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What's YOUR playstyle? Share with us!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Seria-Myouna, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Spazninja

    Spazninja Orbital Explorer

    1. I'm probably going to play Human. I didn't know the robots were a separate race until after I pre-ordered. I just assumed the robots were emergency bodies for humans who had been badly injured, but there wasn't sufficient resources to clone them.
    2. I have a very nasty case of alt-itis. I will discard characters on a whim, because of some minor imperfection on my build or because I just want to start a new roleplay concept from scratch.
    3. I've never actually played much building/crafting games. I mainly like to explore, keep moving. It's likely I'll mainly stick to my ship and just build basic F.O.B's planetside.
    4. I'd like to play with other people, except I live in Australia and most of my gamer buddies are from North America. Unless your netcode does a superb job of handling 400ms lag, I don't expect to do much multiplayer.
    5. I normally only play games on weekends, because I like to be well rested on workdays. This said, 5-6 hour stretches during weekends and holidays aren't uncommon for me at all. This said, when I like a game I play it a lot and keep coming back to it. I've clocked up over 200 hours each in Spore and Mass Effect, and over 100 hours in Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim.
    6. I am very fond of keeping my distance. I'm one of those odd people who tends to play the Rogue/Mage combination, preferring a mixture of ranged attacks, stealth and utility abilities to fight dirty, exploit tactical weaknesses from relative safety and avoid direct confrontations at any cost.

    BTW, this rainbow colour scheme is simply FABULOUS.
    overlordTNT and Seria-Myouna like this.
  2. Seria-Myouna

    Seria-Myouna The Last Moderator IRC Operator

    :rainbow: You're fabulous too!

    EDIT: You're all fabulous. I love this thread so much:love: . Why can't all the threads be this well-behaved?
    overlordTNT, Spazninja and Axe Garian like this.
  3. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    Because you didn't make them!
    Ado, JoshF and Seria-Myouna like this.
  4. Epicface

    Epicface Heliosphere

    1. I am definitely going to be a Hylotl, but Avian is a very close second, then come Floran, Glitch, Novakiin, Apex, and finally human. There aren't many reasons (aside from being able to breath underwater with their armor, maybe), mostly just because I like them better than the others. When the lore page comes out though, I bet it'll make or break it for me. I dislike humans, as per usual, as they are just too boring for me, but they are always an obvious addition. Apex are kinda 'meh' to me.

    2. I'm gonna play tutorial, of course, but probably gonna have my main on a server with my friends :DD. But in the server, I'm gonna be a brute who just attacks. No fear, no mercy, no regrets.

    3. As I said above, I'm mainly just gonna be a combat guy. Some mining along with exploring, of course, but combat is going to be my forte. Treasure hunting sounds really interesting to me, though...

    4. Gonna play mostly with my friends in a smaller, maybe 5 or 6 people.

    5. This is a tough question, I'm not a good estimator, or ball-parker, whatever :rofl:. Probably 100+, 200+ if there is a LOT of content. I would have to depend this on the amount of replay value, which is based on the amount of content, how much and how fast the devs add more content, and how long my good buddy Wox decides to keep the server up :rofl:

    6. Melee for sure, but going in with a shotgun or a rocket launcher, or a flamethrower isn't a bad idea either. I want to go savage, let my character go on a rampage, killing every enemy in his path in his bloodlust. He would flee quickly, however, should the battle turn sour, as he doesn't like the feeling of being cloned.

    Typing this really got me excited for this game :V
    Axe Garian and Seria-Myouna like this.
  5. SilentMage

    SilentMage Subatomic Cosmonaut

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    I'll start off as Human because they'll probably be the most average of the races. Plus, it'll give me a chance to mold a character based on my physical characteristics and dress style.
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'll most likely treat the first planet as my tutorial, which will most likely lead to stripping the planet of its resources before leaving. After that, I'll try to simply dominate my home solar system before really branching out.
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Despite the tediousness, mining is not boring to me at all. Fighting from a distance is my game, though I'll aim to avoid fighting unless enemies drop serious loot.
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I'll play solo at first, and depending on how fleshed out multiplayer is, I may give co-op a go.
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    I don't know, though between my work and personal life, I'll probably log dozens of hours for the first few weeks.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  6. Durg

