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What's a good site for abc files?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Jmbomb, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Jmbomb

    Jmbomb Sandwich Man

    I tried lotro-abc and added around 5 songs and they all sucked. I even used them with multiple instruments and not one sounded good.

    anyone know an actually good site?
  2. zairs

    zairs Aquatic Astronaut

  3. Jmbomb

    Jmbomb Sandwich Man

    I wish we had a downvote system.
    Percy Lillywinkle and sankto like this.
  4. zairs

    zairs Aquatic Astronaut

    Look harder. There's a ton of good ones lol; you just have to try em out and see what you like.

    "5" songs aint jack. There's a lot of bad, and a lot of good, it's a matter of finding them. It's ABC files, not MP4 - don't expect the best quality.
  5. Jmbomb

    Jmbomb Sandwich Man

    I tried 5 from 5 different artists and they didn't sound cool so I hate that site now
    Percy Lillywinkle likes this.
  6. Infernisle

    Infernisle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  7. Jmbomb

    Jmbomb Sandwich Man

    If I can't play some bon jovi, johnny cash, and some queen I don't care about the other shit songs on that site.
  8. zairs

    zairs Aquatic Astronaut

    The only shit songs are the ones you just mentioned. They aint typically gonna work on starbound based instruments, lmao. You wanna listen to it, listen to the mp4, you wont find that type of 'music' for abc files that sound just like it.
  9. Tosado

    Tosado Orbital Explorer

    If you're expecting anything more than simple sounds actually sounding good from .abc files you're mistaken.
  10. Infernisle

    Infernisle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not necessarily. I have a bunch of Queen and Iron Maiden among other things and they translated anywhere from passably to actually pretty decent.
  11. Jmbomb

    Jmbomb Sandwich Man

    Must gimme
  12. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Dick much? ABC files can't handle TOO complex songs you know
  13. Incredipede

    Incredipede Title Not Found

    Ohh look, an idiot!
  14. daddycool

    daddycool Master Chief

    starbards.net is pretty okay. They have a small selection but you can request songs if you want. The songs are specifically written to sound nice in Starbound. I have tried out a few and they all sound great.

    EDIT: Just wanted to add that the selection is expanding very fast, I checked out this site two days ago and the songs have almost doubled.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
  15. krnzmaster

    krnzmaster Starship Captain

    nice! there really are only a few songs, but listening to the previews of a few, they sound pretty good with starbound instruments!
  16. zothaq

    zothaq Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is it really that hard to google "abc notation"?
  17. Sonora

    Sonora Title Not Found

    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
  18. Jmbomb

    Jmbomb Sandwich Man

    I asked the people, I didn't ask google.
    there is a difference because you guys have recently used them and know what works best.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
    Percy Lillywinkle likes this.
  19. Capt_Electron

    Capt_Electron Big Damn Hero

    There is a post up on the Steam forum from a guy who has created a download with 190 songs that he took the time to verify would actually work in the game:
    http://steamcommunity.com/app/211820/discussions/0/648813728579385839/ (and yes the d/l is safe, I've checked it myself - good stuff). And yes, there are bon jovi, cash and queen songs in his download.

    He does mention in his post that a lot of abc files he checked would crash the game, so it is a matter of trial and error to find good song files.
  20. Jmbomb

    Jmbomb Sandwich Man


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