Modding Help What are some things to learn for the new mission?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by UnderRaBi, Feb 16, 2020.

  1. UnderRaBi

    UnderRaBi Orbital Explorer

    I want to create a new story by creating a new mission and adding a new dungeon.
    What do you need to learn to do that?
    Is there any lecture on this at this forum?
  2. Omeruin

    Omeruin Void-Bound Voyager

    There are a few tutorials here and on the web.

    Here are some great examples:
    Quest and Mission
    Using Tiled (to create the dungeon map)
    Errors & How to Fix Them

    I'd also recommend unpacking the game's base assets and studying the missions already implemented. You can learn a lot from having something to look at!
    Unpacking Game's Assets

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