    Durg Orbital Explorer

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Honestly I'm really boring when it comes to video games, I'm always melee always the race that looks closet to human. I branch out some times but, idk, I'm just a really conservative guy. None of the races really stick out to me, but that's just me.. always, so my gut is screaming HUMAN! but I know I can't just be a boring human. Novakid would probably be my first choice but since those won't be in the beta, honestly I'm probably goin be boring me and pick a human.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?I'm more of a hoarder/builder guy. I'm never doing building my house I just keep building and building and store all the loot I find while I'm out and about. Gosh I'm boring, It's really starting to be apparent lol. I like to do some semi-roleplay with my house, in terraria I had individualized rooms for all my NPCs and in minecraft I built a castle in a village with farms for cows and fields of crops. I like to pretend I'm someone in the game not just myself. So depending on what I find on my first planet I'll take on a role (I hope there are villages!).

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?Honestly everyone said that multiplier in terraria was the only way to play but I totally disagree. I'll jump on a friends server once in a while but I like to play solo so I can do what I want and not worry about other people. Again I'm so boring. I'll for sure play with other people and who knows I might really like it but.. I doubt it.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?Honestly I'd say 100-500 hours is my normal for games like this. 100 if I rush through the content and 500 if starbound is exactly how I think it will be.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    The vast majority of the time I'm melee, but it looks like in starbound there is an emphasis on guns. I'll always have a strong melee side to me in the game but I picture myself mostly using ranged. One thing I do hate is once your mid game and the monsters aren't as interesting as they were in the beginning how you have to fight all of them. I gave up half way into terraria i just flew over them. That was the only thing I hated about final fantasy, is how every god damn 10 seconds you would be forced to fight something. I HATED IT! But that was like the whole game so I guess it's not for me lol.

    Awesome thread!
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  7. Combine_Kegan

    Combine_Kegan Phantasmal Quasar

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Glitch, I love robots, and I love Knights, putting the two together is just too good to pass up, the other races are all equally appealing to me, but I gotta be a Glitch

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    Take it slow, this is a game best savored after all.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    I love mining and exploring, and seeing as Starbound has far better building features I could see myself getting into building bases as well. I'm going to aim for an underground complex on a crystal planet

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    yes, with friends in a small group

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Far too many

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Ranged, and yes
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  8. Vahi5

    Vahi5 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Probably a Human or a Glitch. I like the medieval and renaissance periods, and I like robots, but I also generally play a game as a human given the option.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    A. Acquire laser weaponry. Unless I find electricity weapons.
    B. Claim a planet, construct a small field base.
    C. Explore the planet, investigate the local life forms
    D. Search for technology and treasure.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Exploring, adventuring ,and treasure hunting, maybe taking down a boss here and there. As I plan on using my starship for my main base, my field bases will probably be pretty simple. Living quarters, workshop, excursion locker, ETC.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I'll probably be going alone.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    That's a tough one. I've already got 75+ hours on Terrarria, and Starbound is going to be huge. I have no idea.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Depends on the situation. Generally, if it leaves me alone, I'll probably leave it alone. Unless it displeases me, and therefore becomes target practice. And if it's aggressive, I'll probably take it down anyway.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  9. Minataurness

    Minataurness Astral Cartographer

    1. Floran! I like their weapon style and they look AWESOME!
    2. I plan on totally destroying my first world by taking all of its resources then I'm going to try to search for the perfect homeworld!
    3. I am a huge treasure hunter I'll look anywhere for treasure. I especially love rare treasure!
    4. Probably playing solo at fist to get a feel for it then play with my friend!
    5. As much as i can in one day!
    6. I like to sneak and backstab! :p
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  10. GhideonVakarian

