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What's YOUR playstyle? Share with us!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Seria-Myouna, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Necrius

    Necrius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1. Human. Maybe I'll try hylotl, glitch and novakid, but usually I use only one character at all.
    2. Just like in minecraft - learning to play, building a base, making a farm/greenhouse to provide resources and food, slowly pacing through the worlds, afraid of deforming natural caves.
    3. More mining, I guess.
    4. I'm gonna play alone, 'cause I hate playing with strangers and have no friends that willl play sb.
    5. I hope to play more than 208 hours total.
  2. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    1) the novakid for their looks are the first on my list but mainly because they look cool, Florans won second place for their lore and character~ i mean, you don't see many plant people who are not enlightened peaceful jerks and humans for their arcade machines!

    2)my plans? My plans?! explore! have fun finding gear and the coolest stash of chests(containers) in the world! my second character is gunna be a farmer.

    3) farming and cooking is something i can do for hours if the system is done right; my houses tend to be large underground vaults or restaurants straight up from the 80's! A good pub is always fun.

    4) yeap! i have a group and everything! back-up just in case too.

    5) the number is so long that it would take ions for a single letter to be uttered(hur hur hur, moo)

    6)my style is odd(i would say) i'm a close range fighter but i prefer to shoot at my targets soo i tend to do startling jumps/slides/rolls while making my way to the target then smashing them to pieces with a large blade when i get right next to them; worst case scenery? running away while placing mines/grenades.
  3. Raythalos

    Raythalos Void-Bound Voyager

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    First off, I'd pick Human since it's the most attractive for me. Else, either Novakid, Glitch or Hylotl for badass points. The only race that I have problems with is Apex, mostly because I don't like monkeys so much.

    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'd probably take a slow pace and do whatever I could do. Probably make a really neat house and tame monsters.

    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Usually, I like making either underground houses or large mansions. Usually near a large body of water. I'll also probably make a zoo if it's possible.

    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    Yes, and with friends, most likely.

    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    More than a hundred, probably. _:)3J L)_

    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    Ranged, and a bit of melee. My OCD compels me to try and kill everything in sight, so yeah.
  4. The Question

    The Question Ketchup Robot

    1. Stuff
    2. Other Stuff
    3. More Stuff
    4. Even More Stuff
    5. Size 12 Shoe.
    6. Apple Pies
    7. Yes, I Do Want Fries With That.
    8. No Items
    9. Fox Only
    10. Final Destination
    (I Don't Have A "Play Style" I Press Buttons And Things Happen)
    Alucard I likes this.
  5. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    [​IMG]Apex because they are awesome and smart.
    2. Play normally.
    3. See how the game is. Build hopefully.
    4. Hopefully play with people on a small server.
    5. 9000+
    6. Ranged
  6. Isolfyr

    Isolfyr Orbital Explorer

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Avian. I like their architecture, and I'm a fan of birds : ) Maybe try Glitch at some point, who knows. Not that there's anything wrong with the other races, I'm just more drawn onto those two.
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'm going to explore the *beep* out of the game, see the worlds and just get used to the awesomeness.
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    I like to build and craft! Gonna farm lots of materials, and build a nice station on the planet, crafts lots and lots of weapons and armor. Usually my buildings aren't anything spectacular, though sometimes I try to create something different. Not sure how to describe them properly...
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    Oh yeah, definitely with my pals :> We'll see if I ever go to one of them public servers.
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Let's just say... Many xP
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I think I'll combine ranged and melee, but with bigger emphasis on melee. Pistol or something as a backup.
  7. Zaffirus

    Zaffirus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    1. Floran and Novakid
    2. high level but without rushing
    3. i love rare and shiny things,mining dont get me boring. my base generally look small but confortable.
    4. yes,i play with my friend,probably in a private server
    5. terraria keep me for 200hours,starbound a lot more.
    6. i like both,all depends what design the weapon has. every monster will die under my blade,except the cute ones X3
  8. Karth

    Karth Pangalactic Porcupine

    1. Floran - They're different. I imagine myself as one of the handful of Florans that have been able integrate well with other races. Apex is at the top of the list for unappealing races. They are too similar to humans, although I like the authoritarian themes of the race. Novakids are a close second- Sentient gasbags that are themed around a period of time I don't much care for. Simply put, they are too far-fetched for me.

