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Closed Weapon Nerf really?

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by sanjirosan, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. sanjirosan

    sanjirosan Aquatic Astronaut

    So yeah, patch comes out and you remove wood as fuel, ok sure, not that bad, just stuck strip mining the starting planet just so i can leave the rock. Now you go and nerf weapons so bad that a level one bird, with the aggro range of just about my draw distance(exageration, but they see me almost right when i can see them) even with a crafted iron slicer I cant even do enough DMG to kill it. Then insult to injury, I lose 300 pixel when I was at 900. right on guys, your doing a bang up job of making this game frustrating to the point of rage quiting
  2. MrDrMuffinPants

    MrDrMuffinPants Void-Bound Voyager

    (Early Beta) This means that they are still trying to balance out the game appropriately.
    Naju34 and Xin Kion like this.
  3. Sonatafox

    Sonatafox Poptop Tamer

    The weapons really arent that bad, in my opinion. And until you find a vendor to purchase things, your pixels honestly aren't a problem. As for your draw distance, heres a nice tip you can appreciate. You can either hold ctrl or alt, i forget which it is, but while holding this you can move your mouse to any edges of the screen and it'll move your view towards that direction, so you can travel to the right, and have almost no viewing distance to the left, but can see almost double past the normal draw distance to the right. Moving the camera back to its original position will have it automatically slowly snap it back into default place.

    Also, strip mining for coal isnt even necessary, you can find plenty of coal on the surface of the planet or in the shallow walls of the caves. You should really look at the weapon your crafting and compare the damages of the other ones before making one that is considerably weaker than others and then complaining about it, the material cost was probably less than the others, hence less damage.
  4. sanjirosan

    sanjirosan Aquatic Astronaut

    yeah, but did they not try to start a char and test things out? they put out the patch last night, then another one just a little while ago, I realize we are testing it, but does that mean we are the only ones testing it? so me and my brothers paid them to be their beta testers? you know, I used to work at a job that paid me to do the same thing. how far we have come. I am not just crying about things here, I am just trying to point out an oversight. I am happy for the work they are doing, but putting out a patch so soon after another one with such a clear flaw shows that they did no play test on their end, they just changed code and updated. not how things should be done
  5. sanjirosan

    sanjirosan Aquatic Astronaut

    hey sonota, so your telling me my iron slicer that is green should do even less dmg then a "crappybroadsword" that i got off a mob? I call BS, and what good is pulling 100 coal just to go to a planet with stronger mobs then on a level 1 planet?
  6. Sonatafox

    Sonatafox Poptop Tamer

    In case you havent noticed, they did note most of the problems you'd experience in this beta testing stage. They did note that there would be stages of testing, and this one would be the worst and buggiest. Additionally, the job you were paid for was probably a lot smaller and a lot more developed than this. If this testing was compared to that, this wouldn't even be released for beta testing for another 6 months or something like that. And even furthermore if you havent noticed, there is a ridiculously large amount of content to test. You cant seriously expect the Devs to spend hours playing the game to look for glitches and correct them one at a time as they see them. Allowing fans to preorder the game and help them find everything at once is a lot more efficient for a game of this nature.

    Its been stated that there are over 4 quadrillion galaxies in the game currently, with a planned 40 quadrillion or so. Every galaxy can have 2 ~ 5 planets that are made up of 1 ~ 4 planetary bodies. Every single one of these can be like, one of 7 or 8 biomes and have a possibility of having one of 4 or 5 mini biomes. On top of that, theres various villages and communities that can be randomly found throughout the planets and galaxies. From an Apex apartment/market complex, to an Avian sky pirate ship. If people are barely finding these settlements to report any bugs or glitches that they find, you can't expect the dev team, extremely significantly less than hundreds upon thousands of people playing at once, to find everything to test in comparison to whats currently going on.

    You yourself havent even scratched the surface of the game, theres a lot more bugs than that. Now imagine you're in a development team of a few people, try to find all the bugs in this game. Also you're not paying them to beta test their game, you're paying them to support them and to purchase the final product when its released, they gave you the chance of getting early access to the game, albeit buggy as all hell.

    Also, really? A high powered level 1 legendary weapon is still shitty compared to a crap drop from a higher level area. The update changed the planets to being whatever level they are, aka Alpha sector is entirely level 1, beta is 2, and so on. Now theres easy, medium, and hard levels of planets in their respective levels. So yes, your iron slicer can be shit compared to the drops that you're getting, if thats the case, why dont you just use the free drops? You can see the stats of the weapons you craft, should have noticed that it wasn't that strong. Did you look at the other craftable weapons and compare?

