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What's YOUR playstyle? Share with us!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Seria-Myouna, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. maecat

    maecat Void-Bound Voyager

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Human definitely as my first character. I like to create a virtual representation of me, and the whole Firefly/Han Solo vibe suits really well. I probably won't be playing Hylotl or Apex, possibly not glitch, I'm not even sure why, they're just not me.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'll be figuring out as much as I can, not referring to any guides so it really sets a theme of discovery, and I'll just progress however fast I feel like moment to moment really.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    I like always just working towards something, whether that be attaining better weapons (and how! with all the procedural weapons and uniques), finding some place to call my home and improving it, discovering what works for me. I treat it as an exploration/improvement/sci-fi based life.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    I will eventually, and I have a small group I always enjoyed playing Terraria with, and a few of us are really looking forward to Starbound, but I really enjoy single player unless they're online.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Probably in excess for my first couple of weeks, after that maybe an hour or 2 a day depending on how it favors to my vision of the game.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    In Terraria I was always melee, but in Starbound being more sci-fi based, I can picture myself using energy based ranged weaponry as my primary, though I'll dabble with everything, but even so, I'll probably stick to 'lighter' weapons like blasters for ranged, daggers for melee, etc.
  2. Annoctatio

    Annoctatio Pangalactic Porcupine

    1. Make a Floran.
    2. Get wepens.
    3. Get meat.
    4. ????
    5. Profit!
    SirKaldar likes this.
  3. Sophisticated Mayhem

    Sophisticated Mayhem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1. Human.
    2. I want to be a space western captain with a rag-tag crew of species. You know: find a crew, find a job, keep flying. That sort of thing.
    3. I tend to be a resource hoarder in the beginning, then a builder with those resources, then treasure hunt with some of those resources turned in to materials.
    4. I'm going to be playing with a bunch of friends on my server I've got waiting for this game. The server will be open to the public after the first day or two, just so I can check server stability.
    5. A day? In the beginning, probably like 10 hour stretches if I can afford that. I have a bunch of pent up desire to play this game. Once it calms down, probably a few hours a day (2-8, depends on day)
    6. I'm an up close and personal sort of guy, with short ranged pistols and something to slice/crush/chop with.
  4. Juice Box

    Juice Box Pangalactic Porcupine

    5. With all my spare time... ALL OF IT
  5. Zephiron

    Zephiron Pangalactic Porcupine

    1. Human (cuz we rock !... sometimes). Every race is appealing to me, otherwise. Except maybe Novakids.

    2. My plans...duuuuuuh surviving, that's a start :p. Being a solitary space scavenger is awesome, but could become boring on the long run so, I'll tell you then :p. I'm a big fan of treasure hunting, although being clumsy enough to fail most of the expeditions.

    3. I...HATED....the mining system of Terraria. At least on a freshborn character. It gets reeeeaally repetitive and takes forever if you're unlucky with the cave generation, so I'll wait till I see Starbound's in action. Not much of an artist builder either, I just like to create little slums operation bases here and there to gather stuff, but I'm all about caves and temples exploration and scavenging things to survive and, of course, making profit with trade.

    4. I SO want to play with people. Playing with a gang of space explorer is definitely an experience I'm looking forward to see. Even in Terraria I was always looking for pals to beat the game with, however community based servers I could count on my fingers, when they were online, and almost no one got the game or dared playing it. Definitely don't want this to happen in Starbound.

    5. That will entirely depend on what the game has to offer to me in terms of richness of experience. Besides my spare time may vary drastically so, no guess atm.

