Vis Planet [Eye Planet]

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Suika Ibuki, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. Starmi

    Starmi Pangalactic Porcupine

  2. Electric0Eye

    Electric0Eye Phantasmal Quasar

    I was skeptical at first, but this is genius!
  3. S0me001

    S0me001 Void-Bound Voyager

  4. Renamed to Vis Planet because planning something
  5. Thaumcraft?
  6. no, more like nightmares
  7. Steambirds

    Steambirds Starship Captain

    One of them "really wants to see you naked"???
    The Mute One and Bamseper like this.
  8. Bamseper

    Bamseper Ketchup Robot

    Ooh. Exciting.
  9. Anris

    Anris Phantasmal Quasar

    Soo if you would be able to sleep you would have a chance of going to such a place?
    And upon collecting stuff you would find it in your inventory?
  10. navar0nius

    navar0nius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The Eyemageddon root, when consumed, should trip you hard and make you interpret the planet as a Vis planet, and an actual Vis planet as some other unspeakable horror
  11. Heartstrings

    Heartstrings Giant Laser Beams

    So THAT's how we got such large eyes. Disturbing.
  12. Starmi

    Starmi Pangalactic Porcupine

    You know, to Me, anything that has less than three eyes just seems abnormal :lod:

    I'm just glad I have a layer of goo to protect me from the "eye" spores. Go goop!
  13. Ariskelis

    Ariskelis Ketchup Robot

    I love the puns in all of the critter's names. :rofl:

    Great Idea~ This needs to be implemented, at LEAST as an easter egg, or SOMETHING. :DD
  14. Nob

    Nob Orbital Explorer

    Well that's bizarre.
  15. FrozenOrange

    FrozenOrange Phantasmal Quasar

    This planet is a bit perverted o_O
  16. A bit?:seriously:
    Suika Ibuki likes this.
  17. FrozenOrange

    FrozenOrange Phantasmal Quasar

    Okay, too much :DD
  18. Biscuit Sawce

    Biscuit Sawce Pangalactic Porcupine

    Eye like dis
  19. Daj

    Daj Big Damn Hero

    I'm strangely reminded of a short story "I Am the Doorway" by Stephen King (I used to read a lot of such things back in high school :rolleyes:).

    Was about a guy that was infested by some alien parasite that sprouted eyes all over his body and slowly took him over, or something like that.
  20. Patchouli

    Patchouli Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh god, this is like playing Spore and your homeworld is the planet with all the eyeball trees, only even more terrifying. I always changed my trees when I got to the space stage.

    That said, this is still a great idea, even if it does creep me the hell out.

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