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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Andwey

    Andwey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Anything cleaver-shaped and made to look futuristic would actually be amazing

    And if it hasn't been mentioned before, laser whips :D
  2. Goldstar

    Goldstar Big Damn Hero

    Ah yes, nothing says Sci-fi like unintentionally wrapping your beam weapon around you and cutting yourself in half. Have we considered Lightsaberchucks too?
  3. Zhyolskuniir

    Zhyolskuniir Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Necrovore likes this.
  4. Vahi5

    Vahi5 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    What should we call this? Darwin's Claymore? I think I'd like some weapons with this twin-helix style. I've got a few others:

    Ion Blade: A beam of ions that loses coherence after four feet or so for Ion Swords, and different distances appropriate to other weapon types. Slightly worse than a metal blade against organic matter, but it just tears inorganic matter (metal, plastic, ETC) apart at a molecular level.

    Laser Blade: A high-wattage laser that runs parallel to a metal blade/strut that supports a solar panel modified to accept high-wattage lasers. Better than a metal blade on all materials, but organic life lies in pieces on the floor after getting hit with one of these.

    Plasma Blade: Think Lightsabers. And Lightaxes. And lighthammers. A striking surface composed of magnetically-contained plasma, which serves as a middle ground between Ion and Laser weapons, better than a metal blade against both, but not to the extent of either of the other two.

    Of course, melee energy weapons would be top-tier. Mechanical blades, rocket assisted weapons, maybe even a hammer that deals damage through a directed explosion, pneumatic thrusting weapons, or swinging weapons that use some kind of mechanism to amplify force. Although for that last one, it could best be compared to powered nunchucks or a powered flail. Finally, I kind of want the circular saw spears that were in that weird version of Beowulf. The one Christopher Lambert. Unfortunately, I can't find a screenshot of it.
  5. Zhyolskuniir

    Zhyolskuniir Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Many of those aren't melee weapons. Now I'm sad that I know what each one of them is called. Cool Post, though!
  6. LabMonkey

    LabMonkey Subatomic Cosmonaut

    when was the last time you saw someone swing a deathstar?
  7. Zhyolskuniir

    Zhyolskuniir Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Turkish Star Wars.
    Vahi5 and kgoldstar like this.
  8. JoshF

    JoshF Void-Bound Voyager

    Not sure if anyones said this yet, but...

    Lightsaber whip.
  9. Kota

    Kota Astral Cartographer

    Probably a laser morning star. It's like a lightsaber, 'cept it's a morning star :p And it can extend into like a flail, too.
    krakkenchaos and JoshF like this.
  10. se05239

    se05239 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Rocket-boosted Hammers!
    Chainswords, for sure!
    A mutated arm that turns into a whip-like tentacle with jagged spines on it!
  11. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    [PROTOTYPE] much? :p
  12. DJOkamical

    DJOkamical Space Kumquat

    Though rare, katanas with an elemental blade have always been the coolest thing to me :>
    Gouki likes this.
  13. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    Warhammer 40k Powersack of powerdoorknobs. Preferred weapon of all Angry Marines.
  14. Actinide2k9

    Actinide2k9 Void-Bound Voyager

    The Bat'leth

    OzzytheFist likes this.
  15. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    A trekky <3 While we're at it, let's get some [​IMG]
    Actinide2k9 likes this.
  16. Actinide2k9

    Actinide2k9 Void-Bound Voyager

    Romulans :viking:

    OzzytheFist likes this.
  17. kablump

    kablump Industrial Terraformer

    In all honesty my favorite scifi weapon came from a tabletop rpg.

    I was a super american orc named ungol slam who had a minigun with a chainsaw bayonet all of which was powered by gasoline...
  18. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    That sounds... awesome.

    As a sidenote, your profile picture and signature make me very happy.
  19. DevonX

    DevonX Void-Bound Voyager

    Crysis 3: Typhoon

    Cloudhopper likes this.
  20. Vahi5

    Vahi5 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yes, I agree. An excellent gun to whack things with.

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