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What's YOUR playstyle? Share with us!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Seria-Myouna, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Rhondis

    Rhondis Aquatic Astronaut

    1.) Glitch or Novakid. I like the Novakids art style and unique design of being something related to the sun! Glitch because of the medieval type style, I love medieval times!
    2.) For my first character, I will explore everything, and do every quest! And during that time I will also be building my house, possibly a village if Npcs can move it? And make a greenhouse and farm, possibly a treasure room! And a large mansion!
    3.) Mining. Most definitely mining! I remember back in Terraria that when I see a large vein of ore I get excited xD I'm not ashamed! And I love collecting weapons! All of em in fact! Next in line is building! And Fossil collector!
    4.) Maybe. Just depends if my friends are interested.
    5.) A lot of hours, but I won't be on 24/7, my mind usually bugs me around the 3 hour mark to get up and doing something else.
    6.) Melee!!!!!!!! LOVE TO GET CLOSE AND PERSONAL WITH MY FOES! TASTE MY COLD BLOODED STEEEEEEEEEEEL! And if I want a good challenge I'll probably make another character thats all set for range, and he HAS to use range!

    Bonus questions!
    1. Which planet would you like to settle on? (Tropical, Icy, Desertish, Wetlandish, etc.)
    2. Would you destroy a planet entirely? Such as mining everything, blowing up everything, leaving nothing but the core it self?
    3. Cake? Yes, no?
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  2. trabnas

    trabnas Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'll get glitch and play until I'm happy with my skill in stealth fighting. Then I will probably go and try to kill other players (BEWARE OF CRANKY ASSASSIN). I will try both melee and ranged combat (still most likely stealth). I will explore everything I can, loot everything I find and haul them back to (hopefully) my own crystal planet (Crystal Exploration 1 duh). Also, I prefer playing with other likeminded people so I will rush to find a friendly guild using the few hours I can play a day.

    When I will get access to mass-destruction weapons I will go on a destruction spree MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  3. Neapher

    Neapher Phantasmal Quasar

    This only applies to my MAIN Character; Archie. I'm going to have at least one per race. :DD
    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Avian, because birds! BIRDS! I like bird people, not sure why. I don't even like the lore, I just like birds. I don't care for Humans or Apex. Humans because BORING, and Apex because they are very much like humans. (Although Apex lore is very good from what I've heard)

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    Gotta have that villager lifestyle. If I don't get my passive roleplay, my brain might explode.
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Exploring of course! Why would I do anything else? Okay, I guess finding desert civilizations is a personal preference of mine, but whatever.
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I bought a four pack right? I'm going to get as many friends as I can get, and maybe even start my own server. I will totally be on a smaller public server though, as long as it's populated 24/7.
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Is "All of them" a valid answer? I would assume: Way too much.
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Rouge style for Archie. I'll use silent weapons, knives, that sort of thing. Generally no guns. Will I fight every enemy... Probably only the ones Archie finds especially evil, like Outlaws, Cruel, or Tormenting monsters, and especially hostile baddies.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  4. Mockles

    Mockles Aquatic Astronaut

    im going to pick a human because i love looking like myself... but other than that i would be a starkid
  5. BoaSnake

    BoaSnake Master Chief

    1. Floran at first. I'll probably move on to human or something after that. The only race that I don't care for that much are the apex.

    2. The plan is to only be on planets that are at least 5 levels above the highest level weapon/piece of armor that I have (until I get an item above level 95). In such a case I imagine I will have to adapt to the fighting style that that item lends itself to.

    3. Digging is always nice, but I think I will really enjoy hoarding up collectables and selling things to npcs to get as many pixels as I can. I will then build large houses on different planets to display all my stuff.

    4. Hopefully I can find a good server to play on where I can be the lone wander that leaves signs and monuments and treasure chests scattered across the universe, but I will also be playing on my own.

    5. 3 or 4 a day probably.

