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Walleyes Are Exctinct

Discussion in 'Support' started by Leftymu, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. Leftymu

    Leftymu Yeah, You!

    I have tried every rainy evening in Fall and every snowy evening in Winter, to get a Walleye. I have never even seen one. I have tried rivers and lakes, all of them, and caught every single fish that bit, but never, not even once, have I even glimpsed a Walleye. This is EXTREMELY frustrating and just please, please do something about it.
    • meatpardle

      meatpardle Star Wrangler

      I caught two in succession just yesterday :p

      Fall, Leah's cottage, afternoon, rain.
      • rekeaki

        rekeaki Intergalactic Tourist

        I caught 5 (easily too) from the lake right by the mine during rain in Fall.....on the first day I tried. I had always assumed it was one of the easier fish to catch. I heard that the further away from a walkable path you are the more fish there will be (so go for islands and outcrops)....dunno if there's any truth to that though.

        Maybe try starting slightly earlier in the day? I know they are evening fish but it can't hurt to start before 12pm just in case (they say you can get walleye from 12pm onwards).

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