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What's YOUR playstyle? Share with us!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Seria-Myouna, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Seria-Myouna

    Seria-Myouna The Last Moderator IRC Operator

    You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the responses!
  2. spd12

    spd12 Orbital Explorer

    1. Hylotl, because I have decided the time has come to be a stupid fish man, so I will embrace it in full, and probably not wear a shirt. Stupid shirtless fish man.
    2. Do as I always do in these kinds of games, make a sparse and functional 'home' hut or cave, then just kind of dig and dig and dig.
    3. I like digging for stuff. This is because the friends I play with are very mercurial about their interests and it feels like a waste to assign mental bandwidth to learning stuff like electronics or wiring and instead just focus on what's easy to do and helpful to the rest of them. So, I will dig. A lot.
    4. See above. I will probably be mostly solo but be happy to dig for raw materials to help with bigger scale building projects. I am not much of a builder.
    5. I could see triple digits easily, as I have a very high tolerance for repetition.
    6. I prefer whatever uses the least amount of resources, so probably melee unless the game intentionally makes it very difficult to be pure melee.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  3. Jukka Wolf

    Jukka Wolf Master Chief

    1) "what race?"...Human or Apex...id rather have some Wolf race or something :rofl:

    2) "Plans for first character?" umm take it slow at first i guess try to learn the mechanics abit and what enemies are at first and then try to get better and better untill nothing poses as threath and then maybe MAYBE move on im a person who dont need much chalenge for games and i like solo, wich makes it sometimes some games too hard.

    3) "what you like to do?" ummm well considering this game like terraria..first thing to i do is built a a base big enough for all the npcs.....after that i start mining to look for resources...then later dungeon runs....

    4) "play whit firends or multiplayer whit some others" ummm like i said mostly solo..but if i have friends who have same game and interested in playing co-op or something then i usually play whit friends....but multiplayer..eeh not my thing. (hopefully this game will be playable solo aswell that it wont be too hard just because i dont have a friend playing this or i dont use multiplayer, wich many games same to do...even whit terraria i have that proplem)

    5) "how many hours you think youll play?" umm you mean this game or how i usually? well usually imon computer allday so yeah....but in total the game? hmm hard to answer that since i know so little but i can expect a week worth of gameplay before geting bored or just not having the feel to play the game alot anymore...

    6) "what combat syle?" well since this game has guns im mostly gonna be using guns but for that tight spot you do need melee offcourse oor just sometimes just go CHAAARGE and melee all i see, until a monster too hard pops up and i end up running back and trying to shoot enemy at sametime :rofl:.

    thats all i think for that.... cant think of additional questions either :rofl: but a plea on adding some animal race (like werewolf or like a race that you can in character creater edit to look like ...wolf,,dog,,cat, lion,tiger,coyote :rofl: tattered clothes perhaps or look like a gentelman or businessman or jsut go for that nudist option :rofl: or perhaps some casual clothes or look like some soldier.)
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  4. Commander Shepherd

    Commander Shepherd Aquatic Astronaut

    1. Will play as human and hit on Avians, because they can be blue. I have respect for the Glitch people. Cyborg tend to be very logical beings. Easy to deal with.
    2. To boldly come where no man has come before
    3. Hunt for treasure and bandits whilst saving the galaxy, base is glass and metal and has VERY comfortable beds ;)
    4. I'm a lone wolf, but I'd enjoy the possibility of running into someone else whilst playing like Journey*
    5. A few a week
    6. Pick a target and it dies by my gun

    *always online is not a feature of Starbound
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  5. Trixmay988

    Trixmay988 Space Penguin Leader

    1. Floran or Hylotl, but most likely Floran
    2. Explore the worlds and build a nice house on the best suitable one for me that I can find. Then explore a little more
    3. Search for pets and keep exploring until I've had enough and I want to go mining
    4. If I can I'll try to play with friends but I doubt that'll happen, I'll probably check out a few servers from time to time to see what other people like doing
    5. Terraria = 100+ hours, if I like the game enough (which I'm sure I will) I'll probably play 1000+ hours.
    6. On Terraria I wasn't a big fan of guns, but if they are easier to control than definitely guns, if they're like Terraria than close ranged weapons such as shotguns, flamethrowers, swords and all that.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  6. R234

    R234 Contact!

