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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    Well u could have heated fire scythe, plasma scythe, sonic scythe (it use sound vibration to cut objects like butter as I heard Sci-fiction), electric scythe, and the HappyVader show u that link yes they might come idea for that.

    As I read ppl said "What about mechs or vehicles with melee weapons ?" I can give u developers simple idea, for mechs its simple, if the mech is pose have the body of human then think as a body as human as it use weapons. for vehicles almost same, but without the arms or legs pretty much you have to think like animal would do example dogs use bite and vehicles will have a mouth to bite, every weapons can be used on nearly everything.
  2. H-Alo

    H-Alo Phantasmal Quasar

    Chinese Halberd! Like the Green Dragon Crescent Blade (a halberd wielded by a famous general from China back in the "Three Kingdoms" stage). Look it up.

    [​IMG]It's colour is either Blue or Green. Add SFX and Walla! Sci-Fi weapon.

    Japanese Katana?
    Chinese Longsword?
    Nunchuks! Happy Face.png
    A Scythe, like above (ChaoticGamer).
    Staff. Like Sun Wukong's (Son Goku, to put it simpler) Ruyi Jingu Bang.
    [​IMG]Add SFX!
    KMnOFour and Axe Garian like this.
  3. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    What else is there...oh yea the whip.....it be like Indiana Jone again accept for the hero guy is not here lol. windmill shrunken (can be used to throw or cqc), cleavers, daggers, also knives (they r not daggers), bayonets (the melee version), the chinese fan weapon version ( u know thous movie have fans sticking out knives at the end of the fan), so far yea that how much I'll will think
  4. survivorization

    survivorization Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Laser whip. Go sci fi Castlevania on some creeps.
  5. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    Oh wait I got something an idea that could be a easter egg and fun (note it a fist weapon)....
  6. TheKobold666

    TheKobold666 Big Damn Hero

    Laser claws... definitely
  7. Clad in Plaid

    Clad in Plaid Cosmic Narwhal

    Rocket fists.

    Fists with volatile rockets attached.

    It's Sci-Fi because the rockets actually modern feats of engineering that contain more moving parts than a level 2 sentry gun.
  8. The Mute One

    The Mute One Phantasmal Quasar


    They are literally massive, heavy, gloves that require technology or superhuman strength to lift, but the impact is strong enough to cause a miniature earthquake. Otherwise, the range is extremely small and it fires as fast as a turtle.
  9. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    There have not been a lot of melee weapons depicted in sci fi movies, but one that is memorable is the exoskeleton that Riply used in Alien to kill the alien.
    Axe Garian and Thom like this.
  10. Zosimus

    Zosimus Phantasmal Quasar

    Already mentioned was Beam Katana from No More Heroes

    Not yet mentioned: Beam Swordchucks (swordchucks from 8-Bit Theater with LAZORZ)

    And also more spear-based sci-fi weaponry because spears > swords
  11. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    if anyone is not aware of old style sword that is shaped in, it be good old time discuss matter fact this should be in, scimitar, Reaper (different version be a sword, not an scythe), board sword, claymore, Buster sword (not the one form FF), wazki, Dia katana (long sword version of katana), Large cleaver version sword (yes there has been, from many knights this was one the blade until got destroy), fencing sword (they r useful in some point they r used highly critical attackers), and pretty much so far I know about blades of course if someone "what about the claw with the blade" that is hard determined that is claw or blade so I say pretty much both.
  12. TIL that some cereals are more perilous than they seem...
    What dread secrets lay behind those dead eyes, you strange little man?
    PerpetualUndead and Byron Banquo like this.
  13. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    It's just a small terran firebat.
    Axe Garian and BrutorDragon like this.
  14. Byron Banquo

    Byron Banquo Void-Bound Voyager

    Gravity gun

    Edit: Er, ahem, also known as the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator
    Thom likes this.
  15. Thom

    Thom Void-Bound Voyager

    Anything involving lasers or electricity, incorporated through the use of gloves, batons, swords/daggers, polearms etc. would be pretty awesome.
    Byron Banquo and Axe Garian like this.
  16. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    How about a superconducting supercollider that ,allows you to smash two atoms together into the face of your opponent.
    It would have 2 tubes one your back with constantly accelerating particles, when you attacked it would have to "recharge"
    but we all know the effects of smashing atoms...
  17. FixelPixel

    FixelPixel Pangalactic Porcupine

    WOW! Im ready for it, let the battle starts!

    i was wondering what can i say, and i saw that post,*HAPPY MUSIC STARTS*
  18. FixelPixel

    FixelPixel Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yes, but the penguin will die =[
    Axe Garian likes this.
  19. TheKobold666

    TheKobold666 Big Damn Hero

    mmmm can it be a Kentucky fried penguin cannon?
    Byron Banquo likes this.
  20. survivorization

    survivorization Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You're thinking of the unstable enriched uranium atoms.

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