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What's YOUR playstyle? Share with us!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Seria-Myouna, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. DJOkamical

    DJOkamical Space Kumquat

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?

    Well, I'm going to be a human. Their cute little plump bodies are just way too adorable to pass up. I'm completely avoiding avians. Anthro Ape people are pretty cool, but anthro bird people? Blegh, I only liked the ones from Windwaker.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?

    Create my paradise on a nice, tropical planet. Temples, hanging gardens, wines... it's going to be amazing to come back to my home.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?

    Building, exploring, and hanging out with friends. i love creating temples, and cozy cottages.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?

    Yes! But with friends only, most of the time atleast.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?

    As long as i can without destroying my social life. :>

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?

    I always enjoyed being the healer. As such, i'll be very sad if there is no healer type weaponry available to use. If healing weapons are non-existant, firing large, ranged projectiles like plasma balls or ice spikes is always fun!
    Gouki likes this.
  2. mamba

    mamba Phantasmal Quasar

    1- I will play Glitch because i love robots :rofl:
    2- i will be an archeologist : traveling a lot, searching for fossils, temples, treasure chest, collecting everything possible.
    3- need to do all the quests, mining for crafting good weapons and armors, and searching every dungeons
    4- I will play alone. Do not like multi.
    5- between 100-200 h i think. Depending of the challenge of course.
    6- Love range attack, so a good laser gun will do the job :D
  3. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    I would probably be playing some kind of canid race if they had one, but honestly the Novakids are kinda awesome and I'll either be playing one of them or just playing a human and pretending I'm Buck Rogers.
    Exploring. Then building. Even in Terraria I spent more time just digging around in all directions and collecting anything I could find, and it became necessary rather quickly to build a compound to keep all the random crap I was finding.
    As the above probably makes clear, I like to explore, hunt for treasure and build. Usually at first I just throw a few huts together as a makeshift place for storage and safety, but eventually I like to build feats of architecture. I used to play the old Sim City games almost entirely to make weird cities and see how much I could break the system.

    Terraria sorta fed into that, if you knew how to work with and around the system, as you could build underground cities and floating islands, but it always felt like the process was never involved enough and it seemed like the actual construction was too much work and the process of getting stuff for construction wasn't interesting enough.

    Hence why I'm hoping Starbound encourages making odd and unusual feats of construction.
    I've got a few people who I think are interested in the game, but sadly none of my close friends are all hyped about it.
    That all depends entirely on how much there is to actually do. Well, and I suppose how much the community wants to spoil it, practically no one in Terraria played vanilla so you had to have a group of friends that wanted to and were willing to start fresh if you joined the party late. I hear Minecraft somewhat suffers from that issue too.
    I usually end up gravitating towards melee, or a ranged and melee hybrid, but I've been known to play pure ranged too. I basically fight any enemy that has the gull to shoot at me, I'm that guy that plays the Mega Man games and dies repeatedly because I just HAVE to kill that one skippable robot that took a pot shot at me. :p
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  4. Pokerboy

    Pokerboy Lucky Number 13

    First thing - Sorry about my english :alien:
    1. Human, because I will see myself on game.

    2. Explore, make laboratory, adventures...etc. Well, I'm peaceful if nobody hurt me. ^^

    3. EVERYTHING! mining, treasure hunter, builder...

    4. Yes, with my friends, but sometimes on public server just for know how works.

    5. 1h, 2h, not much.. I don't wanna tired of playing.