    1) Most likely human at first, I like to start with what's most familiar. I'm interested by the Novakid too, I always liked western themed stuff. There's not really any that I dislike, but I don't see myself playing as Avian, Hylotl or Apex. Somehow they don't mean much to me.

    2) I usually like to take it slow and enjoy the more relax stuff more in this sort of games. I won't shy away from combat either, though.

    3) Building is usually my favourite activity in games that allow for it, it appeals to the artist in me. I found that I usually enjoy making small, cozy looking houses more than huge castles.

    4) With friends, at least at first. I like it when we have our little corner of land just for us.

    5) Good question, not sure I can put a number on it. At least a few hundred hours I would think. I'm probably gonna play it every second of free time I have for the first few weeks.

    6) I usually go with what feels best in that particular game. I can't really tell which until I tried for myself, but both look good in SB, with maybe a bit of a preference for guns. Every enemy? If there's a reason to (XP, drops, etc.), I guess I will.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  7. Zertap

    Zertap Void-Bound Voyager

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    [​IMG]Hylotl looks cool
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'm gonna die miserably from experimenting with stuff
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    My houses are probably gonna be something big and messy as I don't like to spend time styling, just expanding and hoping it looks good
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    Ofc, I always hop on random servers in games like this, and play with friends if possible
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    No idea whatsoever
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Ranged is my pick of choice usually, I'm a coward like that
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  8. Doctor Deadderth

    Doctor Deadderth Orbital Explorer

    1.I am waiting for more details about each race, but for now i would like to choose Human/Apex/Hlyotl.
    3.Same as above + Some fancy building
    4.As long as others would like to play with me - Yes.
    5.I hope time spent on Starbound will be...
    6.Kill everything that moves in stealthy way.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  9. cooltv27

    cooltv27 Heliosphere

    1. Processing input... Format: question, Response: glitch... critical error, shutting do..w..
    2. ignore the health bar. living without risk is not really living.
    3. im going to mess around with anything I find as if I have do idea what im doing, cause I usually dont. my houses are build the way I want them, and thats normally use over looks
    4. ill play alone mostly, my weapons and dead bodies piled in the pit in front of my house is all the company I need! though I may play with a few friends
    5. im not sure that number exists...
    6. if it moves, its gets stabbed to death. swords dont run out of ammo, though if its strong or fun enough ill use other things, but nothing beats a sword, knife, mace, or just plain heavy rock

    one thing I love to do in minecraft and terraria is keep enough materials for a quick but effective house ready to be set up anywhere, then not use it, and try to survive in really dangerous place I put my self
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  10. PixelFist

    PixelFist Tentacle Wrangler

    1. Hylotl because they can bread under water!
    2. I will explore the water planets!
    3. I love to mine, explore and find treasures!
    4. I will play with two of my best friends. :)
    5. Well, over 5 hours every day and I will never get tired of this game. Assuming I will be atleast 80 years old 365 * 80 = 29200, 29200 * 5 = 146000 hours!
    6. Melee, and yes I will kill everything I come across!
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  11. Takigushi

    Takigushi Aquatic Astronaut

    1. Probably Human for my first character. I might create others I generally don't care too much about what race I'll role unless there are specific traits on them (like +speed for race A, +mana for race b etc).
    2. I'm a completionist. Well, at least until it bores me, so I'll probably farm away for a while, make some pixel art like I did in Terraria.
    3. PIXEL ART. I love doing those!

