What do the children do???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bcatty, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. bcatty

    bcatty Aquatic Astronaut

    Okay so I'm in year 4 and married to Sam, I have two children...but what do they do? They don't seem to leave the house and even on holidays like the Lula or the Flower dance they don't appear, do they just stay at home while you and your partner are gone?
    • Lanx12

      Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

      Yes they stay at home but from what I understand CA has plans to improve upon the child and marriage system so My guess is they might be doing more functions later down the road.
        DatYandereGirl likes this.
      • bcatty

        bcatty Aquatic Astronaut

        Ah thanks :D Glad to know more is to come.
        • xFishbone

          xFishbone Cosmic Narwhal

          i'd love to bring them to the luau.

          maybe the governor will stop complaining about the taste of the soup.
            Morichinatsu likes this.
          • Caudyr

            Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

            ...Are you...going to add them to it?!

            DEMON!!! :p

            Really, though...that governor...someone should push him into the soup! :rofl:
              Morichinatsu likes this.
            • Indigo Rose

              Indigo Rose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              I just throw a starfruit in there and watch in bemusement Lewis and the governor babble about how good it is...
                EpicAdventure likes this.
              • Lanx12

                Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

                Uhhhh...you know for once I don't havea response to your quarry there Rose...I'm losing my touch...I need help...
                • Indigo Rose

                  Indigo Rose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  I actually think carambola (real life starfruit) is kinda gross. And I really doubt it would be that great in a communal potluck-type soup. I guess the residents of Stardew Valley just love the taste of money.
                    Regal Kain likes this.
                  • Oerba Dia Vanille

                    Oerba Dia Vanille Starship Captain

                    Where are you from?
                    • Indigo Rose

                      Indigo Rose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Sweden. So I admit the stuff you can buy here might not be carambola at its best. Most fruit that needs to be imported is picked before it's fully ripe so it doesn't go bad on the trip over. Which might well be why the carambola you can buy here is kinda bleh, I guess.
                        Oerba Dia Vanille likes this.
                      • sorrymyfault

                        sorrymyfault Phantasmal Quasar

                        use something worth 200+ and it will be the best they ever tasted
                        • xFishbone

                          xFishbone Cosmic Narwhal

                          hot pepper wine!
                          • Legeis

                            Legeis Astral Cartographer

                            lol I'v only had the governor like the soup once and I didn't even use a particularly amazing ingredient. I'm thoroughly convinced it's completely random!!!
                            • musical74

                              musical74 Space Kumquat

                              Regarding the governor, think the criteria is *gold star/worth a lot* for good tasting soup. I threw a gold star spice berry in and he said *this is great*... governor must have an iron stomach!

                              Regarding the kids, it would be nice if the kids gave you little trinkets that you could sell for money or something ("Awww this picture of a blue pizza looks great!" *10 minutes later, dump the drawing of the pizza into the box and get 10 gold for the kid's drawing*)
                              • Lanx12

                                Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

                                You monster ! Using your kids artwork like that...such a waste...free labor is the way to go :p rofl
                                • Indigo Rose

                                  Indigo Rose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  I would love it if your children made little drawings or clay sculptures or whatever and you could take them to the museum...

                                  Gunther: I realize you're proud, but a museum isn't really the place to display your kids' arts and crafts projects...
                                  Me: You know, maybe putting all these historical artifacts and valuable minerals in some dusty old museum wasn't such a great idea... I should just take them back and sell them.
                                  Gunther: NO! Ummm... I mean, let's not be hasty here. It just occurred to me that we do have some free shelf space, and some locally made handicrafts might be just the thing...
                                  Me: Yeah, that's what I thought. Now display my daughter's sculpture of an awkwardly proportioned three-legged cow. Or else!
                                    zoeevee, bnm123, Marak and 1 other person like this.
                                  • Lanx12

                                    Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

                                    @Indigo Rose I love that idea. That would be really awesome to see my daughters macaroni painting of a cow hung with pride in the Museum <3
                                    • Caudyr

                                      Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

                                      Hahahahahahaha. DO IT CA! DO IT!!!!!!! :rofl:
                                      • Legeis

                                        Legeis Astral Cartographer

                                        I found something kids do.....block you path....billy decided to just stand next to my bed and now i can't get in :rofl:


                                        Guess I'm passing out tonight :p
                                          DatRaph and bcatty like this.
                                        • Lanx12

                                          Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

                                          Eh just tell billy to get back to bed or you wont take him to the beach tomorrow :p

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