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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Sirnak

    Sirnak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh, I totally forgot to post some classics of the Megaman Gameboy Advance era! Nice laser weapons that somewhat have more beautiful shapes than the classic lightsaber. Here:
    Forge and Saal like this.
  2. Shinxy-Chan

    Shinxy-Chan Giant Laser Beams

    Derp, i would love to see those in the game, derp.
    Gerael, Dragrath and LastDay like this.
  3. Evinagro

    Evinagro Cosmic Narwhal

    energy sword from halo
    warmaster rocket hammer from spiral knights
  4. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    You can never go wrong with a helicoper on a stick.
    It's sharp, heavy, and fun to throw around, not to mention the utility of it.
    survivorization and LoftyAnchor like this.
  5. Imnotdavis

    Imnotdavis Big Damn Hero

    A true "Sci-Fi melee weapon" doesn't REALLY exist...unless it's like Sci-Fi History (whoa, that would be crazy!) If I had to pick one...I would want to have a laser dagger.... it's like an automatic knife, you push a button and it makes a short laser, and then when you kill someone with it, it looks like they never got stabbed, they just died. Perfect for assassinations.
  6. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    Yeah... and their wound was strangely cauterized... not suspicous at all...
    or the perfect cut of the wound... they won't notice that either,
    but it could defientely be handy for the actual assassination.
    WhiteMousse and Axe Garian like this.
  7. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    ^this^ but without "derp"
    TTCBuilder likes this.
  8. echopeus

    echopeus Starship Captain

    Only 1 answer popped into my head:

  9. H.G.scout

    H.G.scout Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    quite obiously.......
    Axe Garian likes this.
  10. RikSharp

    RikSharp Pangalactic Porcupine

    It definitely packs a punch...
    blind sniper and Hekatonkheir like this.
  11. Hekatonkheir

    Hekatonkheir Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    stun gloves (electric) that shocks players or creatures when you punch them. this might make it over powered but te gloves could cause the enemy to be paralised temporarily
    i think these were in a bond movie

    im all out after that
  12. Fluffy Arsonist

    Fluffy Arsonist Cosmic Narwhal

    W40k inspired weapons are a good idea. a generic chainsword, works well in most situations. power swords, cut through almost any armour. thunder hammers, blow holes in a wall, make small craters, reduce an enemy to a fine red mist. force weapons, blast a demon back into it's own universe. power fists, punch someone into the lower atmosphere. energy/lightning claws, shred through armour and flesh alike, shock the others around you. and that's just for the infantry.
  13. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    UlfrAndi and LoftyAnchor like this.
  14. lickmyxxx

    lickmyxxx Big Damn Hero

    A CHAINSAW!!!!!
    and flails would would be really nice :D
  15. ZixXer

    ZixXer Void-Bound Voyager

    Just a simple PUSH!!!! like worms, you see someone neer a ledge with lava below or something else end you just give a tiny push so they fall into whatever is there. the frustration if you got killed with a push! end less fun

    PS i was wondering do more people read this text then the color less ones above?
    Dust likes this.
  16. shcfyd

    shcfyd Subatomic Cosmonaut

    black high frequency/vibro blade. Clean, simple and skinny looking to contrast all the flashy stuff. The plausibly post-modern look compared to far off futury i guess~
    kinda like those tactical swords they have now- oh wait, but thats not really scifi...ooopss...

    ZixXer, your font hurts to read:sparta: why you no reasonable font size:lod: why you no complimentary colour to bg :lod:
    Axe Garian likes this.
  17. Active Link

    Active Link Master Astronaut

    I fixed your post. And no it doesn't get read more, most people skip over posts that are written in a color that causes retinal damage.
    survivorization likes this.
  18. Vespers

    Vespers Pangalactic Porcupine

    I just realized... Do the giant mechs we get to ride in have melee weapons as well? - Sorry if I'm being dumb here...
    Axe Garian likes this.
  19. Active Link

    Active Link Master Astronaut

    Devs haven't talked about what kind of weapons the mechs will have. But, they'll probably have melee weapons. Hope this helped.
    Vespers likes this.

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