    6. answered above in 2, and yes I will fight everything I come across. (unless its really scary)
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  6. Hannez

    Hannez Orbital Explorer

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    I will mostly play as the Glitch or as Humans. First of, I find the overall concept of the Glitch to be interesting, I am personally a sucker for fiction about Artificial Intelligence so that explains it. As for Humans well... I am one so they're sort of relateable but not entirely. As for the other races, I have nothing against them and I'll probably at least try them all, who knows, perhaps I like them better. Only time will tell.
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    First character is going to take it's time. Explore everything and not rush at all.
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Only time will tell. ;) I really like to build, but treasure hunting is also fun. I don't like to rush. Simply to enjoy my time at a moderate speed.
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I will try to find a bunch of people to play with, at max 5 people perhaps, or at least on a small server. I don't like it when there is too many people and you lose control of your "world". At the moment though I don't know any real life friends that enjoy these sorts of games. My hope is to find people here on the forums to play with. Keep in mind, I don't wanna rush ;) but of course I would like to progress as well.
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Who knows. Until I grow tired of it, if I do.
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Both styles are fun I suppose. I will fight anything that is a menace to me that is for sure.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  7. Hugt

    Hugt Phantasmal Quasar

    1. Human so I can make my classic RPG character.
    2. I'll be a dangerous explorer... :badpokerface: I'd be going to dangerous planets whilst looking for rare items and killing stuff.
    3. I like to hunt for treasures, fight, collect stuff, and just explore the world.
    4. First, solo, then with my friends or clan!
    5. FOREVER
    6. Melee!
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  8. codewarrior

    codewarrior Orbital Explorer

    >> Novakid, Glitch, Hvotl is what i'd try at first. But knowing my curiosity i will surely test them all.


    >> step-by-step. Means: going to all places, craft as much as possible, kill whats to kill, farm, and build-build-build, and procedurely go on to the next higher areas.

    >> Mining - can that ever become boring ? no ! at least not for me : )
    >> Treasure Hunter ! And ...keeper ! I need floors full of chests >.<
    >> My buildings mostly are serving purposes and then will be styled to look good. I spend a great deal of time in designing layouts, colors, and building fancy mechanisms for the functional parts.

    >> public servers isn't so much my thing in games like this. I keep that rather for FPS. But it depends if its made good. Guess it'll have to show how the mechanics are, and how bothersome
    other players can become - as in being able to corrupt your gameplay or not.
    >> PvP in games of this type is rather uninteresting for me. (eventho with the generated weapons and their stats it might be something to look into)

    >> Knowing me i'll surely spend a great amount of time on it. If it is as good as i think it will be ; )
    (at weekends i normally spend up to 12 hours a day on games, and at regular weekdays several hours in the evening)

    >> normally ranged, but it depends. In i.e. terraria i prefered melee, for a change.
    >> every, each and all of them !!!

    Cheers! Code
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  9. Fiendqt

    Fiendqt Void-Bound Voyager

    1) Race: At the start (beta if there is one) I'll be playing Hylotl. However the main race I'll play at release will be Avian. As far as other races go, I enjoy them all except Apex. I hate anything related to them, and will destroy everything I can of theirs, or the Apex them selves, at any given opportunity.

    2) Initial Plans: It will probably depend on who I'm playing with. If nobody is around, then I'll be taking it slow and steady solo. If one of my buds who wants to do hardcore right away is available to play, well we'll see where that leads. (Probably a little more adventurous/dangerous style).

    3) What I like to do: I like to explore a bit and challenge myself. It's fun for me to try and kite around mobs that are much stronger than me, or go into areas that you generally need more gear for and see if I can beat it. I've never been much of a builder, mainly because all I make turns into a square or rectangle.

    4) Playing with others: I do plan on playing with others, yes. I have one friend to duo with, and another two-three who I'll be playing with separately as well.

    5) Hours logged: I hope to play somewhere around 500 hours, if not more. I only have ~300+ in Terraria, and have already done everything, and while it's still fun, it's just not enough for me to go back and replay the whole thing again.