    6. Although melee is one of my favs in games in general, I tend to prefer the armed combat the most. Firing lazors at hordes of maneating aliens is always safer cooler ! That being said, nothing stops me from using both in delicate situations :D
  6. Sheerhatred

    Sheerhatred Star Wrangler

    1. Apex, why? SPACE MONKEYS
    2. As always, I'll just mine my way to the core of every planet I find and get ore to craft every (melee) weapon i can
    3. See Number 2, I love mining and get the best equipement evurz, and of course, I like also to defeat any boss existent :3
    4. Probably I'll search for a server to play, but none of my friends want to buy this game <_< So, I'll make new friends in game, that's it
    5. 3-4 per day, because I work I can't play from the morning lol. But in the weekend, well.. I'll get up ad 6 a.m. just to play.
    6. See again Number 2, I always play melee. And yes, I will kill anything I find è_é (So evil)
  7. Alceris

    Alceris Pangalactic Porcupine

    1. Floran, because I'm a violent person. I hate the Apex because they're ugly to me.
    2. Be the biggest badass in the room and win everything.
    3. See 2.
    4. Whenever I can with whoever I can.
    5. Well, I got 1085 total hours of Team Fortress 2, so probably the rest of my life.
    6. Kicking ass and avoiding getting ass kicked, that's my combat style. And I'll attempt to, at least.
    SirKaldar and mkv25 like this.
  8. mkv25

    mkv25 Phantasmal Quasar

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    - Floran! Lutecia here is hungry for adventure, and some tasty snacks.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    - I think building a home first, I've always been big on collecting and storing things that I find, so first a starter base - and then go explore!

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    - Build a giant fortress tree, with big roots that run far deep down into the earth!

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    - I'd really like to play on a public server with other people and leave constructions and notes around for other players

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    - Many many many hours. I think I've already amassed 450 hours + on terraria.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    - My favourite Terraria weapon is the lance - good range and precision
    - If I could choose a ranged weapon though, it'd be a sniper rifle - slow fire, high damage value, satisifying.
    - For Florans though I'd be happy using vines or thorn weapons for keeping in theme with the race
  9. Fjantom

    Fjantom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Either Avian because of the floating/flying armor mod or Floran because i think they look cute. I dont like the the Novakid because they will be bad at technology if I have understood it right.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer? Try to read wikis alot and find out the best way to play the game.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    One thing I love in games is to get better gear, so that is what I will be doing most of the time, and my houses will be a nice mix of aestheticly pleasing furniture and function. And i will capture loads of cute little pets.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?I am mainly going to play singleplayer and with my friends.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?All of them.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?I like both ranged and melee, but if im going to use ranged I will probably use some weapon that has either easy to get ammo or uses energy (which i assume will recharge over time).
  10. Ammonite

    Ammonite Space Penguin Leader

    1.Apex, because they look like monkeys :monkey: time to start a new uncivilised life on a nameless planet.

    2.First thing to do: Hoard all the loot i can get! It doesn't matter whether it's useful or just a shiny trinket, i shall plunder the planets!
    (Please add the option to build an underground stash that actually fills up the more gold and shinies i sink into it)

    3.I love to mine and build equally. Starting off with a small base, getting resources, expanding base, digging even deeper and more greedily!

    4.I want to see how public servers turn out to be first, but I'll definetly get friends aboard and explore with them.

    5.I'll probalby spend more time on this than is good for me, but it just looks like too much fun...

    6.Preferably ranged weapons, try to suprise me with something i haven't seen yet :whoop:

    (also there has to be the option to raid underwear from other players' houses)
  11. bluUnix

    bluUnix Master Chief

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    [​IMG]Floran, because flowers.
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I eat danger for breakfast, whats for lunch?

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    This combat equipment better hold out until I get home, and maybe a bit of mining to help get the new stuff.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    Friends are the ones I like to be with, whether the server is big or small doesn't matter to me

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Depends entirely on how entertaining the game is to me, but probably many many hours. And I mean a lot.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I love ranged weapons. Its just what I do. Not that having a a backup melee weapon is bad at all. Also, kill all the things! Experience is necessary to reach the next level!
  12. Lexx2503

    Lexx2503 Orbital Explorer

    I plan to initially go for human or maybe a glitch. I like all the races but I like their aesthetics most. Possibly Hylotl if the mood takes me. I won't be rushing the content. But rather go exploring semi nomadicly. At least until i find a planet I think would be suitable for a base. As for activities i loved spelunking in Terraria. I can see myself doing a lot of that of course. Houses.. They vary. Sometimes minimalistic but i like them to look pleasing to the eye. Function is first and foremost. It'll likely be dictated by the planet I build on, styles of design items I scan and find. As well as materials i have to use.