    [​IMG]4. Probably with my friends! On our small community server.
    5. I have over 300 hours of Terraria and maybe 100+ hours of Minecraft. Well I'll probably play A LOT.
    6. More like a ranged guy. But who knows? Maybe I'll fight with that shiny shiny sword!
    GyP211 and Seria-Myouna like this.
  12. Oriol

    Oriol Orbital Explorer

    Let's do this.

    1. My first character will probably be an Avian or a Glitch. Human is the only one not appealing to me... I mean, I'm already a human.

    2. Since I will play with some friends from the beginning, I will most likely adapt to their progression, which I guess will be slooooooooow.

    3. I have spent hours and hours underground in most sandbox games, and I never got bored of it, so I will be a mole once again in Starbound! And well, yes, I'm quite a "builder", but I build everything underground, I have no idea if that counts.

    4. I'm going to play with 4 to 6 friends in our own server.

    5. It depends on how you guys manage to carry the game. If you do well (and I'm most certain you will), it'll be a lot. It's quite hard to determine the hours, so let it be A LOT.

    6. Ranged, and yup, I'm going to fight everything.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  13. 1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    [​IMG]Glitch OR[​IMG]Hylotl OR[​IMG]Human

    I think I'm going to role play a noble Glitch knight mainly because this species story about medieval and all that is something I like except one thing ... Glitch are robots :p
    Judging from looks the Hylotl race reminds me of samurai warriors and that sounds good to me and they're not robots like the Glitch race. We will see after Hylotl race story/information is released.
    And finally if all of that doesn't look like something I would like to play then I'll make a human female and make her represent the Lyra Heartstrings pony as close as possible because ... you know ... pony'n'stuff.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?

    It will depend on what race I will be playing, if it's Glitch I'll probably try to be a noble robot knight who's job is to slay monsters etc, if that's Hylotl then I'll probably try to build martial arts/swordsmanship schools or training grounds or something and I will try to establish a civilisation who's following strict rules of "samurai codex" or something like that.
    And If my race of choice is human then I'll probably be a scientist who's travelling through the universe searching for answers, making studies about encountered species and so on :)

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?

    Again, it depends on what race I'm going to be playing.
    Glitch - I'll try to build some strongholds that resemble more steampunk-ish look, not medieval.
    Hylotl - Play as a samurai + establish samurai village + make a martial arts school/swordsmanship schools etc :p
    Human - Science/Mining etc

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?

    I ... I have no idea, I'll probably play alone because I want to be immersed into the game and If I'm bored I'll play with some friends or on public servers.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?

    More than 1k ? Don't know, Starbound looks fantastic so far and I've never been so hyped for a game before, it's even better than Team Fortress 2 in which I've spend over 1k hours already.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?

    My fighting style will be dependant on the race/philosophy behind a race.
    Glitch - I'll use a sword and a shield.
    Hylotl - Some sort of Katana and jetpacks etc, it looks like Hylotl will be mobile so that's going to be my focus with that race.
    Human - All sorts of ranged pistols, launchers, bombs etc just because it's a human race ... we humans love explosions.

    Can't wait anymore for the Starbound to come out :(
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  14. Wint

    Wint Master Chief

    1. Novakid thing
    2. Build a glass house. I want to be a fish. yes.
    3. I like treasure.
    4. Maybe.
    5. A few every now and then. Who knows.
    6. I am a wizard.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  15. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    1. Glitch FTW!!!! :DD (Also definitely doin a Glunaught when the Glunaught Mod's done![​IMG])
    2. Someday, I wanna successfully Homeworld & Colonize a Difficulty 100 Planet! (If this CAN even be done. :unsure: )
    3. The freedom to do whatever the heck I wanna, when I wanna. :love: Though, largely, I fight! :sparta:
    4. Sometimes I can Multiplayer, sometimes I can't. I might have a Character for each... we'll see. :) I so wanna Multiplayer with my SLCFR Clanners, & my fellow GeneriCorp & Versalife pals when I can Multiplayer. :D
    5. Hours put into Terraria: 424. Predicted Hours put into Starbound: over 1,000. :up:
    6. Melee FTW! Though i'm likely to have a ranged weapon too because i'm big on some forms of ranged weaponry, like Flamethrowers, anything that shoots Electricity, Rocket Launchers, etc. & I also know full well that Melee typically can't handle all & sometimes you're screwed if ya have no Ranged Damage... *Glares warily at the Flying Enemies in the Game* But my Fav Weapon of all will always be Axes! :viking:
    Edit: Was I supposed to Rainbow Up this Post...? :confused:
    Epicface likes this.
  16. Xeridae

