Welcome Metadept

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Windcaller

    Windcaller Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm super exited!
    JoeBlk likes this.
  2. PainKiller86

    PainKiller86 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Congratulation Metadept and Tiy. I'm so happy everytime I see CF working on starbound in any way. I think your ideas are going really the right way. lot's of great changes are coming to SB and I'm glad to participate.
    Windcaller, JoeBlk and Titanium like this.
  3. Artem

    Artem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow, that was… That was pretty unexpected…
    Windcaller and JoeBlk like this.
  4. chubchubrecon

    chubchubrecon Void-Bound Voyager

    You seem very capable.

    Is there any way the monsters colors and attacks could match their planet a little better? I seem to encounter a lot of things like purple colored fluffy monsters that shoot fireballs, on an ice planet. It would be nice to see a little more matching going on between monsters and planets.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
    Windcaller, JoeBlk and Mallacor like this.
  5. Assaf

    Assaf Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome. Good luck Metadept mate. :)
    Windcaller and JoeBlk like this.
  6. oceansRising

    oceansRising Pangalactic Porcupine

    Welcome Metadept~
    JoeBlk likes this.
  7. Tweakz

    Tweakz Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice! More people for a more awesome game! :)
    JoeBlk and Serenity like this.
  8. Carryall

    Carryall Big Damn Hero

    This appears to be the next step from where the community was polled for popular mods being implemented in core game-play. I see this as a step in the right direction. I hope the extra resources given to metadept can add polish and content to the game. Not that his mods lacked either, the bar was set pretty high.
    JoeBlk likes this.
  9. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile


    Now that I'm done being a worshipper in the cult of mods, I'm really glad you are in the team. One of the things that bugged me about Mojang was that they never included a member of the modding community in the dev team, although it looks like that might change with Searge from MCP. Chucklefish/Tiy, you are starting out on the right foot by hiring modders! People REALLY respect modders, often more than the devs themselves, ironically. Keep up the good great awesome INCREDIBLY EPIC work!
    JoeBlk and Mallacor like this.
  10. claudekennilol

    claudekennilol Space Kumquat

    Congrats! I don't know how you can accomplish this, but hopefully you can make the game even more awesome!
    JoeBlk likes this.
  11. Svarr Chanston

    Svarr Chanston Cosmic Narwhal

    I for one welcome our new AI overlord.

    Welcome! <3
    JoeBlk likes this.
  12. Mallacor

    Mallacor Great Scott!

    Probably not the place to ask but don't know unless you ask. So Metadept could you please Implement from your Starfoundary mod. The Pump (Would love to make an acid moat around the house) also the Liquid Storage Tank. Battery charger and the Hopper/Item box that allows you to multi smelt items that pop out after. Those are REALLY cool.


    8:17 - Pump
    11:48 - Pump Storage Tank
    12:30 - Batteries + Charger.
    13:17 - The hopper set up that smelts stuff and drops them out the other side.

    Could you please please implement these! I'll even donate what I can to Starbound.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
    JoeBlk likes this.
  13. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

  14. metadept

    metadept Mostly Harmless Codesman

    Thanks, everyone! It sounds like you're all as excited as I am about the coming improvements. To address some questions:

    Not immediately, but I plan to add in pieces from it over time. The features that make it into the base game will be more polished and easier to use than some of the experimental implementations in Starfoundry. I definitely want to add things like pipes, automated digging, expanded logic systems, etc.

    Yes, though not as much. After a week or two, when things settle down, I'll be reevaluating what to do with the mod and how best to keep it moving forward.

    My first priority is to make the monsters fun. Beyond that, there are many possibilities, but I certainly plan to keep Starfoundry alive and in development and to continue supporting the modding community. After all, you (the players, the modders, the community) are a big part of what makes this game so great!
  15. RizzRustbolt

    RizzRustbolt Existential Complex

    Wait a minute... Weren't you the guy that was vehemently supporting leaving the Deathbirds in the game? And now you're in charge of all the monsters?

    I'm scurred.
    JoeBlk likes this.
  16. Toquio3

    Toquio3 Star Wrangler

    I see this as a positive thing. The modder that had a hand in starfoundry, a mod that has more actual technological and sciency things in it than the actual game. So at least now we will have someone in the dev team that is actually interested in creating sci-fi stuff instead of stone age tools and weapons.
    JoeBlk and Mallacor like this.
  17. Mallacor

    Mallacor Great Scott!

    I agree, it does feel like there's more primitive items then should be for a futuristic space game.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
    JoeBlk likes this.
  18. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    Plz add lemons to the game k? Thx :V
    JoeBlk, ___MeRliN___ and Serenity like this.
  19. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    vanella and Alucard I like this.
  20. ___MeRliN___

    ___MeRliN___ Guest

    Lemons like the story type? Lemons like parties or lemons like the fruit which I really really hope...

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