    I will mostly be playing single player but a few friends are going to set up a small private server for us to collaborate on. As for playtime? Hundreds of hours at least. Combat wise I prefer ranged combat. I will definitely every enemy I face a try to test my abilities and gear.
  13. Woodland

    Woodland Big Damn Hero

    1. I'll probably be an Apex, because of their speed and power.
    2. Probably work to get the best armor of the tier, then progress on.
    3. Fighting, taming.
    4. Yeah, probably. With a lot of friends.
    5. I'm thinking at least a few hours a week, just to savor everything.
  14. Eolond

    Eolond Phantasmal Quasar

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?

    I'll be starting as a Floran (as you can tell from my avatar and signature). I love plants, I love nature, and I love the idea of playing a race that one would assume to be peaceful and nurturing, but is actually hyper-aggressive and carnivorous.

    I don't find the Apex or the Hylotl to be all that appealing, but for me it's mainly an aesthetic thing.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?

    I'm going to explore every possible nook and cranny of the starter planet. I want to stockpile as many resources as possible, as well as get the best starter gear. I don't want to rush this game, so I'm probably going to naturally progress to level-appropriate planets, plundering all their treasures as I go along. Farming will come later, mainly because I plan to play with hunger on. I won't establish a planetary home base until I have enough resources to make my house as perfect as possible. I also want to make sure the planet I settle on has the perfect environment.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?

    I think I can't 100% answer this question until I play Starbound, but I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy all of it. Exploring, treasure hunting, mining, murdering small woodland creatures...

    My building style tends to be fairly lavish, without being too ostentatious or showy. I love decorating, and adding little touches here and there to really complete a home or base. My house will stick to a theme, and each room will have its own function. I prefer to build things that have a reason behind them, instead of just tacking on as many rooms as possible. I enjoy building large, but not just for the sake of size.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?

    I plan to play with a few of my internet buddies. It'll be a small server.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?

    No idea, haha. I put in almost 300 hours on Terraria, and a lot of that was spent building.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?

    I'm not sure about combat style. In Terraria, I favor melee. However, since we'll have so many ranged weapon options in Starbound, I'm probably going to end up preferring ranged.

    I'll initially fight every enemy I come across. I'm sure after awhile, though, if I'm just trying to get from point a to point b as quickly as possible, I'll find ways to avoid enemies.
  15. Zallen

    Zallen Industrial Terraformer

    1. Floran. Plant creatures have always have had an appeal to me as an exotic form of life that doesn't adhere to the common plantae/animalia distinction found in large organisms on our little ball of dirt.
    2. Play around, make better gear, explore the features of the game.
    3. Discovery. I love finding interesting locals, bits of lore and all sorts of interesting new things. And cool loot. Also I enjoy playing along well written story, especial if I can make choices that have a tangible impact on the game as a whole.
    4. I'll be playing with a few friends. There will be 4, maybe 5 of us.
    5. Uh, probably more than is healthy or sane.
    6. I generally like ranged combat.
  16. jambox5

    jambox5 Big Damn Hero

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    I'll be playing as Human, Apex, and Hylotl. The human will be my 'main' and the apex will make me sweet vanity clothes, while the Hylotl gives me the water breathing armors. this will allow for deep sea quests in a 1984 outfit :D

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    Take it slow, observe all the planets and creatures I can, it'll all be about exploration at first. then Once I see how the universe is I'll begin building my empire!!!

