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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Jeme223

    Jeme223 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Anybody already say lightsabers?
  2. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    Plasma whips
    Villhelm, Shasta and -Tio- like this.
  3. Ephexis

    Ephexis Cosmic Narwhal

    one of my personal fav's from demon's souls, the large sword of moonlight, in other words, the moonlight great sword

    you can easily turn this into a sci-fi weapon in that it'd run on battery power and it's made of pure energy(instead of moonlight because this is sci-fi, but then again i see either way working out fine)
  4. The Enderman

    The Enderman Phantasmal Quasar

    I'd like something with this sort of design:

    FixelPixel likes this.
  5. Dr. Otaku-Sensei

    Dr. Otaku-Sensei Phantasmal Quasar

    Something along the lines of Djinn (AKA:your generic flaming sword) :
    XRiZUX and Mianso like this.
  6. No one has even considered that yet. Not even george lucas.
  7. Marcus Eralice

    Marcus Eralice Big Damn Hero

    Unconventional weapons: A shield, a boomerang shield at that. Both offensive and defensive. Comes in a variety of styles.
  8. Jeme223

    Jeme223 Pangalactic Porcupine

    hey, i didnt feel like reading everything to see :p
  9. *...WooooMMwwoOOMmmWOOOMMwoommM* I don't even know what you're talking about *WHHHOOOOOMMMMwooommMWOooomm...*
    Electric0Eye, Dragrath and zooey like this.
  10. drcheesington

    drcheesington Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd like a pair of gloves or even a full suit with which one could absorb the impact of blows and send it back at the attacker.
    Other than that, maybe some sort of proper laser blade that doesn't so much end as simply cease to be focused enough to deal damage.
  11. Aeynia

    Aeynia Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Compared to Western blades, Katanas are godly.
    Katanas are made for cutting, and they are quite effective at such.
    Longswords/Broadswords were made to crush your opponent's armor and bones, preventing movement, leaving them open to stabbing them with a knife/dagger in the weakspots of their armor.

    I could also argue that the longsword/scimitar didn't save their respective regions from themselves either ;)
    Dragrath likes this.
  12. -Tio-

    -Tio- Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A laser whip would be cool.
  13. What is this, Deadliest Warrior?
  14. Aeynia

    Aeynia Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No this is Patrick Mythbusters
    CaptainSpitfire and Axe Garian like this.
  15. TheMurumasa

    TheMurumasa Existential Complex

    Really would love to enter that contest!
    PerpetualUndead and Shippo like this.
  16. Mobon1

    Mobon1 Orbital Explorer

    Looks like:

    Regardless, we need these:
  17. nomotog

    nomotog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  18. Rekalty

    Rekalty Friend of the Night

    /me Copy-Pastes any weapon from Fallout.

    mo'guts likes this.
  19. Oricalcum

    Oricalcum Ketchup Robot

    I would like some kind of large glove you put on your hand, that gives you weapons like this, in the mega man battle network games.
    (preferably the blades)
  20. Tardisphere

    Tardisphere Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    The only thing I'd like to see that hasn't been said already (I think...)
    Forge, XRiZUX, Ketoth and 2 others like this.

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