    6) Combat preference: Personally I prefer playing a rogue/assassin type style. After that comes magic, then ranged, they a regular in your face melee last. From what I've seen so far, I'll probably go ranged if there's some decent non gun weapons, or maybe go melee if they look nice as well. Chances are I'll use everything at some point though!
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  10. Ain

    Ain Void-Bound Voyager

    1) Novakid, Floran, Hylotl, and Human will be my characters. :) My first will be a Novakid or Floran. Aesthetically they're all fairly appealing to me, except Apex. I do not like Apex at all, too much hair! Purely an Aesthetic decision, on which race I'll play. Hyotl has my favorite hair-dos, Novakid is aesthetically the most unique, interesting race I've seen in a game as far as I can remember - while still looking nice. Floran is literally a flower girl, who can say no to that?...as long as you keep those long swords away... And good 'ol humans, because it's familiar, will be my last.
    2) Tame EVERYTHING. I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause. I will travel across the stars, searching far and wide.
    3) Treasure Hunter, and base builder. Spelunking into the unknown, adventureing and exploring reaches not yet seen - this is amazing. Imagine it - with a cockroach, a turtlespiderthing, and a cat-powered tank charging into the depths of the darkness, hunting for the next thrilling monster, future companion, and treasure. Bringing back every block you find to make a better house for your little buddies, maybe even a closet so you can sleep bender-style.
    4) I will immediately be hosting a server for me and my friends. That is probably the only place I'll play - I haven't played a sandbox in single player in years. Might even make it public if I think my laptop can handle it without a problem. :)
    5) I put 500 hours into terraria, and I still play it every now n again. I expect to put far more into this amazing game, when school permits it. Wish beta would start before the next school term. =(
    6) Passive/pet fighter! I'll probably be a sniper or use alternative forms of combat if they are out there. Pets, Turrets, Traps, bombs, or just my pony my rifle and me. Ranged is my preference.

    My flower will be a passive little girl, leaving only her pets to fight for her.
    My novakid will be a gun-toating cowboy esque character. With just his Pony and rifle, he'll take on the galaxy.
    My human will be the destroyer, killing everything in its path, except what it captures.
    The Hyotl will be my "intelligent" character. Using technology to the fullest, but avoid using weapons unless absolutely necessary.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  11. LordPants

    LordPants Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Glitch it, gimp it, pwn it, build it.
  12. Rizonn

    Rizonn Seal Broken

    1. Can't decide between Glitch and Hyloti. They both look very cool to me. Leaning towards Glitch though.
    2. I never like rushing through games, I like to take my time.
    3. I'll start by mining resources for armor and to build a base. Then I'll start on the Missions/Quests.
    4. Gonna play by myself with a main character, and use an alt to play on a server with others.
    5. Depends on my work situation, but probably a couple hours a day, more on weekends.
    6. I prefer ranged weapons over melee. I'm gonna investigate and find out what creatures are friendly/hostile, and fight only in self defense.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  13. FixelPixel

    FixelPixel Pangalactic Porcupine

    My style is,
    2-your shelter MUST be in underground.
    3-Dying is not a joke, be *UCKING careful!
    4-If you are going to leave your planet, explode it after you went other planet.
  14. IAmTheMilkMan

    IAmTheMilkMan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1.Despite my Name, Hylotl. I love their clothes, their hairstyles, skin colors, everything about them. I generally dislike Florans. -growl-

    2.My playstyle will be, Well... like It is in Terraria, (which I don't really play anymore because it's kind of dying..D: ) where I make a shack as quick as possible, get all my tools, and go spelunking and go up rarely, untill I get everything I need.

    3.I'm a Treasure Hunter and a Builder. I like to go exploring underground for valuable resources, conquer temples and dungeons, but, I also like building a peaceful Three-Story Mansion, (At least in terraria.) In this game i'm going to make an awesome base underwater inside of a glass dome! :proper:

    4. I will play Co-op with my Brother, maybe with 1 or two more friends.

    5.Playtime..? Hm.. considering I have.. Let me switch tabs... Since I have 367.7 Hours played, on terraria, I'd say.... alot.

