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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. OnyxTortoise

    OnyxTortoise Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, the idea is interesting but I would much rather see something like this:

    The grip on gunblades just looks silly. Too unpractical (and a quick way to get a contusion).
    survivorization likes this.
  2. Kriegson

    Kriegson Big Damn Hero

    Mechs, of course. Or ancient mobile sarcophagus holding a superhuman warrior and weilding weapons that could turn most creatures into a fine red mist and a few sloppy chunks, in this case :D
  3. Imnotdavis

    Imnotdavis Big Damn Hero

    Gerael and Axe Garian like this.
  4. Vespers

    Vespers Pangalactic Porcupine

    More then enough helpful info. Thanks.
  5. Fakenublet

    Fakenublet Space Spelunker

    The lightaber, as always. :D
  6. rebecca armstrong

    rebecca armstrong Void-Bound Voyager

    Andromeda tv.program has a few good 1s

    the commonwealth lance
    neutron whip that cuts/passes thru everything not sure on its exact name been a long time since i watched that show

    on the last movie of stargate the sword bau'l has that is 1 atom think at its edge truly sci-fi we cant replicate that yet even with todays tech
  7. SteelRaptor53

    SteelRaptor53 Void-Bound Voyager

    Gravity glove, Just make sure not to hit something solid with it unless you wanna break the worlds greatest cannonball record.
  8. Kloudy

    Kloudy Phantasmal Quasar

    I would love there to be a Gravity Glove in the game. Just.. Awesome!
  9. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Fuk yea...
  10. ortish

    ortish Master Chief



    Something like irelia's weapons except instead of being mind controlled you could give them a special glove that controls the weapons... or i guess you could keep it real and just make it so the blades actually are semi intelligent and communicate with the person using them.

    I also really liked the:
    Claw ideas (energy claws would be awesome)
    Redesigned key blades
    Energy swords and beam sabers would be cool. (swords with more detail then a lightsaber)

    it would be interesting if you could give some of these weapons a alternate fire, then you could make weapons that transform.

    like this weapon. its both a energy crossbow / pneumatic hammer.

    could do a lot of cool things with transforming weapons.
  11. Toady

    Toady Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They have a gravity gun for building...
  12. Kloudy

    Kloudy Phantasmal Quasar

    I said Gravity Glove, like if you punch someone they go flying. It would be funny to watch. :p
  13. Unconscious Architect

    Unconscious Architect Big Damn Hero

    I would love something like the Painkiller from, well, Painkiller.

    Those blades spin around so fast you can't even see them, and the head launches off and project a laser that hits everything between where the head hits and the shooter, even after moving.
    PerpetualUndead likes this.
  14. Active Link

    Active Link Master Astronaut

    Then that's not really a melee weapon, is it?
  15. Unconscious Architect

    Unconscious Architect Big Damn Hero

    ._. Almost the entire first page is weapons that have some sort of alternative firing function, and of course its still a melee weapon, thats like saying a gun isn't a gun because I can brain someone over the head with the buttstock.
    PerpetualUndead and Axe Garian like this.
  16. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    have everyone forgot the...hold on...[​IMG] this guy here? anyone??? note this picture is not mine
    Oh yea its not the only weapon. Good old war hammer, sickles, tonfa, chainsaw, spike shield, battle axe, hatchet, cane, staff, and pretty much I think so far.
  17. Unconscious Architect

    Unconscious Architect Big Damn Hero

    What if we made it a laser scythe? Got to admit, I haven't seen that one before.
  18. HappyVader

    HappyVader Big Damn Hero

    What about Death scythe?

    Attached Files:

    That Guy likes this.
  19. aerionop

    aerionop Big Damn Hero

    this one's from Gundam (I think), but when it comes to laser-edged melee weapons Phantasy Star is the right place to look. A bunch of photon weapons everywhere in that game.
    I'd say to look at the Phantasy Star series for inspiration for sci-fi melee weapons.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  20. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    I dunno if this counts, but I just watched Abraham Lincoln the Vampire Hunter, and I'd really like his axe/gun/sword thing he has. Like it's an axe, but you pull back the blade thing, and it's a gun, and on the tip there's a button that makes a blade come out the other end, which is pretty cool in my opinion.
    Shippo likes this.

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