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    General exploration and hunting down dungeons/treasures

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    at first I'll play alone, then me and a few friends will find a public server with a large population and start a band of space pirates, sabotaging everyone's bases/towns and throwing the galaxy into the dark ages of conflict and war!!!!

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    If the game comes out before I start up my last college classes in late August, I'll plan a 24hr day of Starbound on its release/Beta. I usually do this every summer and around the winter holidays. after that I'll probably log a solid 3~4hr on weekdays 6 or 7 on Saturdays.

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I usually prefer stealth, weather that means ranged or melee is all about the situation. But In Starbound I have a feeling I'll want to test both out, get a feel for the mechanics and see what works for me.
  17. NovaTheKid

    NovaTheKid Big Damn Hero

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    I'm starting out with a Novakid and going full out cowboy since i love the lore and the time period so much for no particular reason, probably all the action packed Hollywood cowboy movies. I also might play as a Hylotl dressed as a Caribbean pirate, since i think the pirate theme would go great with the Hylotl.
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    Knowing me, on my first night on a planet, i will probably end up in some cave deep down, and killed by some monster, same as how i did on minecraft. But once i settle on the controls and whatnot, i'll probably be an explorer and try to craft the best, and nicest looking, weapons.
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    As said before, i will mainly be an explorer, but i will make a nice looking house/base that isn't overdone. One thing i hated about some other players buildings on Minecraft and Terraria is that they didn't go with the environment, or just plain made the environment look bad. i sincerely hope the same thing doesn't happen on Starbound
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    If i ever do play multiplayer, it most likely be on a large server, since i don't have many friends in my town that play games like this. I would want it to be a large server, since a small server would feel empty to me in a large universe to play around in.
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    As many hours as possible. If the game is released before the end of summer, that will be the main thing i do, aside from occasional parties on weekends. If its not out before summer ends, my schoolwork will probably get in the way of playing.
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    My combat style involves melee and ranged weapons that deal lots of damage. For me, my typical melee weapon would be either an ax or a war hammer. Idk why, but i would take those over a sword any day. As for ranged weapons, i like love shotguns. Any game i play, weather it be zombie survival or warfare, my main weapon is almost always a shotgun. i think my love of them hast to do with my love of getting up in the enemies face and just blowing them away. But before i go weapon crazy, ill try my best to make sure overall that it goes with my characters style, whether it be cowboys or pirates.
  18. bumgada

    bumgada Star Wrangler

    1. Apex (no one seems to want to be one, and I love all the "OBEY" posters with the ape on it)
    2. I'm going explore, and it gets really dangerous, or until I find a village.
    3. I'm definitely going to treasure hunt, I'm a rare item hoarder
    4. Me, my brother, and two of my friends are going to play on a private server together
    5. I'm going to play until I run out of my tea supply :coffee:
    6. I am going to use ranged, and melee, I'm going to kill every enemy I see, just to see if it drops something good (or anything at all!)
  19. Dwagon

    Dwagon Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I won't know until I try, actually.
    Really, I'm a "gut feeling" player; I like to tinker a bit with everything; experiment.

    I'll probably try multiple races in quick order. Which I do first will depend entirely on my whim on launch.
  20. Supreme Suprise

    Supreme Suprise Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    9. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Probably Novakid or Glitch. Why? Maybe 'cause there awesome? :rofl:

    8. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    Farmer?! WHAT? NOPE. I'm goin' in, guns blazin! Its the dangerous worlds for me!

    10. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter?
    Minin' be mah specialty. Treasure huntin' be up there too.

    420. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    Yesh, I'ma be blazin' away with mah peeps. Maybe join a clan or two.

    666. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    How many hours? not that exact number, I hope... This game deserves no less than more than I can count. (ok, that statement deserves points for originality) ;)

    9001. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Whatever style allows me to preform the biggest massacre. :up: Every enemy? Why wouldn't I? After all, they are an enemy...

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