Building/Ship Want feedback on my WIP Underground city Elysia

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by Gunther_the_Apex, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    To anybody who checks out this post I'm adding a Weekly update for any progress made to be post on here Sundays with maybe mini updates in between, just so that way people don't have to guess when to check.
    Last edited: May 4, 2017
  2. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    Update: Manor Sector [Prism room, Steampunk room, Rock room] Hylotl Sector Dojo, Main map on first page has been updated Elysia - (2).jpg Elysia - (3).jpg
    Jackie2581 likes this.
  3. fernworrier

    fernworrier Giant Laser Beams

    i am loving this entire thing.
    Gunther_the_Apex likes this.
  4. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    Updated Manor: New Hallways with artwork, 3 new themed rooms (Bone,Eyeball.and Flesh), and added personal aquarium
    Elysia (2).jpg
  5. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    kinda stuck on how to do that actually, but if and when I do I will most likely implement the change
    Aidanator14 likes this.
  6. Aidanator14

    Aidanator14 Space Spelunker

    I would like to download this map, would that be possible??
  7. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    I did send the map to Firespark81, but to do so I had to send my whole Starbound file, once I figure out how to so with just I may choose to put a copy of the cities data file on this pages main post but I haven't decided at what point in development I would do so.
  8. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    Weekly update: (New Sector) Landing Pad/Outpost w/ connector to the Surface farm and a tube going down to just about where the Floran Sector is, the two towers on the left in the image got distorted by accident I will fix when I have time to do so, next we have the framework for 5 more rooms in my manor plus the Cell themed room, and finally the maintenance tunnel that circles the planet has been finished.

    Elysia (2).jpg Elysia (3).jpg Elysia (4).jpg
  9. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    Was busy finishing final projects for college this week so I'm afraid there won't be an update this week
  10. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    Update: Fixed the image for the WIP Outpost, (note: I'm considering getting rid of the turrets to put in a 2-stop teleport as it spawns visitors but turrets see them as hostiles [Feedback appreciated]), next two new themed rooms the giant flowers and hive, and finally I'm working on an expansion to the museum sector but I've decided to not post the WIP because the new rooms are too rough but those will most likely be the next update.
    Elysia (2).jpg Elysia (3).jpg
    RobedRebel and creeper22 like this.
  11. Crystalpepsi

    Crystalpepsi Intergalactic Tourist

    Can I download this somewhere ?
  12. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    not yet
  13. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    actually there seems to be a problem when adding it to an existing universe without deleting the old.
  14. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    Update: Museum Expansion [3 new display rooms, one of which has been designated for costumes], Expanded the manor again 3 new themed rooms, Toxic Planet, Sandstone, and Foundry with new framework for 4 new rooms as well as a change to the bedrooms design

    Elysia (2).jpg Elysia (4).jpg
    creeper22 likes this.
  15. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    Update: Hylotl Sector Finished: Added [Basic Apartment Block, Luxury Apartment Block, and Koichi's Apartment] I also changed the hallways lighting to add some contrast [Thanks Jackie2581 for the Suggestion]

    Elysia (2).jpg
  16. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    Update: Hylotl Sector Finished: Added [Basic Apartment Block, Lux
    You can check out the new lighting now, I appreciate the advise and thank you for helping critique my design
  17. Jackie2581

    Jackie2581 Title Not Found

    No problem. The build is coming together quite nicely.
    Gunther_the_Apex likes this.
  18. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    Update: New Glitch Sector [Framework & Housing Block Added] & Underground and Surface maps have been updated with the underground map being split into a West and East map due to size constraints [links here and on edited first post]
    Elysia - Glitch Sector.jpg

    Attached Files:

  19. Gunther_the_Apex

    Gunther_the_Apex Phantasmal Quasar

    Update: Glitch Shopping Area and Glitch Sector Teleporters [Small update is due to having large repair work to be done due to update causing all vertical Fluorescent Lights to go horizontal and pop off it's taking awhile to replace all the lights] Elysia (2).jpg
    RobedRebel and creeper22 like this.
  20. RobedRebel

    RobedRebel Void-Bound Voyager

    How Did you get the ships in there? I have never seen any way to spawn them or their blocks as a placeable object.

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