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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Deadlyapples

    Deadlyapples Zero Gravity Genie

    I would like Phaseblades.

    Like Wolverines claws but made of glowing energy.

    Similar to Psyblades from Protoss from starcraft but 2 blades extending from the back of the hand.
  2. zari

    zari Void-Bound Voyager

    Identity Disk from TRON: Legacy
    They look cool and fight them is very impressive.

    Vahi5, krakkenchaos and Menasor like this.
  3. flippitydip

    flippitydip Big Damn Hero

    Wow I'm an idiot :rofl: how did I miss that? Man I really wasn't paying attention to anything yesterday. Also I like your choice.
  4. Shub

    Shub Void-Bound Voyager


  5. bartwe

    bartwe Code Cowboy

    For Aiur!
    TTCBuilder likes this.
  6. CrimsonWingzz

    CrimsonWingzz Pangalactic Porcupine

    You require additional pylons.
  7. Degenerate Pixel

    Degenerate Pixel Phantasmal Quasar


    The Shishkebab, from Fallout 3. A gas-powered flame-sword.
  8. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    One of the Twin blades of Azzinoth not a sword... baka!!
  9. mxpsych

    mxpsych Subatomic Cosmonaut

    sorry if it was already posted -

    Not exactly sci-fi (in context) but could easily be re-worked to be:


    Edit - Kazuma's Arm from S-CRY-ed in case anyone is interested in the source
    flippitydip likes this.
  10. Annoctatio

    Annoctatio Pangalactic Porcupine

    I was about to post "Protoss psionic blades are helluva' awesome."

    The best thing ever invented. As a strong second comes lightsabers.
  11. Menasor

    Menasor Phantasmal Quasar

    This sounds like a 8-bit theater reference, either way, I approve of this weapon.
  12. Corsair114

    Corsair114 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    We should totally have swordchucks, yo.
    Menasor likes this.
  13. Menasor

    Menasor Phantasmal Quasar

    My favorite part of the webcomic is the invisible spiders segments. :rofl::giggle:

    On Topic: I approve of this weapon too. Swordchucks ftw.
  14. The Merchant

    The Merchant Void-Bound Voyager

    Chainsword > All
  15. Menasor

    Menasor Phantasmal Quasar

    Chainswordchucks > Chainswords just saying...
  16. The Merchant

    The Merchant Void-Bound Voyager

    I firmly disagree.
  17. RACTA

    RACTA Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well... I'm out of originality so :

    Portable Energetic crossbow [​IMG] - One of the best traitor weapons in ss13. This little fella can fit in every backpack, carrying case or any other bag which makes it very handy to keep with you. Powered by plasma battery it gives you impressing power which after few shots can take away enemy's head so you will never be caught off guard even by aliens or changelings. And the battery can last very long ! The downside of it - It's very notable and speed of projectiles isn't that big compare with tazers or laser guns so it's good to use it in mid or close range.

    Cryptographic Sequence or just Emag (Not a weapon but still amazing thing to have) [​IMG] - This cowboy is yours best friend in any situation. Emag is capable of hacking any device that you can imagine off - Doors, turrets, consoles, crates and etc. Also it drops emergency shuttle countdown on 10 seconds, sometimes helps. The downside of it that affected equipment will be permanently broken (You hack the door with it, door opens and breaks remaining in opened position before engineer fix it as an example) Well... Also it leaves obvious trail of broken machinery in your way but game cost the candles.

    Trick cigarettes (Best friend of wannabi grifer) [​IMG]- I saw them only on the gibbed servers but it's best one so far. What is it you ask ? This is 9 mini-grenades in little cigarette pack. Not as noticeable as the crossbow and you can hold them in your pocket. Even if their power isn't that big, 2 of them would be enough to breach the hull and decompress whole room, leaving poor victims to suffocate while airlocks are auto-locked themselves. Also it's cheapest thing in the traitor menu (1 Telecrystal ) so you can fill pockets with those and blow up every single victim you will met. I remember a big group of the traitors blowing up whole station with those. They can be as mid+ or endgame throwable weaponry. (Stats can also be randomly generated)

    Last but not in the list, the most common and deadliest weapon in the game (Sorry couldn't find any images)(And it's not so sci fi, but i should mention it. (We can add neon lights to make it look more sci fi-yish) - Oxygen tank and fire extinguisher -- The worst dream of every player in ss13. Few hits with this heavy baby in the head (Or even one) and you are knocked out leaving your body at the mercy of attacker. Nuff said, only floor tiles can compare with this power.

    That's all i think, sorry for my bad English and terrible punctuation. Have a nice day.

    P.S You can just beat the life out of your enemy with emag :D
  18. krakkenchaos

    krakkenchaos Star Wrangler

    also, pretty much anything from Phantasy Star Online (which already has a very similar world and aesthetic to Starbound)

    And I might as well mention the axe from Brutal Legend
  19. RACTA

    RACTA Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, it's a fantasy style weapon, but i want to see it in the game. I never changed it's skin (Well... I did. I changed it on the fire version) because it's so awesome looking. It would be nice to see guitar as a weapon too :D

    We (Or devs) can always add some neon and whistles to make it more Sci Fi
    krakkenchaos likes this.
  20. Corsair114

    Corsair114 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

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