    6. All combat, I don't know.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  5. Seria-Myouna

    Seria-Myouna The Last Moderator IRC Operator

    Don't worry about it, man, Starbound is for everybody! :love:
    BigBunny, Middleman93 and Pokerboy like this.
  6. deathriderguy

    deathriderguy Master Chief

    1. My first race will be the Glitch. I like robots a lot, because they can look like anything! But I wouldn't go with the human because there just plain and boring!
    2. I would gather the resources off the starting planet and then start farming enemies for loot. Then I would explore the new planets.
    3. Well, I more of an RPGish person so you can guess what I like. FIGHTING!
    4. Most of the time I would play solo. But if I can get any friends aboard I would play Online.
    5. I would probably play 1 and a half to 2 hours.:)
    6. Mostly melee because that is how a real man fights:viking:. But I would use ranged if I had to.:mad:!
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  7. Hellspawned

    Hellspawned Master Chief

    1. Glitch, because SPACE ROBOTS! Maybe a Novakid, cause who can resist a guy who's made out of solar plasma?

    2. I'll probably take it easy and just explore a lot. Also build a mighty space fortress to keep all my robot mistresses and walker mechs in. It will be awesome!

    3. I'll probably spend as much time building my base as I would being out and about. Call me equal parts Settler and Explorer.

    4. I'll definitely be playing this game multiplayer, as long as I can find a nice crowd to play with. Might even start my own server at some point.

    5. I've sunk around 250 hours into Terraria at this point and probably over 1000 hours into different types of Minecraft (mostly Tekkit and FT:cool:. I reckon Starbound will be the new Minecrack for me - That digital drug that never disappoints in any major way and never runs out.

    6. I'll probably use whatever suits the situation. I do have a slight tendency of using whatever weapon looks better though, so... If I have a half-decent melee weapon that looks boss-sauce and a better ranged weapon which looks dull and boring, I'll probably stick with the melee weapon unless it's absolutely essential to use ranged in order to survive.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  8. Siloxis

    Siloxis Big Damn Hero

    First Character will be a human. I like all races, so i will play one after another :)

    The first i wanna do is to learn the game. All the movement things. Than i will try to do as fast as possible the first steps to look for my homeplanet. But if it takes i while i wont be pissed anyway. I love the discovering part of games, and i will enjoy it every second.

    I will look for a Oceanic planet. I'm really hoping there are planets with different liquid colours. I will search for the deepest ocean i can find and drop down to the ground where i want to build a massive town.

    Absolutely yes! I have a nice working own server, and i hope it can handle 50-100 players. It will be a public server.

    Too much ;)

    I will not kill any enemy just because i can no. I prefere melee, most the time axes.
    Seria-Myouna and Pokerboy like this.
  9. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    1.Hylotl sound cool to me.
    2. Find as much of the logbook as I can before I get bored of looking for it.
    3. Mining, I suppose. I do love rushing through the game to beat it though.
    4. Yes, and probably a small public server.
    5. Many, many hours.
    6. Support/Ranged all the way.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  10. Menasor

    Menasor Phantasmal Quasar

    I am still unsure of somethings, but I will put what my current interests are:

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    My main will be a Glitch, I really liked the idea of robots (future) combined with Medieval (past), so I was drawn to them right away. But I will play one of each, I guess Apex would be my least favorite, but that does not mean much.
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I have never played a createmup game before, so I think I will take it slow for my first time. I will not rush that will only get me killed. We my Glitch will farm, but she will also be a bounty hunter.
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Well as this is my first time, I would like to build a house/base and eventually have at least one room dedicated to one of the 7 races in the game, I also want to try and make a Cybertron like planet, where everything even the plants and animals are machines or machine like.
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I think I will start off like some of the others and do solo first. I am really bad at games, and at RPGs, so when I do join a server, I may just want to still play alone, just knowing there are other gamers out there would be a cool feeling.
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    I want to play as many hours I can.
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Well each race I will try and differentiate, but I think for my Glitch a sword, tek bow (if in the game) or just a bow if not, crossbow, and maybe a sniper rifle.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  11. krakkenchaos

