What NPC who isn't marriageable would you like to see available?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Borodin, Apr 15, 2018.

  1. Stryder87

    Stryder87 Giant Laser Beams

    Can't argue with that. I always chuckle when he fights Dwarf and calls him 'Shrimpy". :)
      Axe Garian and taakitz like this.
    • Cramped Sultana

      Cramped Sultana Big Damn Hero

      I adore Krobus. He's such a cutie. I feel bad when I'm killing shadow-people in the mine because I keep wondering if I just killed Krobus' Grandma or something.
        CountryKit, Axe Garian and taakitz like this.
      • Honor Shipping

        Honor Shipping Big Damn Hero

        I for one wouldn't complain about any fee-incurring street corner get-together that might possibly occur. Great side-story material if you ask me.
        • Cramped Sultana

          Cramped Sultana Big Damn Hero

          I think my farmer could be happy with Pam. Since my farmers tend to make and sell a lot of alcohol, I suspect Pam would be extremely happy with my farmer.
            CountryKit and Axe Garian like this.
          • Lorekeeper of Wyverns

            Lorekeeper of Wyverns Void-Bound Voyager

            Personally, I'd love to see Clint become available. I've always been fond of him, seeing as I have a love for quieter, shy characters. And yes, Sebastian is applicable, but considering how often you see Clint around the valley, it seems to me like he's the easier character to form at least somewhat of a bond with.

            The fact that he has the whole blacksmith shop might be a bit of an issue, but if Harvey does similar, I don't see an issue. It could be worked into his schedule.
              Axe Garian likes this.
            • Sugar-Fable

              Sugar-Fable Phantasmal Quasar

              Krobus! I think he's cute and interesting. Although I'm happy with Sebastian I'd definitely make a new file for him~ ;)
                Axe Garian likes this.
              • ruddthree

                ruddthree Phantasmal Quasar

                Robin. It was love at first sight (of her portrait).

                And then I found Demetrius. Then I was sad.
                  Last edited: May 28, 2018
                  chroniz and Axe Garian like this.
                • RozanePasteru

                  RozanePasteru Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  Marnie and Lewis ! They should break up and flirt with me instead :p
                    CountryKit and Axe Garian like this.
                  • Cramped Sultana

                    Cramped Sultana Big Damn Hero

                    Multiple spouses. I don't mean divorce one and marry the other. I mean marry as many people as you wish. Have your own harem. All current adult non-marriage NPCs are options. Think of the drama that would unfold on your farm. Krobus throwing a void egg at Haley. Robin screaming at Willie "Back off, *****! You had your turn last night!" George trying to mow down Linus with his wheelchair. "Just because you showed him your 'master bait' doesn't mean jack, sonny!"
                    • Honor Shipping

                      Honor Shipping Big Damn Hero

                      This is one of those things you don't realize how much you need until it's described to you... Free-For-All Fridays, anyone?
                      • Borodin

                        Borodin Oxygen Tank

                        I'm thinking...Baba Yaga, our resident witch. I know she's got a bad rep, but so far, the only thing she ever did to my avatars was curse a dead plant. And there's something distinctive about owning a +3 Dead Plant.
                          Last edited: May 12, 2018
                          Axe Garian, blOgre and musical74 like this.
                        • Reddestiny921

                          Reddestiny921 Pangalactic Porcupine

                          Just on my opinion Sandy is a normal option but for fun options,

                          Demetrius he has a line about being lonely or something haven't seen it in a while but when you get closer to him he's not such a bad guy. Maybe that could end with a price mark up since Robin is going to be bitter.

                          Lewis...I don't know steal him from Marnie and she could find someone else I guess Marlon, just to make her not settle for being a dirty little secret, having to spend more at her shop would be the consequence I guess.

                          Of course Kent Jodi hates her life, at least some of her lines says she's unsatisfied anyways, why not take him from her so he'll stop sending bombs to get your attention.

                          Rasmodius too just like Sandy you're the one that makes the most effort to go see them why not.

                          Guess I'm odd lol.
                            kittentamer and Axe Garian like this.
                          • musical74

                            musical74 Space Kumquat

                            I do hope they make Sandy a possibility for romance. She kind of flirts with the (male) player anyway, yeah you would have to wait until the bus is repaired to start the romance thing but she clearly likes having someone new in her life! Although...if you are romancing Emily and Sandy at the same time it might make things awkward! (Or exciting)
                              Axe Garian likes this.
                            • Venatio777

                              Venatio777 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                              I agree Sandy would be an interesting choice - a very late game option for a spouse. But then again, there really is no rush to get married. Year 2, 3 or 4 - it makes no difference.

                              Would Mr. Qi be a good counter-choice, or perhaps the Wizard? I just think new spouses should be introduced in pairs (like Shane and Emily).
                                Axe Garian likes this.
                              • Yaushibee

                                Yaushibee Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                Sandy of course is top my list for wanting as a marriage option but how about the mysterious Bouncer? I mean, sure he uses a bomb on you if you try to sneak by him to get into the casino but he's just doing his job, right? I wanna know what lies under that hat and those shades.
                                  Axe Garian and Dillweed like this.
                                • Dillweed

                                  Dillweed Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Krobus or Sandy! I do agree that I'd rather see expansion on who we already have (maybe see more of the Hat Mouse or the Traveling Cart Woman outside of their shops) and possibly be able to play matchmaker with others as well?
                                    Axe Garian and Yaushibee like this.
                                  • Borodin

                                    Borodin Oxygen Tank

                                    This may be a bit outside, but I'm thinking, what about the person who changes out the water in the spa? They do this thankless task day in, day out. Nobody ever sees them. Nobody ever thanks them. Yet if you're ever in the area you can plumb down and enjoy the invigorating waters of the spa, without that small, insistent voice at the back of your skull reminding you about the possibility of transmitted yeast infections or worse. They deserve a reward. At the very least, a nice night on the town at the best restaurant, which defaults to Gus; at best, a friendship that leads to...who can tell? Many dates? Holding hands while viewing the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies? A stroll down the center of town late at night, necking under the lights and the stars? Perhaps an offer of marriage? Let us draw the veil over such intimate and understandably private matters, and allow two hearts to find their path together, on their own.
                                      Last edited: May 16, 2018
                                      kittentamer and Axe Garian like this.
                                    • captain kaltz+

                                      captain kaltz+ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      willy! but i can't even explain why xD it's just.. something about him i really, really like.
                                        kittentamer and Axe Garian like this.
                                      • WilliamZ

                                        WilliamZ Phantasmal Quasar

                                        Jodi, because I think that she is pretty, but I don't think that she have to break up with Kent, both of them need help.

                                        I'm surprised that anyone mentioned the Governor :gooby:
                                          Axe Garian likes this.
                                        • ambs

                                          ambs Space Hobo

                                          i have a huge soft spot for both marnie and clint
                                          but also that wizard tho
                                            Axe Garian likes this.

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