    2. I will likely take my time. I think I will spend some time poking around the universe while amassing a wealth of materials. Eventually I want to build a moon-city-planet (does that make sense?)

    3. I definitely like mining, particularly spelunking. I'll also do my share of tomb raiding and looting.

    4. Not at first. I will likely play single player until I'm comfortable with the game's mechanics. My friends have shown little interest in Starbound, so I will probably seek out a small server to be social.

    5. If the Starbound team delivers as promised, then *Insert three digit number here* I have two-hundred and sixty four hours logged with Terraria. If Starbound is even half as good, well...

    6. Traditionally more of a melee person, I really don't like having to manage ammunition. I will likely try out ranged combat in Starbound. Will I fight everything I come across? Probably not, unless it's trying to kill me or it has something that I want.
    Endless Rain likes this.
  9. NightFire

    NightFire Parsec Taste Tester

    1. hylotl
    2. go through dangers as fast as possible (most likely with a squad)
    3. mine and hunt at the same time for as long as i can live
    4. i will be playing on big servers.....so i can then make a empire and take over all of the planets
    5. over 9000
    6. duh.....melee
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  10. Highwayman

    Highwayman Void-Bound Voyager

    1. Avians! Peacful tribal bird-people? AWESOME. Or Novakids. I mean seriously? Living explosions!

    2. I will take my time, exploring to my hearts content. I will probably get bored of to easy enemies after a while and break out the mining gear and Indiana Jones outfit and get some better armor and weapons before putting on a full frontal attack on a level 100 planet.

    3. Exploring. I get bored way to easily, so i need to travel. Im probably going to get stranded eventually though And be forced to mine tons of fuel again.

    4. BIGGG SERVERS. Im already planning on two.

    5. Hundreds of hours. Its going to be insane.

    6. Melee of course. I can stand energy/mana bars in any game because I have to be conservative. I only use that stuff when Im showing off.
  11. Sim2k

    Sim2k Big Damn Hero

    1. I will likely play a human first, so that I can RP a bit and see all the crazy things and races and monsters as a human would. After that probably a Floran, as I like their villages and the lighting on their ships, and enjoy the idea of being a plant person. I doubt I'll ever play an Apex character. Monkeys give me the wiggins.

    2. I'm gonna explore and take my time, and build some nice shelters and meet NPCs, and just experience the game and soak up the atmosphere.

    3. Not sure because not played, but just exploration I guess, and seeing what new planets might offer. Which I guess are the same thing...

    4. No I think I'll do single player on this one

    5. Plenty, I can see a few all-nighters coming my way!
  12. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Human. I personally am not racist, so I will play every race. :)
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    Eh, I will mostly be a fighter. Not a wild nomad, however: I'll mostly work on setting up bases and conquering planets from there
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Mining and treasure hunting is something I will do frequently, but I will mostly work on genoc- neutralizing the hostile populations of the planet
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    On multiple servers in the mid-small range
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    ...I'd say...600
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I shall go ranged. Killing everything is just a waste of energy, but if I can make profit out of slaying something or something is a concrete danger for me or my crew, I will exterminate it's race with extreme prejudice.
  13. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    1. Floran, probably.
    I like their lore and how they look, even if their architecture seems pretty lame to me aside from their ships.
    Plus the idea of being a crazy man-eating plant is really fun! ;)
    As an opposite I'm not very interested in Avians themselves, but I really like the style of their dungeons and armor!

    None of the races is a complete "meh" to me.

    2. Plans?!
    I'll gather stuff from dungeons and by mining, upgrade my spaceship, possibly build a base once I find a cool home planet.
    I'll also do the main quest, of course!
    Since it's not in beta during it I'll do just about everything else. :)

    3. I will probably do a bit of everything.
    My house will likely have lots of high-tech devices, wired doors, lava pits and possibly skulls!