    krakkenchaos Star Wrangler

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Probably a novakid because they look the coolest and I like their personality. I might also make a gltich, floran, and apex, but I won't play on them much (in games like this I like to stick to one character). I don't like hylotls because fish people don't appeal to me.
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'm going to explore mainly.
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Because I like to move and explore, my houses are going to be temporary shacks that don't look nice, but provide the overnight protection I need. I will occasionally look for treasure, but mostly I'll just keep moving and colonizing new areas and pick up whatever I find along the way.
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    At first I'll play alone to get the hang of the game mechanics, but I'd like to get my friends to play this game and play with a few of them at a time. Large public servers are fun for minigames and stuff, but as far as playing the normal game I find them either overwhelming or too restrictive with rules (it might be different for Starbound, but that's how it is in Minecraft)
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    It's hard to say. I'm still in high school and I have a weird schedule.
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    It changes from game to game, but usually if it's a 3D game I like to be the tank and just charge in with my sword dealing and taking damage and for 2D games I like to either set traps or use ranged weapons so the enemies can't even get close enough to attack.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  12. Teudys

    Teudys Master Chief

    1.nova kid they look really cool as soon as I saw them I Know which species I was going to pick and maybe that one don't like having to many characters if I have a second one human or Hylotl can't go floran there race is to evil:unsure:
    2. I going to mine, explore collect la lot of powerful loot and build a small base don't know after that
    3,fight and explore and mine to create weapons and armors My first base simple box on the surface of a pretty planet
    4.no no friends
    5.a few hundred hours
    6.I usually play a melee character but I use what ever clear the room fastest
    krakkenchaos likes this.
  13. Fox Soul

    Fox Soul Aquatic Astronaut

    1. Glitch: I was planning on playing as the glitch since their history stats that they are outcast and I am generally a solo player.
    2. Survival: Ensure I can survive and survive anything. That generally means to get a build a base and attach some sort of underground or sheltered farms.
    3. I like to build defenses, I enjoy defending. My base will look very similar to a castle but with pits, traps, high walls with a shooting perch and things that a player can do that AI can't usually grasp, such as grappling and ladder jumping.
    4. I bought a pixel 4 pack which I gave to family and friends maybe on a private server.
    5. I'll play until I beat the game my way. To do I must become all powerful and be able to defeat anything.
    6. I'll fight any enemy I come across up until I learn that they provide nothing of importance.
  14. masher14

    masher14 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    One of my quirks'll be I'll actively be looking for interesting looking creatures to tame.
  15. Zayndria

    Zayndria Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    No, Human! Or maybe Floran, or... oh, damn it. I don't know. I'll have to eenie-meenie it or something.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    I have incredible patience for collecting and farming and I love getting lost in a project. I can never really say what my creations will look like in the end, because I just get a picture in my head and it tends to evolve the more I go along. I constantly ask myself "How can I improve this? How can I expand on it?" And suddenly a wooden cabin turns into a forest palace utopia, a stone house into a fortified battle arena, etc.
    ...I also love getting consumed by exploration. Finding little nooks, niches and crannies. Caves deep in the earth, so on and so forth. And then I also like a challenge, which is where combat and bosses would come in. I guess you could say I like it all in its own way.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I have a constant gaming partner. We've always made an excellent team in all games and we tend to keep on going, while other friends come and go on the wind. But I also don't mind dropping in on bigger servers and meeting new people when I'm not being wholly unsociable.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    I'm pretty certain this game is going to consume my soul.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I like utility roles. Healer/support/crowd control/tank. But I also like being able to break out and just... facenom when I've got that urge. So I try to find a balance or play multiple characters to suit my current mood as required. But I've got a habit of startling easily and running away squealing from unexpected attacks.
  16. MrHiggle

    MrHiggle Existential Complex

    1. Apex, they look ''star-trekish'' which is awesome.
    2. I'm going to take my time, but I'm also going to take huge risks.
    3. I hardly get bored of games. I'm in deep love with exploration and finding new tech, ores, treasures and other...eh...things...
    4. We are currently 3 friends who have pre-ordered but the other 3 will buy it post release im certain.
    5. As I said in number 3, I hardly get bored. This game is also going to take randomness to the next level, so I'll be spending much time on Starbound.​
    6. I like to mix it up a little (my favourite weapon accessory is the bayonet). If I could have a Bayonet I'd be happy :).​
  17. MithranArkanere

    MithranArkanere Space Kumquat

    I'll probably start with a Novakid, and I'm a completionist and a collector.