    Should also note that technically in this stage of development, its practically a well developed alpha, not so much a beta.
  7. sanjirosan

    sanjirosan Aquatic Astronaut

    Well, I guess Vivindi Universal is small compaired to Chucklefish. I never said they needed to test every damn planet, it would take them moments upon starting a char to realize even with the broken weapon they give you, the fights are just shy of unbeatable, but fine, so they do not have to do any testing themself, that is ok then, so here I am posting on a flubbed up issue. This is not some magical company that can do no wrong Sonota. they made a mistake, it should be fixed, I was pointing out the issue, and how, honestly, it should never have become one give the "proper" game development steps. For the record I have worked for not only VU Games, but also Eiji Games back when they were taking up Gunz, and a few other companies. I know how play testing and beta testing works, and first and for most, the developers are supposed to test stuff as they add or change things, and it is left to the beta and play testers to break the game or do things that would stress the code or see where issues could happen. In closing, I wont be playing the game again until the next "hotfix" or update as I do not wish to be stressed over something I am supposed to be enjoying.
  8. Andrew200072

    Andrew200072 Void-Bound Voyager

    I comepletely agree with you sanji, not on the entire thing, but the weapon nerfs and planetary levels. birds are stronger than a MINI-BOSS its friggin ridiculous, and I think that they should have kept the planetary leveling the same, much easier that way
  9. Sonatafox

    Sonatafox Poptop Tamer

    Im not saying they dont make mistakes, shields are broken as fuck right now. Makes the blocking noise but you take full damage. But really, you cant say that you aren't exaggerating, can you? With the broken weapon they give you, these fights are just shy of unbeatable? Is hitting a monster 3 or 4 times really that hard? I honestly never had a problem with it, especially with the broken weapon having so much vertical and horizontal range in comparison to some of the other weapons. It honestly, to me, just sounds like you're complaining that your weapon from before the wipe doesnt 1hit monsters anymore, and now you're upset because you have to hit a second or third time depending.

    Complaining about the shield problem is understandable. Complaining that you need to hit a monster more than once isnt. Before the patch, the weapons were way too over powered. I made a single weapon before the patch, a the avian's Cleaver, the 1h variant. It killed everything on one hit all the way up to threat level 9 or 10. How is that supposed to be challenging?
    Retnuh likes this.
  10. Onasaki

    Onasaki Void-Bound Voyager

    Just to like, point something out? Weapons are EXTREMELY OP. Once you get past the newbie weapons. However, I have to agree that the birds are extremely annoying.

    I've seen tier 1 weapons with DPS of 5000. Which is insane.
  11. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

    I guess I don't have this problem because I found an uncommoncrappyhammer that inflicts poison, so I can just hit things once and GTFO, but it does sort of sound like you're anally distressed because you need to hit things more than once.
  12. Veraal Fins

    Veraal Fins Big Damn Hero

    Indeed the weapon nerf was necessary, though I admit the OP bug was useful for getting back to one's former progression level.

    The final hammer had 1,000,000 damage set on it. Nothing in the game thus far has over 4K health as far as I've seen.
    Also, shields seem to reduce resistance to damage after a certain point. Does it do that at lower levels too, now?
  13. thegoa420

    thegoa420 Starship Captain

    i kill all birds with a bow......i think your doing it wrong, tell me where to come i will protect you from the birdies
  14. sanjirosan

    sanjirosan Aquatic Astronaut

    Sonota, you were picking and choosing what I was posting, I actually was upset that the monster was doing more DMG then I could put out to kill it. My broken weapon has a DPS of 10, that means every hit does 10 5 dmg and in 1 second i can do a total of 10, I have no problem with that, and the fact that it has a wide arc is cool, but from what i have seen, most 2 handers do and the trade off is you can use an off hand, like a light or gun, so that is fine too. But when a bird can fire 5 to 8 projectiles at me at one time, and each does 7~9 dmg, i dont stand a chance, nobody does. Add to that that monsters now like to move together. the game is over hard at low level right now. I was pointing that out. Before this hotfix I was able to 1~2 shot most mobs with my crafted slicer, but they still got in a hit or two, and that was fine, i had to play smart, but not cave myself in every time I seen something move.
  15. Sonatafox

    Sonatafox Poptop Tamer

    Already been noted in threads last night. Its widely agreed upon that the birds are way too overpowered, especially for a first planet. Maybe if the starting planets were exceptions to bird spawns, it would be fine. GIves you a planet to prepare and in turn they'd be less of a problem on other planets, due to most likely having invested into an iron bow by then. It wouldn't be so bad if they got bored of you like before, and just continued flying away.
  16. Sonatafox

    Sonatafox Poptop Tamer

    Okay, the birds are an exception, my as stated in my previous post. This shouldnt be a complaint about the weapons then, you're complaining about the birds. You literally were complaining about weapons and monsters in general. if you had stated the birds in the first place, all of this could have been avoided. The birds are currently OP for start game, end of story.
  17. thegoa420

    thegoa420 Starship Captain

    i don't see whats the problem with them.....one came at me and was breathing fire i killed it with a bow by kitting......how easy does it have to be????
  18. Sonatafox

    Sonatafox Poptop Tamer

    yeah, one. I didnt even have enough time to make a bow before i had 3 or 4 on my start planet chasing me down shooting fire scythes and acid balls at me. Once you can get a bow its just trivial, but fighting more than one is more of a hassle than its worth, since you cant just run from them.
  19. Retnuh

    Retnuh Space Penguin Leader

    I killed 5 birds within minutes of spawning with the base weapon. Sure it was about 4 hits to kill each but still, I got hit once. I think you just need to play smarter and stop trying to get god-mode.
    maletruck likes this.
  20. Veraal Fins

    Veraal Fins Big Damn Hero

    Birds are pretty silly at the moment. They're so very aggressive now, and later on while you're new to a tier, they'll wreck you in a hurry. This, on top of the fact that they're faster than you are, means that it's morrowind cliffracers all over again. Fun, though.
    RubenFlonne likes this.
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