    4. Foreveralone! Unless my cousin also plays.
    I'll possibly join a multiplayer server later.

    5. At least a few hundred, possibly more.

    6. I'll try every weapon with decent stats I find and see what combat style I like the best.
    Ranged, melee, shields... Not to mention tech items! I'll try them all!
    I'll skip mobs if they are too boring or too strong, but I'll probably kill most of them.
  14. Middleman93

    Middleman93 Star Wrangler

    1. I will probably have a different character for each race. Given that the only real benefits of starting out with a particular race are aesthetics and immediate access to being able to craft that race's armor, I can't say that any don't appeal to me, but nor do any stand out.

    2. @.@ everything. I will rush to danger, I will farm, I will experiment with the entirety of the game!

    3. I tend to do a lot of mining. The feeling of "Oooooh, treasure!" when I find minerals and other underground stuff (like fossils!) really fits me.

    4. Personally, I'll play all three ways: singleplayer, small server for friends, and large public server. Gonna start with small server, though, as I've already purchased two copies for people I know in addition to my own, and it will be fun to discover how everything works in a group.

    5. Oh goodness. Given that I put a few hundred hours into Terraria, odds are that I can expect this to get into the thousands.

    6. To be honest, I actually prefer having a decent mix of both melee and ranged in my hotbar at once, and I base what I use off of how the enem(y/ies) I'm facing act. I will fight every monster at least once, even the neutral species.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  15. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    1. Most likely hylotl because I lurve oriental if the customization options suffice, human is default and floran or novakid are alternatives. Glitch is my last option leaving out avian and apex, apex being the bottom of the list.
    2. I'm planning to action first think later as in gather as much as I can and use as little as I can until I have enough to create my grand planet of perfection. So most likely going for as high level planets as my skills will let me (i.e. no instant death plz) and a modest shack until later ingame.
    3. I will probably be a builder that includes character building, I just want to see my perfect planet and have my friends visit it... and maybe be jelly.
    4. Definitely going to play with clanmates:love:
    5. Until either I get bored (unlikely) or everyone else gets bored, no fun on your own. (WAY more unlikely.)
    6. I like a mid range sorta thing, flamethrower is perfect and it will satisfy my inner pyro, though more likely guns. and with all the options It's all about seeing what type I can be most efficient with.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  16. Nikki

    Nikki Subatomic Cosmonaut

    1. Florans, I Like them! I Dislike Hylotls... i don't know! I Just don't like it!
    2.Danger!!Epic Fights!
    3.I'm a Treasure Hunter!
    4.Friends of Course! It's super-cool play with friends.
    5.In a Day? 4-6 Hours, I think.
    6. I Prefer Ranged!
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  17. Gruntdonttoot

    Gruntdonttoot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    Probably start as human, but eventually play as all of them.
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I was thinking archaeologist/adventurer/explorer but mostly archaeologist.
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    Treasure hunting, fossil finding, establishing research outposts.
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    Depends, at the moment none of my friends seem interested so I may play by myself or on a good roleplay server.
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    A metric ton.
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I am more of a ranged guy, but melee isn't bad. I'll probably fight some and avoid others depending on my situation.
    Nikki likes this.
  18. Quenton

    Quenton Phantasmal Quasar

    1. For an explorer/adventurer character, I want to try the Glitch. But, if they have to eat normal food like a biological creature, then I'll probably like them the least. If we're going to go robot, then let's go robot. No excuses. Otherwise, all the Starbound races are well-done and hold appeal.

    2. Farming.. I seriously doubt you can have a side-scrolling Harvest Moon experience in Starbound. After all, planets don't have seasons do they? Or do they? It's really hard to say for sure until we've actually got the game. If farming is fairly detailed, then I'll probably do a fair amount with a non-Glitch character somewhere down the line. I don't rush into anything. I like to explore, but I also like to fiddle around and experiment.

    3. Only time mining gets boring is if it takes forever to actually dig up the ore. Having to worry about tool durability doesn't help, either. I very much like collecting stuff. The shape of my buildings are average and I'm not ashamed to say it. I really like to decorate the interiors, though.

    4. I've got a small group of old friends I plan to run around with in Starbound. I'll probably play solo with I can, too.

    5. If the game is as enjoyable as Terraria is, then I can see myself putting a great many hours into it. Hard to really say until I'm actually experiencing it.