    Xeridae Void-Bound Voyager

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Either Glitch or Human although all the races appeal to me in some way. I just prefer the way these two races look.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I think I will start by trying to get fuel so I can go explore other planets and find the planet that suits me then setup shop.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Tough question. I like nearly every aspect of the game so far so I will just say that I won't be doing much pixel art. I try to build underground bunkers for my houses because I like to be connected to my mine.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I'll start off by myself to get a good understanding of the game. Once I feel like I know it well enough to teach it to other people I'll start a server for my friends.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    How high do you think you can count?

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    In this game I think I will prefer ranged combat simply because it fits better with the sci-fi vibe and I'll most likely kill everything I come across unless I want to make it a pet or something.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  17. GyP211

    GyP211 Phantasmal Quasar

    1. most likely Glitch and Floran
    2. get a hat and boots and travel to the second highest planet get all the shinnies and leave.
    3. adventuring the randomly generated planets and try to find the weirdest animals (if there organic)
    4. maybe with a friend or 2
    5 well since this is going to be a expansive game maybe till I beat the game 500 times... nah I'm going to play it forever or at least till you guys stop updating it.
    6. ranged, if there is magic then magic.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  18. ArcLight

    ArcLight Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Let's give it a shot, why don't we :)

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?

    All the races appeal in some way, but my first roll will almost without a doubt be a human, either male of female, for the "familiar face in a strange land" effect.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?

    First toon will be the clueless noob that don't know anything, so he/she will be slow and steady and soaking up as much knowledge as possible. Likely going to be a combination of exploring as I go, making a home-base of some kind (once I find a planet I really like) and having fun mining, farming, building and everything else I can do.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?

    A little bit of both, as seen in 2. The base will likely start as some small shelter, then evolve in time to be this super-compound full of anything I feel like making. I've a few designs in mind I can hardly wait to implement. Gathering the mats for that will be loads of fun, I hope.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?

    Likely with close friends on a private server to start with, then maybe making expeditions to other severs to see what other's have made.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?

    Hopefully not to many, I need to squeeze my life into my schedule somehow...

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?

    Traditionally heavy armor and up close and personal in the thick of it, alternatively with the biggest pack of firepower I can muster, melee or long range. Guess I'll see how the game is like for this one...
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  19. Dragohole

    Dragohole Orbital Explorer

    1. Probably humans. Just because they feel much familiar than other races.

    2. More like a 'peaceful farmer' style. I really enjoy just sitting at my house and waiting for crops to grow.

    3. Again, just farming up stuff. And under 'farming' I mean FARMING. Legendary artifacts, rare materials... All that stuff while listening to my music.

    4. Not really. If I even gonna play with other people - it will be a small group of friends playing all together on a private server.

    5. A crap ton. If I will like it (and I certainly will), I will invest almost all of my free time in playing Starbound. 100%.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  20. LostQuestion

    LostQuestion Star Wrangler

    1. Glitch, I dunno why they just seem to interest me the most, however I'll probably get around to playing every race at least once
    2. Probably peaceful farmer until im comfortable enough to go looking for danger
    3. Exploring then building my castle/fortress
    4. Odds on solo mostly and public sometimes
    5. No clue
    6. Depends what I have on hand but I tend to hoard up ammo however if ammo is of no concern then I use everything
    Seria-Myouna likes this.

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