    GhideonVakarian Big Damn Hero

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    My main character would probably be a Glitch (medieval androids. I mean, how cool is that from velociraptor to t-rex?), or a Novakid. Why? Space cowboys, guys.
    It's enough for me.
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'm going to be an explorer, in singleplayer. Strolling around in space, setting down some outpost, exploring planets and researching the lore.
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Mining is always welcome in my PC! Going down, deep in the core of a misterious and dangerous planet, searching for ores and building mining station? Maybe encountring a random dungeon? Where is the ticket, i want to jump on this wild ride!
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I've already showed Starbound to my gaming crew, and i'll probably play online with them, maybe in some big server becouse, you know, the thrill of the danger!
    Just mark my words: if you will see a group of 15-20 italian players shouting about farming, upgrading and (sometime) ponies, duck 'n' cover: the storm is upon you!
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    2-3 hours during workdays. Maybe more in the weekend, who knows.
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Deadpool's one! If thing go weird, be the weirdest!
    K, 'nough joking.
    I'll probably always have a ranged weapon with a backup melee set, for emergency, always trying to use the terrain and the gadgets to beat all the obstacles.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  11. SpudTheRubbish

    SpudTheRubbish Void-Bound Voyager

    1. Anything but Floran. I respect most alien races, but if I see a Floran village, I'm firebombing it.

    2. a) Find guns. b) Murderize anything that looks at me even vaguely threateningly. c) Search for bigger guns.

    3. Treasure hunting and exploring's good. But destroying things with lasers? More fun. I don't really build particularly lavish houses. Provided it's functional, it doesn't matter how it looks.

    4. Yes, eventually. Probably not with friends though.

    5. I honestly have no idea.

    6. Ranged, yes, and my battle plan goes like this: a) Shoot an enemy with a gun. b) If it isn't dead, shoot it with a bigger gun. c) If bigger gun doesn't work, use an even bigger one. d) If biggest gun doesn't work, run away, and come back later with an even bigger one than that. e) Repeat steps a-d.
    overlordTNT and Seria-Myouna like this.
  12. dengybgib

    dengybgib Void-Bound Voyager

    1.Im going to Play the Novakid,Floran and Avian.But for most im going to play the Avian because i really like the style they have.I really dont like the Hyotil and Robot thingys.Because for me they are just a bit to...special.Apex is acceptable
    2.I will be mosty passive and build my house and discover the farming system :) .Cant wait for it
    3.Im will love to explore every aspect of the game.Because all the villages,dungeons,monsters... is just going to be awesome.I will also build alot.In terraria i also build very much.
    4.Maybe i will play with my friend and discover everything.Im going to stay at the base and he is going to discover the wourld :) .Of course if he goes to an dungeon im going with him but for the most time im passive.
    5.When i come from school at 14 pm i will play to 22 pm.If i am not with my friends :) dont forget real life.
    6.I will play mostly ranged if there was magic if would play magic but if they would add magic it would be kinda copied and it fits just not in the game.So yeah,mostly ranged weapons.
    Seria-Myouna and Guppy The Cat like this.
  13. Jaxx Capta

    Jaxx Capta Void-Bound Voyager

    1. G-g-g-glitch, baby. I'm all for robots. I'll probably poke around as a Floran and an Avian, too. I do not plan on playing Apex or human. Too mammalian.

    2. Explore! Get good armor, fight some bosses, RP with friends, and build everything that pops into my head. Pretty much the same as my first Terraria character. Good luck getting me to establish a home world, though.

    3. I love building crazy things, but simple houses work, too. Sometimes I go spelunking or dungeon crawling.

    4. Solo for the most part, but I'll go on servers, both public and with friends.

    5. Lots and lots. :3
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  14. albetmachine

    albetmachine Void-Bound Voyager

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Novakid, Floran, and maybe Glitch - Mechanical flowers drifting off into the star dust within space
    Reason: Their possible upgrades that go along with their race, their own unique set-ups

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'll probably explore a lot and try to figure out the game

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Hoarder to be honest, I enjoy exploring every aspect of a game so I'll try to have a set up for everything on my characters :D

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I will if the connection is better than terraria was :(

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Currently have 416 Hours logged to Terraria so says steam (would have been a lot longer if I wasn't without a computer for four months) and compared to this it will take a lot longer to complete... so a lot more than I can spare?

