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What vehicles would you want?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by TheTimeLord, May 19, 2013.

  1. Coryen3

    Coryen3 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll take your Retribution class and raise you .... nothing really, because I want one too :)
  2. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    SuperMann and JazzPigeon like this.
  3. Pie4Pigs

    Pie4Pigs Existential Complex

    What? He's saying he doesn't see vehicles like that working well in the game. He didn't say that he didn't think any would be in the game.
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  4. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    Rofl, infact, if there are those vehicles, they probably work well otherwise they would not implement those Mechs and new unknown vehicles... so much rage in those threads =|
  5. Lumina

    Lumina Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger (P) Very rare tank from WWII. Only one ever saw front line duty, the rest were turned into Ferdinand Assault Guns. Was Porsche's design for the Tiger I tank, it was actually smaller, potentially had more power to weight as well. Sadly was too complicated for mass production.
    Version seen here is the prototype version, the one that saw combat had a different turret and extra armor plate bolted on the front.

    This is what it looked like in the field. Odd history, this is the prototype which was used for testing, they fixed it up, slapped more armor on it, and used it in combat, mainly out of desperation for more tanks in the field. It would command the Ferdinand Tank Destroyer Company during the Battle of Kursk.
    Psygnosis likes this.
  6. Percival

    Percival Phantasmal Quasar

    I want a jetski with which I can jump sharks.
  7. Hunter Creed

    Hunter Creed Void-Bound Voyager

    The thought of having a 5km ship to explore is entertaining. Fill it with Death Korp and I'm in love and ready to conquer in His holy name!

    But I'm happy with the game as is. But let us hope somebody has an idea for a 40k mod! Even if was just some of the weapons and armor - as I really like the Death Korp getup. Though I wouldn't mind seeing the Eldar weapons either. Or Space Marines. Tau... Bollocks just bring everything!

    Hunter C. Creed

    MRGOOGLES Phantasmal Quasar

    JazzPigeon likes this.
  9. Manilian

    Manilian Big Damn Hero

    JazzPigeon likes this.
  10. XANi

    XANi Big Damn Hero

    It's simple, just add jetpacks or at least jump jets to everything. And giant mining lases

    As for 5KM battleships... DO WANT!
    I hope some modders will do that (or maybe I'll try.. if somehow I find time for that) after release, would be awesome in multiplayer to use as mobile base for mercenary faction
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  11. joulesFect

    joulesFect Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I would really really like to go sea exploring in a submarine ! Or explore asteroids with a jetpack. Or dig threw the earth with a giant mining drill. I also want the bipod , the hoverboard, hovercraft, jetski, boats, jets, fighters AAANNND a Mech type of bypod with arms that would basicly be a giant power armour with incorporated drills, machine guns, jet packs and power fists :mwahaha:
  12. Master_Discord

    Master_Discord Big Damn Hero

    I would really hope that one of the endgame options is to create interstellar cities. Adding thrusters, fuel tanks, shields, and FTL to a base and launching it into orbit would be fun. :)

    Honestly though, I'd like a shuttlecraft with tractor beam. A monorail system would be nice (something Tron: Uprising inspired) or a catapult-based transportation system.
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  13. ThatAmazingPerson

    ThatAmazingPerson Existential Complex

    I want jets. And every 100 kills, I want a service star to show how many kills i got with it. :geek:
  14. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

  15. Corsair114

    Corsair114 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Have armor, will ride.
    JazzPigeon and XaoG like this.
  16. Scourgeclaw

    Scourgeclaw Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Tanks, mechs, fighters, and the Iron Man suit
  17. ConsPark

    ConsPark Big Damn Hero

    I'm a big fan of mecha (Battletech, Robotech/Macross), but I'd actually rather have a Tribes-style jetpack. I'd totally bind the thrust activation to right mouse just for the full effect.

  18. nofo

    nofo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would like a car.

  19. piinyouri

    piinyouri Aquatic Astronaut

    Something unique.

    Nothing from other established media please.
  20. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    I'm liking this. this is close to what I originally had in mind.

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