Welcome Metadept

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    yes, lemon fruits would be great :DD
  2. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    How the hell is Starbound broken?
  3. Blitzlegion

    Blitzlegion Big Damn Hero

    devrock3033 likes this.
  4. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    shh bbu its k...
    sarcasm :)
  5. You should read the next few posts after mine! ~♪
  6. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    Welcome to the team I look forward to seeing your work =)
    JoeBlk likes this.
  7. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Now all we need is to mod real life to make all of those birds:
    a) look like chickens
    b) have a silly AI
    c) make them all vomit blood at people
    And then real life will be starbound. Of course, first we need to find the install directory of real life...
  8. Ravager

    Ravager Title Not Found

    Welcome Metadept! Prepare for insults and angry shouts from impatient players in the near future!
    Also, I am happy you decided to join, your efforts will no doubt boost the progress of this game, whether impatient people see it or not.
    PainKiller86 and JoeBlk like this.
  9. Blitzlegion

    Blitzlegion Big Damn Hero

    [​IMG] Helm of STORM CLOUDS....
    devrock3033 likes this.
  10. penguin055

    penguin055 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Imagine being a fan of a game and being accepted into the team to help make it...
    I wish you the best of luck in all your programming adventures :hylotl:
    vanella, JoeBlk and devrock3033 like this.
  11. jhonny1451

    jhonny1451 Void-Bound Voyager

    I must say and have to say this is going to be that best game in the world when its is fully done am i right people
    JoeBlk likes this.
  12. jhonny1451

    jhonny1451 Void-Bound Voyager

  13. Kyasupah

    Kyasupah Pangalactic Porcupine

    Begone vile troll.
  14. Begone person that doesn't understand mockery.

    ...Not really, I don't mind if you misunderstood my intentions. You're not the first, and I expected at least a couple people to respond negatively.
    Kabu likes this.
  15. LWSmuggler

    LWSmuggler Void-Bound Voyager

    Wow. Now the game's going to be a LOT more dangerous. That's the way I like it. Enjoy being on the team, man.
    I just hope the game doesn't lag a lot.
    JoeBlk and Titanium like this.
  16. devrock3033

    devrock3033 Aquatic Astronaut

    Metawesome! Congratulations my friend x10!!!! Super amazing. I am ecstatic to see your dedication, skills and friendliness leading you further into creating entertainments for us gamers, via this outstanding game. WHEN DO YOU GET TO GO TO LONDON?????? :-D :hylotl: :up: :raccoon: :fishbowl: :coffee::)
    JoeBlk and metadept like this.
  17. IronFistSurvivor

    IronFistSurvivor Subatomic Cosmonaut

    A new dev? That's great! Hopefully this should speed up the updates a bit, along with that office. Great to have another mind to think up additions (and fix a few bugs on the way)!
    JoeBlk likes this.
  18. Blitzlegion

    Blitzlegion Big Damn Hero

    I love pixel ART...I'm also a GTA photographerr :D CONGRATSSS NEW META-BEE!
  19. JoeBlk

    JoeBlk Star Wrangler

    Welcome Metadept! Hope you had some time to read also few of my suggestions. I am looking forward for new updates and new surprises. Plz not put all info's about it in the patch notes, that's why it's a surprise. :)
    redhawk39 likes this.
  20. jublue

    jublue Orbital Explorer

    Something to add to the wishlist of starbound and all of its glory if i may when u beam down from your ship to the planet could there be like a becon or telereporter pad thats shoots down and you can beam down to the planet when your in range (orbiting the planet) dumb idea yes but no my idea is u can pick up the becon and move it to any point on the planets serface thus creating a spawn on the planet wherever you want nifty i would say and when you beam back up you have to be at the becon or teleporter pad to beam back up i think it would be a good idea it would make the game fell a little bit harder but make it seem more alive too and you dont have to build your house close to spawn anymore because you can move it or make a new one mind you for something like this maybe you need like copper since its found in every planet level or sector to build it because mind you shooting off space pods dont come cheep on metal and it doesnt apprear out of thin air so u gotta mine it to make it to explore basic idea maybe things like higher level gear of metal and things like that can make you teleporter from a different planet in the galaxy that you have already placed pods or teleporter pads at. ok thats all i got thanks for reading this and thanks for an awesome game so far guys look forward to whats next.
    JoeBlk likes this.

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