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What vehicles would you want?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by TheTimeLord, May 19, 2013.

  1. captain derps

    captain derps Starship Captain

    the noise...:eek:
  2. M07HMAN

    M07HMAN Aquatic Astronaut

    I would flip for a E-frame from that old cartoon Exo-squad

    Preferably customizable with weapons/tools you have blueprints for... these ones are obviously a bit overarmed.
  3. flamingfirewarrior

    flamingfirewarrior Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Or this
    Or this
    Or this

    Fuck it. Anything that is steampunk or dieselpunk will do.
  4. Flibble

    Flibble Seal Broken

    I need something that will give me an excuse to have a runway.

    I'd also love to see some kind of rail-restricted cart/vehicle that could possibly be automated to go back and forth; maybe even carrying goods you mine up to the surface.
    Curse Starwind likes this.
  5. IllusiveEnergy

    IllusiveEnergy Subatomic Cosmonaut

  6. fallingorbit

    fallingorbit Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Felonious likes this.
  7. Felonious

    Felonious Existential Complex

    Turbo-charged space-faring Unicycle.
    fallingorbit likes this.
  8. IllusiveEnergy

    IllusiveEnergy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    With chrome spinners and under-glow.
    fallingorbit likes this.
  9. Corsair114

    Corsair114 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And a frickin' laser beam shooting chainsaw on the front.
    fallingorbit likes this.
  10. Curse Starwind

    Curse Starwind Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Actually, i was thinking of the same thing. If anyone has ever played Dig-N-Rig, you could see the possibility of what automated carts or conveyors could do, it would speed up the process of mining a lot and not require you to constantly resurface when your inventory is full. Filling up your personal inventory space full of rocks, dirt, and whatever other minerals you find just doesn't make sense when you have the technology for space travel, there should be better options in the game, especially later in the game when you've accomplished a lot and have a lot of other advanced technology.

    Here's a trailer of Dig-N-Rig to get an idea:

    M C and Lawls like this.

    MRGOOGLES Phantasmal Quasar

    my votes for titty car... for ocean planets a submarine boat would be sick
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  12. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    I vote for a submarine BIKE!
    Or, a truckapede, or a Truck-boat-truck.
    MRGOOGLES likes this.
  13. AlphaMongoose

    AlphaMongoose Ketchup Robot

    I must agree, Arceus is too mainstream.
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  14. Felonious

    Felonious Existential Complex

    I'd like to see some kind of mobile land/ocean base. Like how you can put things in the ship, except on the planet.
    Curse Starwind likes this.
  15. Curse Starwind

    Curse Starwind Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I wonder if something like the Atlantis from Stargate would be possible.

    MRGOOGLES Phantasmal Quasar

    orrrr a squid scooter kind of like this...
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  17. Hunter Creed

    Hunter Creed Void-Bound Voyager

  18. DarkSky80

    DarkSky80 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The concept mech looks a little like these.

    i think a segway would be funny to ride around.
  19. Knomic

    Knomic Subatomic Cosmonaut

  20. Eta

    Eta Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm thinking of making an underwater habitat, so maybe something that can help me travel faster underwater:
    xXFPXx likes this.

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