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Bug/Issue [Vita] Game crashes before or after saving when i go to bed

Discussion in 'Support' started by johnwlker, May 23, 2018.

  1. johnwlker

    johnwlker Space Hobo

    I've been playing for 6 hours without a problem, besides the occasional fps drop when raining, but now my game keeps crashing when i go to bed, sometimes before saving, sometimes after, now i'm getting worried it will crash while saving and i lose my save
    • johnwlker

      johnwlker Space Hobo

      Another user on the game's subreddit and in this forum has found the possible problem to this crash, it seems that going over 15.000 lifetime earnings breaks the game, i checked on multiple saves and with different conditions, selling to Pierre or Willy and going over 15.000 lifetime earnings crashes immediately, getting over that amount on the selling box crashes when going to bed before saving, completing a villager request that puts you over the 15.000 also crashes the game.

      At least the possible problem is now clear.
      • Kael84

        Kael84 Space Hobo

        I posted an update, it actually now seems tied to earning trophies. Not sure if it is just duplicate trophies to what I have earned on ps4 or all trophies, but airplane mode seems to be a workaround. I got it to work after reformatting, but hopefully that step is not actually needed.

        Hope that helps get past this for now!
        • alexaxa

          alexaxa Space Spelunker

          I had one crash after going to bed so far (about 15 days in). It wasn't since the game was saved and i didn't lost anything but it's more of a problem if it arrives before or even worst, during saves.
          • Veritech48

            Veritech48 Poptop Tamer

            I get the crash when I would get the trophy for catching 10 different fish (which is the only trophy I got on PS4) even when playing in airplane mode. I am close to $15k total earnings, so I am going to get to that and see if there are issues with that trophy or not. If there aren't then I would have to assume that the issue is only with trophies already earned on PS4.
            • Minabena20

              Minabena20 Space Hobo

              I get it every single day now not sure why?
              Only when I go to bed to save
              • Nyarl

                Nyarl Intergalactic Tourist

                I playnormal day in Stardew Valley.
                Take 2 prizes from Community Center.
                Go to bitch and take loot and sell it.
                Use 6 geodeze in Clint house.
                Give some items to museum.
                Water crops.
                I've begun getting an error message whenever I try to go to sleep. The game does not save and it then crashes.
                Always... not one time but always this same. I dont can play :(

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