    I'll try to get one of everything unique, and find a world to turn into a huge museum to put it all in.
    I'll play for as many hours as it takes to get all that stuff collected, and also to get all achievements (if any).
  18. Artem

    Artem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Mostly Human and Floran, because of their appearance (mainly), but I will definitely try them all, it's fun. Not going to play as Apex, I think, because, you know, well, apes…

    What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'm so going to start as Human and enjoy every single pixel in the game. I think I will spend more than 20 hours just enjoying the look of the game and most importantly — it's amazing atmosphere (thanks, Tiy ♥). At first I'm looking forward to something calm and creative, and then I'll start my big and loud adventure (Indiana Jones like style, I think).

    What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Building stuff, mostly, then digging and exploring. How even mining (exploring) can be boring?! Yes, I'm so a treasure hunter (Indiana Jones, again). Mostly I'm going to run my own server 24\7 and build stuff for players, that visit my "World". In general it will be more complicated and interesting buildings, not just houses or castles, or something like that, no, it will be decorated caves, tunnels, water labyrinths and all of it will finish with an epic chest of cool stuff (I'm going to add my own fun items to the game at this point), like hilarious decorative things (huge rainbow toilet, for example), weapons, that won't hurt, but really fun to use & etc. stuff. I have some good experience to make it real.

    Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    Sure. Huge 24\7 public server, where's everyone welcome. Going to RP with friends as well.

    How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Hm… Let's see… Terraria was 360+ hours (but there's no quests, only one race, limited stuff and it loses it's replayability after a few high-end characters, then it's fun with mods only, though. I'm going to play Starbound much and much more than 500 hours, definitely. I personally hope, it will be forever, of course (due it's tons of procedurally generated stuff and it's "easy-to-add-anything" system). I'd say, even more than 1K hours, then (at least really close to it, if not more). But there will be updates of the game, once again, so it's obvious it's going to be plus 10-15 more hours with every update. Sorry, life.

    What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Katana sword and sniper rifle, and I'm more than happy. I'm not going to attack every creature, that won't attack me (if I don't need to do it for some quests or just for resources).

    English language isn't my native one, so, yeah, sorry.
  19. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?

    I will play as any, likely go Avian first. They seem interesting to me.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?

    Explore the galaxies and find wonderful and awesome things.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?

    I like to explore. Digging, jumping, fighting. I love adventure

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?

    Yeppers~ Friends or maybe a server I think would fit me.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?

    Till I get bored, then in small burst every now and then (aka how i did minecraft and terraria)

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?

    Depends on my stuff and the enemy, Ranged or powerful get ranged, melee or weak/low damage get a slap in the face with my space sword. I will fight whatever decides it wants to ruin my day. ^_^
  20. The Almighty 404

    The Almighty 404 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    I'll probably have a character for each race, if not two. So far, each race has traits that interest me.​

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'll take it slow, not as a farmer but as an explorer. I want to explore, and there will probably be low level yet interesting planets to find.​

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    I love everything ! In fact, I'll probably search for the houses, bases and other dungeons of the various races to learn their designs and replicate them in mine.​

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I'll start by playing single player. Later, I'll try to play with friends, or failing that look for a medium-sized server.​

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    24 hours... in the 24 hours following the release. I kid, I kid. Maybe.​

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I'll probably go with both, and since I'm pretty cheap with ammo I'll wind up using melee more often. And yeah, I'll slay all enemies in my path... At least, those that I don't know the loot tables of, until I do. Exept for their babies. Them I'll capture and tame.​

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