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Which Month would you think Beta is going to start? (Poll)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by CrimsonWingzz, May 15, 2013.


Which month do you think Beta is gonna be out?

  1. May

    49 vote(s)
  2. June

    353 vote(s)
  3. July

    403 vote(s)
  4. August

    265 vote(s)
  5. September

    143 vote(s)
  6. October

    54 vote(s)
  7. November

    23 vote(s)
  8. December

    112 vote(s)
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  1. Skitle

    Skitle Master Chief

    know but do you see the time that they put in this game. There working so hard on it its incredible. So I cant see how to game will be bad.
  2. Corpj123

    Corpj123 Starship Captain

    Yeah, I agree. I really think Starbound is going to shatter our expectations- even as hyped up as everyone is getting about it. I have absolute faith in Tiy and Chucklefish.
  3. Skitle

    Skitle Master Chief

    Same but theres not only tit theres is all the other people that works on the game.
  4. Middleman93

    Middleman93 Star Wrangler

    He said "and Chucklefish." That includes everyone who isn't Tiy. :p
  5. Solokeh Krontos

    Solokeh Krontos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Did you just call Tiy a tit? (Tit can mean small child also, da fuq?)
    Eoghanpm2 likes this.
  6. bl4d3runn3r_0m3n

    bl4d3runn3r_0m3n Yeah, You!

    While that would be nice, I have a job... Oh how I miss those high school days. :(
  7. Skitle

    Skitle Master Chief

    Yea didnt see that. :rofl: thanks for telling and and sorry Tiy... Im on an ipod and sometimes I skip letters or add some.
  8. schwarzwolf

    schwarzwolf Void-Bound Voyager

    I can't say, when it will come out, but i can say, when i want it to be out. End July, early August. Becaue i still have some work to do this month. ;)
  9. Corpj123

    Corpj123 Starship Captain

    Yes, I mean the whole development team :p
  10. Jaigrin

    Jaigrin Aquatic Astronaut

    Heck yeah, but there has to be haters to try to ruin everything. I don't see why the idiot posted 2014 because I can see a great beta launch after they make the game work without DEV codes. I think that's all they need to send out THE MOST EPIC BETA EVER!!!
  11. CrimsonWingzz

    CrimsonWingzz Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well first of all, the guys not an idiot, he partially has a point, and I don't understand what you mean by "I can see a great beta launch after they make the game work without DEV codes."
  12. Jaigrin

    Jaigrin Aquatic Astronaut

    How much work is put into the game so far. I the game could function without commands to spawn items etc then it wouldn't be long before a beta is what I'm saying.
  13. Skitle

    Skitle Master Chief

    Bro I am kind of thinking the same. But dude dont call people you dont know idiots. (I dont care if your a bronie or wathever.
  14. ArcLight

    ArcLight Subatomic Cosmonaut

    December, it's the closest thing we get to 2014.

    And who knows, they might finish the preps for the beta by December and we get beta access as an x-mas gift :D
    Eoghanpm2 likes this.
  15. seevenup

    seevenup Contact!

    Till last week i was sure, the beta will start shortly. but as much i read in the forum, i think it will come out just before the year ends. so they where right by saing beta is in 2013. and so they will put tonns of stuff in the game. Of course nice, but i dont think it will be a beta like a beta is.
    They want to have a almost "done" game and then bring out the beta. Dont know why, guess they just want to have all perfect. lets hope it works
  16. eye

    eye Space Spelunker

    beta as an x-mas gift sounds kinda cool
  17. Gnomechompski

    Gnomechompski Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    With all the time they are wasting with useless features, i'm guessing november.
    Riskay and LazerEagle1 like this.
  18. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    they have to add the animation for playing the guitar... because all sci-fi games have characters that play the guitar.
    LazerEagle1 likes this.
  19. Ricky Rouse

    Ricky Rouse Zero Gravity Genie

    Duke Nukem forever took so long to come out guys! Its too big to fail!

    Pro-tip: Never assume.
    Eoghanpm2, Diagnosan and LeifGram like this.
  20. Phyrex

    Phyrex Parsec Taste Tester

    duke nukem forever is a bad example actually, throught its development life, it went throught several team swaps, many engines eexchange and other such revision, the overall feeling was that whomever was working on it at the moment didint knew what they wanted and discarded what people before them did.

    Which isint the case with starbound. the team's been solid since its beginning and the closest thing you'd get from a member leaving was actually for personal reason that had nothing to do with the game itself (and he even came back later).
    Theire overall vision for the game is also solid.
    Roy_Cliff and LazerEagle1 like this.
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