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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Poltergeist

    Poltergeist Zero Gravity Genie

    Maybe something like Jayce's Hammer/Arc Cannon from League of Legends.
  2. Kalvuric

    Kalvuric Big Damn Hero

    Pile bunkers. This includes any sort of mechanically assisted punching tool (including those previously mentioned.) Somewhat impractical for a meatbag on foot, generally popular for mecha or powered armor of some sort. Incidentally, heavy armor could be used as a melee weapon (tackle, punches, etc. are based on force, F=ma you do the mass I can't be arsed. :p ) Multifunctional equipment is always handy (rotary saw + pickax?)

    ....Let me use my friends as weapons, River City style. Or any other suitably thwack-worthy critter (rat-flail?) I would also be in favour of some sort of grapple, from the Scorpion wire style to the flying Kirby suplex (no idea how this or unarmed fighting would work in a game like Starbound.) Other than that, its all pretty well been said: add energy application (fire, rocket propulsion, electricity, lasers) of some sort, unusual metals, space critter parts....

    Oh yeah, there's always kitchen implements. Nothing says "I'ma brain you" like a comically oversized fry pan. Especially if you were witness to the last person to get hit with one. D:
    Segolia likes this.
  3. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    I want King Deedee's hammer.
    And a shirt, I want to hit people with armor.
    Kalvuric likes this.
  4. mo'guts

    mo'guts Big Damn Hero

    Any form of Chainsaw/Chainsaw Katana/Chainsword and all those kinds of brutal melee gems.

  5. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Sword guns are awesome.
    And no im not talking about guns that shoot swords
    I mean swords with guns on them.
  6. Active Link

    Active Link Master Astronaut

    Does this count as sci-fi?
    Electric0Eye likes this.
  7. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    i got a giga drill in my backyard, don't you?
  8. Luna

    Luna Pangalactic Porcupine

    Those are actual real-life non-sci-fi weapons (except not as large)
  9. jacksnight

    jacksnight Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Here are a few i like.....

    Knives from Chronicles of Riddik


    The Z Sword from Dragonball Z..


    world of warcraft sword of a thousand truths...


    world of warcraft illidan sword

    Shippo and FixelPixel like this.
  10. xXSunSlayerXx

    xXSunSlayerXx Cosmic Narwhal

    this game needs MOAR SCYTHES

  11. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Lmao, I loved that thing. But it was really annoying fighting Caesar's legion when they were all equipped with them and swarming in large groups.
  12. TTGL rules. FunnyJunk sucks.
    Link or it didn't happen:cool:
  13. Tojo

    Tojo Existential Complex

    I think a nice addition would be a tazer. Even though there's the laser glove I think the tazer would be a lower tech item so that you won't instantly find on of these power gloves that can stun th enemy. Other than that I believe someone mentioned the moonlight great sword, I would that in the game or any sword that can fire an energy like link's sword when he's at full hearts.
    blind sniper likes this.
  14. Active Link

    Active Link Master Astronaut

    Sorry, I just did an image search for Giga Drill Breaker.
  15. Could use this [LINK] ;)
  16. Kalvuric

    Kalvuric Big Damn Hero

    Automatically flags you for pvp if you say "don't taze me, bro!"
    Toady likes this.
  17. Vladplaya

    Vladplaya Cosmic Narwhal

    Predator's wrist blades FTW!

    Marokutai likes this.
  18. Tojo

    Tojo Existential Complex

    Ahahaha hey man imagine how fun it might be to tazing people. Although the cool down needs to be little long so that there's no taze lock or shock resistant clothing would be nice.
  19. drcheesington

    drcheesington Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh, I loved that series. If something like that could be implemented it would be amazing.

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