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I'll use every available style, just depends on the situation and yes if they all drop loot and threaten my village
    1John5vs7 and Seria-Myouna like this.
  15. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Vahi5 likes this.
  16. JoshF

    JoshF Void-Bound Voyager

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    I want to play an Apex. I like the militaristic and scientific lore of them and think Roleplaying as a scientist or cosmonaut would be fun.​
    The Florans and Novekids are not appealling to me. I like the how the Florans fit into the game, but dislike them personally. The Novakids I don't feel even fit, though in a such a vast area such as the universe maybe sentient gases are possible?​
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I want to Roleplay, taking things slowly and learning as much about the planets I visit and their inhabitants as I can.​
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Most likely going to do a lot of mining and treasure hunting. Building lots of science stations along the way to mark progress and collect data.
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I'm going to turn my desktop into a server for friends and family and then play on my laptop. I think 10 to 20 people would be great, but it could be more or less depending on how well the internet holds up with those connections.​
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    At least an hour a day. Sometimes more. Sometimes a lot more.​
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Ranged and only if necessary. Pistols preferrably.
  17. Malvolio Portius

    Malvolio Portius Pangalactic Porcupine

    I am going to play Human's, of course.

    I will rush myself to the strongest position to crush my enemies.

    What I will relish in this game is the breaking down of other civilizations that refuse the holy empire that is the Dominion.

    I don't think other people will like playing this game with me. Unless they play as human of course, and obey the laws the Dominion uphold.

    I will spend, way too many hours playing this game. I should back off before I end up wasting my time, but I don't consider this game a waste of time so decision is made.

    "Drive me closer, I wish to hit them with my sword!" A good quote from another great empire best describes what I'm feeling here.
  18. Mewbone

    Mewbone Phantasmal Quasar

    1. Floran, I just love nature in general and well since Floran is pretty much a living flower that's my choice c: Also I dislike The Human race I mean Humans are just like... meh.

    4. Take a look around start getting familiar with the planet I've landed on and then find the perfect planet for my base :D

    3. I'll most likely start to examine evert plant and animal I seeX3

    4. If I can force any of my friends to play it with me then yes, otherwise Singel Player all the way :catface2:

    5. If the game is as amazing as it looks.. infinite hours..

    6. I like being Melee, I'm always a warrior in RPG's. Welding a massive sword while I ride my armoured piranha plant to victory huehuehue...

    P.S This is my first post :lolwut:
  19. lop145

    lop145 Void-Bound Voyager

    1. Hylotl because samurai fish people, that awesomeness is rivaled only by robot knights and space cowboys, so glitch and novakid after that.
    2. I'm propably going to take take it slow until I unlock a mech, after that everything dies.
    3. I'm going to be mining and treasure hunting a lot in the beginning, after that I'll see what the universe has in store for me.
    4. It's most likely that I'll play on a private server with 4 friends.
    5. Way more than healthy, propably at least 20 hours every week.
    6. Propably dual pistols and dual swords, more weapons=more fun.
  20. Raybrandt

    Raybrandt Jackpot!

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Easy answer. Floran. I've always had a thing for alraunes and the like, so it just comes naturally that I'd enjoy playing as a Floran.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    Spelunking is the only way to go. We're going deep. Nobody's got time for farming - naw, son. I enjoy diving down into the depths - even better if I have some sort of hookshot or grappling hook. Makes things REALLY fun and lets me be incredibly mobile and tricky.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    I spent 2000 hours in Terraria digging up as much as I could. Mining NEVER gets old. As mentioned, I really enjoy spelunking, so I'm quite a bit of a treasure hunter. As for building, I keep things as tricky as I would be - my houses can usually be found in the sides of cliffs. I've also been working on a 1:1 replication of the entire Cave Story world in Terraria as practice for Starbound. Currently, Mimiga Village and the surrounding area is complete.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    Yes. I host a small server for me and friends on a 50mbps down/30mbps up connection. I'm also preordering the game for them and spending $75 on Starbound for myself when I get the chance.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    If my Terraria game time is anything to note, about 3000.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I enjoy fast combat, so melee with swift weapons, ranged with crossbows so I can keep mobile (if that's a thing in Starbound), and, if magic is a thing, high speed and velocity spells that can be rapidly cast to keep the pressure on. And of course I'll fight everything - lest one of them have a silly way to fight me while I hang from a cave ceiling.

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