    6. Don't have a combat style preference. If Starbound is spawn-crazy like Terraria is, then I most certainly will not fight every enemy, but will block off and avoid when possible. That revolving door of endless enemies can eventually become annoying and tedious.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  19. SGTDiphthong

    SGTDiphthong Void-Bound Voyager

    1. I'm having a hard time deciding between the Floran, the Hylotl, and the Novakids. I really like plant people, and their whole look is just really neat looking. The Hylotl remind me very much so of Metroids, which is very pleasing, because I really love me some Metroid. The fanboy in me says pick them for that sole reason. But also, the Novakids are such a cool concept, and their style is just really appealing to me. The Apex, however, are likely to be never played by me. They rest in a sort of uncanny valley for me, somewhere between human and not human. It's really bizarre and it bothers me.
    2. I'm probably going to find myself a really awesome home planet and then build a base or something on it. Either an Arctic planet or a Crystal one, if those biomes still exist. Then just run around the universe slapping monsters and finding loot.
    3. My favourite thing in videogames, which is one of the huge draws of open world games such as Starbound, Terraria and Minecraft for me, is the aspect of the unknown and unexplored. There is a sense of sheer awe at finding some area after a few hours that is beautiful in some way that really makes me want to keep playing. I'll likely be just exploring a lot, as well as building. I do enjoy building crazy homes whenever I get some inspiration.
    4. I'll likely be playing solo, though I do know of one friend who has preordered as well. So if I'll be playing with anyone, it'll be him. I'm not sure what it is, but, I get two completely different experiences when playing open world games with my friends when compared to Solo ones. For example, when I play Minecraft by myself, I'm more focused on seeing what's over the next cliff, or wondering how I'll survive the next night. But with friends, I'm more likely to be running around being stupid and having fun because that's what I do. With friends, though, I usually set some sort of giant project on the table and have my friends help with it. Many a huge castle dot my server. More intimate by myself; more silly and fun with my friends.
    5. Oh, probably as much as college will allow me to. Haha.
    6. I always seem to find myself falling into the ranged category. I don't really know what it is about being ranged, but, I really enjoy sitting back and popping off rounds into things. Very satisfying.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.
  20. Cirom

    Cirom Cosmic Narwhal

    1. What race are you going to play, and why? Do any of the races just not appeal to you at all?
    I'm probably going to pick Avian, Glitch or Novakid - although I'm leaning more towards Novakid at the moment, as their lore fits my play style a lot better than the previous two~. Plus, cowboys.
    2. What are your plans for your first character? Rush through to the highest danger levels? Be a peaceful farmer?
    I'll probably go through at a slow pace with a small group of friends, adventuring together online and slowly acquiring and sharing new gear and items.
    3. What do you like to do in the game? Is mining something that never gets boring to you? Are you a treasure hunter? If you're a builder, what do your houses/bases generally look like?
    I usually prefer to explore new areas and grab any dungeon loot and the that - I'm an adventurer, me! Although I also like me a bit of building too. Mining, however.. that doesn't really appeal to me much, I've done enough of that on Minecraft and Terraria. I'll send my minions friends to do that, thank you.
    4. Are you going to play with other people? If so, with friends or on a big/small public server?
    ... See previous question. I'm probably gonna play with a small group of friends on a self-hosted server. I might create another character for large-server play, after my first character becomes super-strong and stuffs.
    5. How many hours do you think you're going to play?
    Well, Terraria gave me around 800+ hours, with it's limited content. Minecraft has probably given me ~3000 hours, with it's unlimited modding capabilities. Although I have no way of checking my Minecraft playtime. =/
    For Starbound, I predict around at least 1,000 hours.
    6. What combat style do you prefer? Melee, Ranged, etc. Will you fight every enemy you come across?
    I'm generally a ranged guy meself, prefering to strike from afar. (Also the reason I'm settling on Novakid) And I'll probably fight every enemy I come across if they have any drops, because I have a habit of doing that in any game. (I mean, in Terraria I make sure to kill any zombie I see. ON HARDMODE.)

    There's my input, haha.
    Seria-Myouna likes this.

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