    6.I shall be a badass Dual Pistol Wielding Person. (if they have pistols in the game.)
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  15. Epicroyal

    Epicroyal Cosmic Narwhal

    1. Human, it's familiar race.
    2. Blow up everything.
    3. (Answer to #2 answers this.)
    4. Two friends at most.
    5. I will play until we can travel space. Then I will "continue" my game IRL.
    6. Any combat style, but one thing. GUNNNNNSSS.
    7. I created a number seven because this number is awesome.
    Races I dislike: (Note these are jokes.)
    Florans, I ate a rose once and had deadly gas. :x
    Hyotl: My mudkip evolved without my permission.
    Glitch: It's a bug, what you expect me to like it?
    Apex: HE TOOK MY BANANA! :whaaat:
    Novakid: Last time I saved a woman in Red Dead Redemption drunk, I fell down the stairs.
    Avian: I sat on an egg and a dinosaur came out.
    Human: People rage way too much in COD matches for me to care.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  16. GrimChaos

    GrimChaos Tentacle Wrangler

    1. Not sure what race haven't given it much thought. Most likely human though.
    2. My plans for my first character are explore, fight, craft, build, dig. But all at a very slow pace. I might want to just relax and take a look up at the night sky ya know? I don't like rushing games. I like to savor every moment. Plan and analyze the outcome.

    3. I'd like to do anything and everything. My house will look differently depending on which race I pick. I'll probably end up crafting and finding as much as I can...even if I don't need it. I don't want anything handed to me from other players either. To me every item is an experience. When someone asks me what I did to get this item. I want to say. I traveled hundreds of light years across the galaxy and battled creatures you wouldn't believe existed even if I told you. Not...Oh someone handed it to me on some server. Sorry this is wordy as hell. :)

    4. If I ever end up playing with someone it will be with my two bros. We are all super excited about this game, and can't wait to see what it has to offer.
    5. I feel like I could easily get 250+ hours into this game within the first three or four months. heheh
    6. My general combat style is melee, but I'll be interested to see what the other styles have to offer. As well as the other races. Can't wait to what the lore is all about. :D
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  17. nullpoint

    nullpoint Tentacle Wrangler

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Glitch. I was sold on the concept of medieval robots. Also human at some point to live a little vicariously going on space adventures. I don't have much interest in avians or hylotl. Can't even pronounce the latter.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    Scavenging/mining, then adventure!

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    I like to explore and wander rather than root down farming or cooking up stuff in a lab, but I know I'll need to gather some materials first to make decent equipment. Basically, as soon as I can start freely exploring and adventuring, treasure hunting and holding my own, I will. And plenty of mining!

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I will play with my close group of friends, around 3-4 of them. Other than that most likely solo, but I would like to venture out on a public server from time to time if the infrastructure is there and it's easy to jump in.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Can't even begin to think of a finite number.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I generally prefer melee, but it also depends on how it will be implemented. I'd like the sword to be my primary weapon with a good pistol or rifle as backup.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  18. Tana64

    Tana64 Sandwich Man

    Rainbow questions? RAINBOW ANSWERS.

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    I usually avoid being a (default) human, but I managed to find a combination that looks like me (my current avatar), so I'll be a human to start. Once I learn more about other races, I'll probably choose another...second favourite is currently the Avians because I can be a duck OR a penguin. When I'm a bit more experienced, I'd go a Novakid; I don't want to bring the race down with my noobiness.
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    Meet up with my friends, build a sweet base, and establish an honourable reputation. I'm all into exploring, but I prefer to have a reasonable stronghold first.
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    I like the option to do whatever I like; sometimes you feel like repetitive tasks, sometimes like deep story development, and other times, shenanigans. Building and collecting are favourites.
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    Yes; I have four friends lined up ready to start, and we'll see how it goes from there! (I hate 'guilds' that require attendance on certain days/times, I'm more of a casual player.)
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Too many, by which I mean anything over a hundred, which is pretty standard for sandbox-type games (I think).
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I like a bit of both, but generally I stick to ranged/'mage' type attacks. If I find a frypan, I'll go melee. An ice staff, ranged. And no; only if they attack first!
    Hannez and Seria-Myouna like this.
  19. TeaWithCarina

