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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Sowaka

    Sowaka Phantasmal Quasar

    That was the longest build-up to a shot being fired I've ever watched. Also, I think this is the exact opposite of a melee weapon. Like, you couldn't be any further away from it being a melee weapon unless the gun was made of bread and was wearing fish shoes. At least with the other ranged weapons that have been suggested you could physically pick up the gun and beat someone to death with it.
  2. Exxil3d

    Exxil3d Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Some sort of energy scythe thing. Perhaps creates small and weak gravity vortexes when swung that restrict mob movement so they're easier to kill. Would have to be balanced though, 'cause that sounds kind of op. To me, at least. I don't care, just add scythes.
    TTCBuilder likes this.
  3. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    Hmm... Lightsabers/Lasers/Blasters/Plasma have probably been suggested a million times already, so what else...

    A lightning gun maybe? I'm reminded of Heart of Darkness and Unreal Tournament...

    It drove me crazy in the original Deus Ex though, because to actually take someone down in one hit with it you had to be as close as humanly possible and aim for the... lower back?
    Axe Garian likes this.
  4. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Only took me a couple of years to figure that out. Something to do with the damage calculation.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  5. Barami

    Barami Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Add the adjective "plasma", "laser", or "plasma laser" to anything, along with gratuitous glow effects and you've got the makings of a brilliant piece of weaponry.

    I'm partial to plasma whips and light sabers myself. There's also the classic retractable laser sword projected from the bracers, and knives hidden in decorative fans though by itself it's not really sci-fi. Giant needles filled with poisonous compounds would be a cool aesthetic, and plasma chakrams, too. Also, boomerang-like laser disks. Exploding disks. Yeah. Pretty please on those chakrams.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  6. H-Alo

    H-Alo Phantasmal Quasar

    "Plasma Laser Waffles"
    "Get yours now! Not only is it able to contain a 12x14 area of delicious Avian Mapple Syrup, it has a self-defense mechanism to defend itself from would-be waffle theives!
    First buyers will also receive a second Plasma Laser Waffle. While stocks last. Buy it at a Mega Station near you!"
    DeadlyLuvdisc and Barami like this.
  7. Xenalith

    Xenalith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    An alternated approach to the 'Power Fists' could be Thunderclaps. Clapping creates a invisible wave the pushes everyone back. Etc.

    A cool idea for a weapon, could be holographic hands, they would be more of a ranged weapon though. Could be powered by something other than a ring, so that's it doesn't connect to Green Lantern.
  8. Croyd

    Croyd Big Damn Hero

    The Glave from Krull.

    Edit: I take that back it is more of a ranged weapon. I guess the only melee weapons I ever liked where light sabers and gun blades from final fantasy.
    Axe Garian and DeadlyLuvdisc like this.
  9. salmon85

    salmon85 Void-Bound Voyager

    Big Daddy Drill
    Rocket Crowbar (half-life mod :D)
    Riot Shield
  10. Siloxis

    Siloxis Big Damn Hero

    Sangheili Energy Swords (Halo)
    TTCBuilder and DeadlyLuvdisc like this.
  11. Monkeybiscuit

    Monkeybiscuit Phantasmal Quasar

    If it hasn't been said already, Chainswords.[​IMG]
  12. wraithbone

    wraithbone Pangalactic Porcupine

    My first mod will be a 40k weapons mod.
    Monkeybiscuit and Servilus like this.
  13. bigbro2many

    bigbro2many Seal Broken

    Yeah, I sorta forgot about the melee part, lol. i just got into the sci-fi weapon theme:p
  14. Eonwulf

    Eonwulf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I want Scythes. Nothing screams awesome like a Scythe.
    Arretez, bigbro2many and Dis like this.
  15. Syze00

    Syze00 Title Not Found

    This guy doesn't agree with you on that
    TTCBuilder likes this.
  16. Syze00

    Syze00 Title Not Found

    I would like a Giga drill. A call back to the anime Gurren Lagann. Any Gurren Lagann references would be appriciated
    onerb2 likes this.
  17. StarshiyLeytenant

    StarshiyLeytenant Cosmic Narwhal

    I would have to say covie energy swords and predator wrist blades top my list.
  18. bigbro2many

    bigbro2many Seal Broken

    I agree with this. Maybe some sort of plasma Scythe?
  19. Sowaka

    Sowaka Phantasmal Quasar

    That'd actually be quite awesome, Gurren Lagann is amazing and can be seen all over the place now, didn't it even start a small meme with Kamina's absurd glasses? Drill hammer would also be badass.
    onerb2 likes this.
  20. GreatOldOne

    GreatOldOne Space Penguin Leader

    The first thing that comes to mind are light sabers or the Bat'lith. Those weapons resonate with all things Sci Fi and Melee. I would say may favorite being light sabers with vibroblades being a close second, but why not make a new sci-fi weapon? How about a quantum hammer(a hammer that smashes atoms on impact causing tiny black holes to tear at the fabric of space around impact), Or a jet blade ( a blade comprised of wind or water particles that cuts things in the same fashion as a water jet). I dunno these might seem like silly ideas, but the world needs a new sci-fi weapon.
    Axe Garian likes this.

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