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Which Month would you think Beta is going to start? (Poll)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by CrimsonWingzz, May 15, 2013.


Which month do you think Beta is gonna be out?

  1. May

    49 vote(s)
  2. June

    353 vote(s)
  3. July

    403 vote(s)
  4. August

    265 vote(s)
  5. September

    143 vote(s)
  6. October

    54 vote(s)
  7. November

    23 vote(s)
  8. December

    112 vote(s)
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  1. Delimar

    Delimar Star Wrangler

    This also took them like 10+ years to make. When a game takes THAT long... It generally isn't a good sign.
  2. Ricky Rouse

    Ricky Rouse Zero Gravity Genie

    A better example, then, would be Brink. Something I bought into. SPORE as well. Oh god that one still hurts.

    You feel my pain, here?

    A lot of people can have a "vision". That doesn't make it a good game or mean it will be amazing. Of course, if part of me didn't believe the game was good or if part of me didn't like the game then I wouldn't have pre-ordered 5 copies.

    But I think theres a point where the masses that will only praise chucklefish are only setting themselves up for disappointment with unrealistic expectations. Tell yourself "The game will be legendary" every day for two years and you will find yourself a bit let down if it isn't. Of course that isn't to say it can't be, but one is leaving little room to be impressed by being a raving zealot who thinks flaws can't exist. I mean, go ask people some scenarios that they think will be possible in game. You will notice that they tend to let their imaginations run wild. Its what happened with me and Brink, Spore, and I really would hate for people to have expectations higher than any man can achieve only to have it blow up in Chucklefish's face. Better to be skeptical, pessimistic, and impressed, than zealous, over-optimistic, and let down. Note: But all this is the risk Tiy runs when he reveals little to no gameplay or info. We don't know what to expect.

    In the words of someone from a specific play you all should know, to sound like an armchair-notso-intellectual asshole, and to cut my post short before I make a Thread-unrelated-wall-of-text:

    "I must be cruel, only to be kind"
    LeifGram likes this.
  3. Delimar

    Delimar Star Wrangler

    The recent game i hyped up that kinda fell on me was Timber and Stone, mind you, it isn't a bad game, but i hyped it up way too much. I played it one time and that was it. I had seen so many beta videos of it that I just couldn't get into it. I will probably go back to it after it gets a lot more updates though.
    PurpleSquirel43 likes this.
  4. Zukratis

    Zukratis Orbital Explorer

    Ever since my extreme hype over SWTOR and it's obliteration of my taste in almost any game since.. I have stopped hyping any game and can hardly play a game for more than a week or two... :( I hope Starbound can revitalize my broken gamer mentality..
  5. Delimar

    Delimar Star Wrangler

    Heh, I seem to play a game for a week and move on as well! I sit there looking at my computer screen and i keep saying I have no games to play! (My entire desktop is COVERED in games.)

    Edit: On another note, did you really think SWTOR would of been good? lol I didn't even bother showing a single bit of interest into it.
  6. Zukratis

    Zukratis Orbital Explorer

    Yah dude.. I was following it for a few years and they just poisoned the water hole hardcore haha... brainwashed me man.. and I have the same issue.. i literally have around 300 games + Emulators/Roms.. yet I always say I have nothing to play.. Just can't seem to get interested in games anymore these days. Everything feels saturated with the same concepts and game play. Even stories have cliche and predictable outcomes and twists.. :O
  7. ArcLight

    ArcLight Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Elaborate on these 'useless' features, if you would be so kind.
  8. Middleman93

    Middleman93 Star Wrangler

    How many times does it have to be said?

    They spend their weekends taking a break from the core aspects, and when they shouldn't be working on the game at all, still work on making it more fun.

    Goodness people, try reading every once in a while.
  9. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    At least once more, miss Swan, as always.
    Middleman93 likes this.
  10. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    There is nowhere I have seen they say instruments are a weekend project. Spacebace yes, ship expansion yes, but this was being worked on by bart as I watched the stream. He has the job of adding core features (like chat bubbles).
    Oh and thanks for insinuating that I don't read the text on here, I am such an idiot obviously. Your my hero.
  11. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    The first few times they were talked about. If you only saw the most recent one they stopped mentioning it, possibly because it was popular enough to make a definite feature.
  12. Phyrex

    Phyrex Parsec Taste Tester

    All that would be assuming every single starbound fan is a rabid monster who overhype everything. In fact, that sort is most likely a vocal minority (its always a vocal minority :zzz: )
    So for now as far as that goes, i really think we should drop comparisons like that. Starbound hasent been in development for an insane about of time, it only seems so because it was announced sooner than tiy wished.
    It also has had a pretty stable vision up to now, altho it may not seems like it because we are getting informations on the development process we arent used to get.
    Tiy also shares about theire "week-end project party time", which might screw your perceptions of things a little further.

    Im just trying to say we should all keep in mind we've been seeing the gears grind for a while on this game, and we arent used to seeing that so we need to calm down a little. And too bad for those that overhype themselves
  13. warcore

    warcore Existential Complex

    well turns out most of us were dead wrong about the release;)
    DrPhibes and Snowfalcon like this.
  14. Ricky Rouse

    Ricky Rouse Zero Gravity Genie

    I wasn't assuming. As I said, you can ask any person what scenarios they think are going to be possible in game and you will get some pretty interesting but ultimately unlikely answers. While Starbound hasn't been in development for an insane amount of time, that doesn't determine its quality either. Receiver was a great game that was made in a week. Well, great to me anyways. And as for dropping the comparisons, I wasn't comparing. I was giving an example. Brink promised this and that. Spore promised this and that. Promises don't mean much, though they do give a lot of hope. And hope can be dangerous if it has nothing to ride on.

    Anyways, as for the information on development, its great. If I were to sing their praises on anything it would be that. But that isn't why people are excited. They're excited for a product, not a process.
    LeifGram likes this.
  15. Delimar

    Delimar Star Wrangler

    Bro, you must be blind. Go back a few weekends. They released a video of the music and said "this is how far this weekend project has gone." They then released another one showing it with a lot more detailed and developed.
    Middleman93 likes this.
  16. Gaikang

    Gaikang The Number of the Minibeast

    They seem to have made it clear that it's starting after the previews. September.
  17. I'm counting on the end of August, until then I'll be playing lots and lots of Magic The Gathering.
  18. Uberbasher betax

    Uberbasher betax Space Penguin Leader

    Man how i do feel you're pain here... It was the exact same situation for me. So much brainwashed!
  19. Snowfalcon

    Snowfalcon Big Damn Hero

    Well only 402...so far,soon to be 782 tho :p
    warcore and DeltaSpartan like this.
  20. Torren

    Torren Ketchup Robot

    I put my number on august. I think that was a smart estimate.
    DeltaSpartan likes this.
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