    TeaWithCarina Orbital Explorer

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    I actually would like to play a few different races! One of my favourite things in games is coming up with a personality and history and identity for a character and playing through their life, and I've already come up with three different characters: a quiet and focused Glitch engineer with a depressing past, a practical Floran who doesn't really get other races' obsession with 'morals' but is willing to play along if it means greater access to all different kinds of plant species to explore and learn about, and a polite and charismatic Avian who is utterly dedicated to fighting as an art form. So I guess I'll play those races at least! As for the second question...I'm less enthusiastic about the Apex just because I'm really not into dystopias? I prefer my sci fi beautiful and optimistic, and in a game like Starbound in particular having such a cynical race feels slightly out of place to me!
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    Man I have no idea. I'll probably just wander around, trying to figure out what I like and what I'm good at. I definitely won't jump into the dangerous levels quickly, but I'd like to try all different kinds of things to see what I enjoy. I won't be fighting much, though. That doesn't interest me that much. So I'll probably just end up exploring a lot!
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    I'm not entirely sure given that I've actually never played a game quite like this before! (I am not a big gamer, haha.) But I do enjoy things like farming and building things and exploring in other games, so I think those will be my favourite things here, too! And like I said, fighting isn't really something I'm interested in, but searching through caves and worlds for treasure sounds pretty fun! Oh, and the pets and tamed animals - those sound great as well!
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    Haha nope, I'm just a big old loner over here! I do have a friend IRL who wants to play so I might play with him when the opportunity arises, but I'm pretty sure 99% of my playtime is just going to be me exploring this huge universe/game by myself. Which sounds like a whole lot of fun if I do say so myself! :)
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Literally no idea. I can never really tell with games how long I'll play. But I have a feeling it'll be like the Sims for me - I'll go months without playing it and then when I pick it up again I'll spend a whole weekend there and still not be done, and even years later it'll be simple to pick it up and start up right where I left off. But who knows! Maybe I'll get really really into it and play for hours at a time on end! But even if I don't play that much, it's been so much fun thinking and talking about the game waiting for its release that I think it'll be worth it! :)
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I prefer the style least likely to get me killed, haha! So...ranged, I guess? And no! In fact I'd prefer not to fight creatures I came across if I could avoid it! Especially if they're actually creatures rather than mobs... The idea of hurting animals always makes me feel kinda bad, even if they're hostile and aggressive...
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  20. enigmatic fluff

    enigmatic fluff Big Damn Hero

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    I'll be playing floran. I enjoy their typically wild appearance and stigmatic history.
    No races I find unappealing, I just favour the floran "look" above all the rest.
    However I don't think I'll be cannibalizing anyone, I'm a floran reject. :halo:

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'd like to stay somewhat of a humble nobody, tending to my gardens for food and keeping my animals well-fed.
    Later on, I might get the hankering for exploring some ancient ruins I happened upon, but cautiously!
    For the most part I'll be cultivating a hopefully comfortable life on my homeworld.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    I enjoy the thought of gardening and farming, looking after animals, and keeping a cozy homestead.
    Mining is somewhat of a must and I'm known to don the old hard hat once in awhile for resources.
    Every so often I could be tempted into wanderlust and delve about a derelict ship or crumbly dungeon.
    My homes are generally small, compact, and relatively efficient while being secure and defensive.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I'd like to play with other people but I don't think many others would find my playstyle entertaining.
    I'll be playing with close friends on a small server, just for us.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    As many as I can put in before passing out, provided the game delivers!

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Combat is unavoidable, but I generally prefer a support-style role.
    Hit and run, stealth, and generally keeping out of sight so I can avoid confrontation or dispatch enemies quietly. :ninja:
    Being a healer or a medic is also very appealing to me. :love:
    Seria-Myouna likes this.

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