Welcome Metadept

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Blitzlegion

    Blitzlegion Big Damn Hero

    ALRIGHT THIS IS MY LAST ONE I SWEAR...i needed a day of relaxing and making pixel art.Multiply any pixel creation by three for a good ratio size.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Made by me.
    JoeBlk, Ciaran_D, Yzzey and 5 others like this.
  2. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hooray for a new member of the team!

    It means we will be that much closer to finishing the game because an entire extra person will do much much work over time.
    Keep up the good work Chucklefish

    P.S. Could someone get me links to the mods he has made?
    JoeBlk likes this.
  3. tete30000

    tete30000 Void-Bound Voyager

    Welcome ! :DD
    JoeBlk likes this.
  4. smillyderpface

    smillyderpface Aquatic Astronaut

    Starfoundry hooray
    JoeBlk likes this.
  5. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    Check his/her profile if you are ever searching for members mods
    JoeBlk and AdenSword like this.
  6. Nimeni

    Nimeni Big Damn Hero

    Yup, a very good (wonderful,awesome,smart) move to hire a modder.
    Like everybody else said, the game is getting closer and closer to the finish. :party:
    Congrats on joining the team.
    JoeBlk likes this.
  7. MrRex

    MrRex Astral Cartographer

    so is starfoundry like FTB for starbound? lol

    what if starbound was like wikipedia and anyone could edit vanilla's code :eek:
    scary thought...

    I guess metadept prolly has to move to UK now, have fun!
    JoeBlk likes this.
  8. Always nice to have another developer on the team. I remember when Mojang hired their AI programmer as well. Can we expect to see any more?
    JoeBlk likes this.
  9. Wasted507

    Wasted507 Void-Bound Voyager

    JoeBlk and Yzzey like this.
  10. neogamingo10

    neogamingo10 Orbital Explorer

    Cheers :) and I think your going to be great on the team.
    JoeBlk likes this.
  11. Neeko1984

    Neeko1984 Seal Broken

    JoeBlk and Type1Ninja like this.
  12. Cole Train

    Cole Train Orbital Explorer

    obviously you don't know how to spend your money cause you bought a game in beta and expected it to be complete. Also, the only thing that needs fixing here is your terrible grammar; the game is still in the early stages of beta and they have fixed a lot of problems, plus they just got done moving to a new office, so give them a break. I bet you play on the stable branch too, cause if you switched over to the unstable you'd see how much they're adding to the game. And your fallacy at the end is laughable, so go do something productive instead cause your comment doesn't help anyone.
    Higuera, JoeBlk and Yzzey like this.
  13. People who didn't understand that I was mocking the people that complain about the game: 5
    Jarod, JoeBlk, Yzzey and 1 other person like this.
  14. network618

    network618 Void-Bound Voyager

    when will the next update happen to startbound or when ship upgrades happen?
    JoeBlk likes this.
  15. Cole Train

    Cole Train Orbital Explorer

    hard to explain on the internet, cause I dropped the ball on that one, my b :rofl:
    JoeBlk likes this.
  16. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    Can't really blame them, mockery or not there isn't really any indicator that made your comment any different to people who do think like that. I thought you were making fun when I saw the grammar at the end, but we see that too.

    We need a special font called Sans Mockeres
    JoeBlk, ImmortalFrog, Ravager and 3 others like this.
  17. Well, I purposefully complained about something that made no sense (hiring people would help fix the game), I did use the stereotypical "stop wasting our money" line,
    I didn't provide any reasoning as to why I thought the game was broken, or what they should be doing, just that they're doing SOMETHING, wrong, I did unppropper inglish, and I thought that the last line, "I should know, I play video games" would be the main sarcasm indicator.

    ...Though... You have a point... It's incredibly hard to do sarcasm on the internet when people actually do several of the things listed above. Problem is, if I get any more obvious, I feel like the joke would not be nearly as funny.

    (not saying it was that funny to start with, but you get the idea.)
    JoeBlk likes this.
  18. squirrel_killer-

    squirrel_killer- Sandwich Man

    Hiring a modder IMO is a better move than just hiring a random coder or someone out of the unemployment line. For Metadept his work on starfoundery was a work of passion, and it was incredible quality, and I believe he will bring that same passion to the development of the actual game. I have always seen those who do something for pleasure are better than those who do it for the pay cheque. I feel like Metadept will only see this as an excuse to work on his passion more. I also feel like he is more in touch with the fans because he for a long time was just as aware as we were of development, and as a result only knew what we knew, but also knew exactly what he himself wanted as well as other wanted and made an adept to bring it into the game through mods. He has the same expectations we have, and so he will feel driven to make them a reality all the harder.

    As for you, yourself Metadept,

    I feel like you don't need a welcome, as you already are a respected and loved member of our little community. However I will congratulate you on making the team, and I look forward to seeing what you bring to the table. I hope you focus on your own ideas for improvement just as much as those jobs that are already in process. I also hope that you will communicate everything you can do which you yourself work on. Keep the game moving forward my good sir, and good luck.
  19. Blitzlegion

    Blitzlegion Big Damn Hero

    Metadept....i have your starbound wife ready......

    I'll colour her L8ter.
    JoeBlk likes this.
  20. Barlov Monkiss

    Barlov Monkiss Big Damn Hero

    Hoorays for the new hire! :love: May the stars be forever in your favor! :metroid:
    JoeBlk likes this.

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