Where's Starbound PS4?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Elergy, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. Elergy

    Elergy Space Hobo

    I know you guys are busy and everything but 3 years to port everything over? That's a decent amount of time. I just at least want an update for it. Whether it's coming to PS4 or not, I just want some closure.
    Mirishi and Tela The Floran like this.
  2. Tela The Floran

    Tela The Floran Aquatic Astronaut

    I second this. Starbound for PC is great, but it would be greater if I had a console version to fall back on while my brother is using the PC. c:
    Mirishi likes this.
  3. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    First of all, please don't use the Social subforum for Starbound-related threads. Especially since the Hangouts section of the Social subforum is used for clans and other social groups, not inquiries of any kind.

    As for console ports, at this point an Xbox One port is on the way, and a PS4 port hasn't been ruled out. Most announcements regarding a PS4 port are very out of date, and the game's development has undergone several changes of plans since then.
  4. skypaint

    skypaint Seal Broken

    Uh... not to be a pest, but what's up with that anyway?

    I mean, I remember when this article was new: http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Sony-Wanted-Starbound-PS4-Which-Why-It-Xbox-One-63329.html

    THAT got me on board. I loved the game, but the primary reason for me buying it years ago was to support its development, looking forward to the day when I would be able to buy it again for my PS4. To heck with the Xbox. Then time goes by and suddenly Xbox is definitely getting it, and the Playstation port gets shoved over to the "maybe" pile...?

    I love you guys, but this does leave me feeling kinda crushed.
    Ickura, Kuxo and Tela The Floran like this.
  5. PallidWanderer

    PallidWanderer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ~waves a silent flag for PS4 U.U
    Ickura likes this.
  6. Jenpants

    Jenpants Void-Bound Voyager

    means they have a contract with microsoft so... guess we'll have to wait several more years for ps4...

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