff may take awhile since it's a lot more content, but it shouldn't be hard nor long to implement overall. And they seem hype just looking at insomnia. I mean, they WANT and are planning to do preview related stuff, they're already planning on lets-play stuff, they seem hyped to me.
  11. It is the point where development is faster, but it doesn't point by any form that it's near to be done, it points that the major core stuff is there and ready to have content, tweaks, improvements. The quests is one thing they complete the core system, but they will need to add a lot of variety, tweaks, quests systems to the game, in this case if they want variety of types of quests they must code them individually.... And sometimes the worse nightmare of some studios when the gamebreaking bugs come and they must fix them before any beta, and they can't re-write core stuff they must tweak and find ways around, so it's like in Bartwe streams with chatbubbles, about 4 days of work for such a minor thing.

    That is why they don't give us dates, they are very aware there is a lot that can happen and somethings will surely happen that will demand more time to sort them out, if they don't give us any date or ETA yet is because they don't feel secure about get the game ready any time soon. And I believe as said they will announce before it opens, they may likely announce the beta 2 weeks to 1 month (or even more) before it starts, it's not like some days before the beta they say "hey it's ready", as many studios they can have the dates as they finish the final stage of development and they guarantee to be no unexpected setbacks :alien:

    That's why i say for me their Hype now it's about start giving the first previews of this game as they now have that possibility. Not quite about they are close to get their game done, it is the first preview of this game in August, some Alpha surely but not for open for free play at that festival still, after that the Gaming Media, then Youtubers will have previews and then at the end, the game reach the beta stage to the community.
  12. Rochelle

    Rochelle Intergalactic Tourist

    People seem so anxious and a few people sad (and even very angry) that there is no date anywhere. :confused: Maybe people should just ignore rumors and dates that are not from Tiy's own lips. What people don't know is that there are millions of little and big things that go into the game. Even smaller pieces than what is in the Starbound Roadmap. It's in pieces right now like a puzzle yes? At least that is what I read. Then they have to put it together into the biggest sexiest game ever, and then test it. Tests take a long time... sometimes a very very long time. That's a ton of time and work. If I understand what I've read and seen so far then I would not be surprised if it is not really really ready until mid 2014 or early 2015. Unless they are privately testing now then maybe early 2014

    I think Chucklefish don't want people to get scared and not support this dreamy game, and at the same time they are not trying to say too much or else there is confusion. This is normal they are just going through growing pains and dealing with soo much as a brand new company. What I am worried is that some big game company will want to buy them and Tiy's dreams are lost to what they tend to change :rolleyes: So many demands, and all Tiy is doing is trying to make everyone happy. I hope he is sleeping well. :zzz: We have faith in you Tiy, make the world a super excellent game!! :giggle: Please be patient everyone and give him your support :up:
  13. doguso

    doguso Big Damn Hero

    True enough. We wouldn't get the beta in August, but it ENTIRELY is possible that it could come out september or october. You don't know how many minor things are actually left. And Tiy said quests were not far away from being done, as in, they're not JUST starting quests. And they seem to be doing well with implementing a very fluid core system that allows adding things easy (makes sense if they're aiming for easy modding after all, the easier it is to add things like quests to the game, the better the modding community thus the easier it is to fully implement the system). And really, you can't get mad at people who are hyped and excited for the game, that's a GOOD thing, especially for indie developers.

    (Most of) us are not complaining about beta not being here now or anything, we're just guessing and keeping our hopes up that it'll come soon to keep our interest to a healthy peak.
  14. Oh i don't get mad at people hyped. I get mad with people with huge high expectations for this game, and when they see it's not "that good" they come to the forums complaining about how disappointed they are, what sadly is happening more and more around here. That high expectations show in this pool itself with people June/July for beta, and when that didn't happen most accepted, but some got mad about it. And there is more mad people about the chances of the full release be in 2014. That is the problem of high expectations, it's when it is a good thing, keep our hype fair enough, and we shall have nice surprises. :alien:
  15. Rochelle

    Rochelle Intergalactic Tourist

    I agree Bacon cutey. It looks like the game will have soo many amazing features, enough to keep people busy and happy. Not everything on the wish list may make it but I think the game will still win the hearts of many. I'm not expecting much, but the game comes across as if anything is possible. I hope people just focus on finding and reporting bugs rather than omg Tiy didn't put that red button I wanted in there grrrrr. Lol
  16. Half

    Half Industrial Terraformer

    ^ Why are people arguing anyway? Seems a bit silly.
  17. CrimsonWingzz

    CrimsonWingzz Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah, I know right. I'm just scrolling up and down and all I see are essay's of text.
  18. Gouki

    Gouki Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I just hope that it gets released whenever it truly is finished, when it truly met the vision of the devs. Otherwise it would just be a huge waste of potential.

    Even if that takes another year!

    It's not like there is no other games to be played in the meantime, there is more good games out there already that deserve to be played, than any of us will ever be able to play.
  19. Lynx88

    Lynx88 Phantasmal Quasar

    Just expect a December release, and if it gets released earlier then you'll get a pleasant surprise. Win-win situation for everyone.
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