Villager Suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by powerdemon, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. powerdemon

    powerdemon Void-Bound Voyager

    The most unrealistic part of this game ;)
      Avarwen likes this.
    • zoeevee

      zoeevee Zero Gravity Genie

      Extraordinarily nice? I dunno... Shane can be quite the butthead haha
      • powerdemon

        powerdemon Void-Bound Voyager

        I love Concerned Ape's nod to that in the PC Gamer interview. Something to the effect of "I'm going to add more marriage candidates. I have received a lot of demand for that, like Shane for some reason".
        • izzy82

          izzy82 Subatomic Cosmonaut

          I am uncritical in my media consumption most of the time and that is not a bad thing. I have the opinion that if you constantly seek to see what is negative you will kill your spirit because you will always find negativity. Again I see your point though and I most certainly have played the game. You sometimes come off a bit abrasive in how you deliver your points. Lighten up.
          • DukeOfRiven

            DukeOfRiven Giant Laser Beams

            There's a movement in modern time that equates critique with negativity - they are related, but not mutually exclusive. I respectfully disagree - I think uncritical consumption of media is a terrible thing, an evil thing, the province of the willfully ignorant. I mistrust those who prefer to consume something without thinking about, those for whom curiosity is only an occasionally dalliance.

            Does this make me occasionally abrasive? Yes - a personal failing, one for which I make apology, but nevertheless have difficulty curbing, a second flaw.

            No. No, I do not. Does this have something to do with the natural sterility of worker drones in a bee colony, because while I understand it... I really don't get it, given the context of cake sprinkles.
            • Cazakatari

              Cazakatari Void-Bound Voyager

              People who come from X race/culture tend to make games with mostly X race/culture.

              I know it's shocking to some people this day and age, but that isn't a problem to be "fixed", it's our natural tendency as humans that never starts with sinister intent. If we want race/sexual orientation/whatever to become a non-issue, everyone has to actually not care about it. Saying we need more X race/gays/whatevers is NO different than saying we need more tall/short people or more gingers or more size 7 and 1/2 shoe sized character. Doing that kind of thing only displays how hypersensitive you are to your or your friends physical attributes, which is what I thought we were supposed to be avoiding as a society.
                izzy82 likes this.
              • DukeOfRiven

                DukeOfRiven Giant Laser Beams

                I know it's shocking to some people this day and age, but it's actually no longer okay to pretend that people come from homogenous societies, or that they ever did in the first place, especially not in a culture that has a long and malicious history of erasing minority cultures so effectively as to perpetuate the myth of their non-existence.

                If you live in a culture that has historically raped, murdered, brutalized, and tortured various skin colours and you talk about people being 'hypersensitive' about the way those skin colours are - or are not -represented, you are either a sociopath or a buffoon. It is very possible you are both of these things, but either way, in this day and age, it's no longer permissible to lack empathy and act as though that means you are coming from a place of reason, unaccessible by those who are 'hypersensistive' of their skin colour's representation in a world that has historically brutalized them for ever daring to even voice a complaint as to their own treatment. "Don't care," you say, which is how all atrocities start, in the beginning - they all start with apathy, with false equivalence, with being unconcerned, with being 'above it all' because if it doesn't concern you why should it concern anyone? If we all just stopped caring about things, all the problems would disappear - they're supported only by our anthropic conviction. Not caring is the way to go. That's always solved every problem.

                They are not hypersensitive. You are myopic, careless, unfeeling, or - at best - oblivious and ignorant. You may, of course, be offended by this, but I advise you not to be. You shouldn't care about offensive things people say about you - after all, if we just all stopped caring about the offensive ways we are treated, the offences would become a non-issue, no?

                I've already started by not caring about your feelings - you should disregard your own too. We're off to a great start at eliminating all these pesky issues.
                  powerdemon likes this.
                • izzy82

                  izzy82 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  I agree that critique and negativity are not one and the same, but when I and others of similar thought say what we feel we are made to feel like we don't have the right to say what we think.
                  Ok, so when people disagree with you on some things they are willfully ignorant and evil? You have all the answers and are correct because you are the moral voice for me and other minorities? I respectfully disagree. Not everyone engages in activities to see out fulfillment other than entertainment and what is entertaining/ moral/ right and wrong good and bad are subjective except for the base things like do not steal or murder. I find it quite irritating for upper middle class white college kids (not that you are any of those things) to assume they speak for POC and know whats best for us and if we disagree we can just shut up and go away. Going to University and taking a class or adopting a black baby does not make you an expert on race relations. The experts are the ones who live it every day. My light skin does not shield me from idiots who are racist, nor does it disqualify me from speaking on the issue of race. I'm tired of the discussion, it does nothing but divide people further.

                  'Its a good thing' was Martha Stewart's slogan, that's what I meant by that. Uniformity and sterility are bad things to you. I grew up in the ghetto of a major midwestern city, pure chaos. So sterility and uniformity are more my cup of tea. I'm not evil for that or willingly ignorant. I am not angry with you, you seem to be angry with me and my world view that differs from your own and that's okay. But I have a voice to and don't deserve to be ridiculed for using it. You apologized for being abrasive after basically calling me evil and willfully ignorant lol. I am not going to continue in this thread because we are getting nowhere. Best of luck to you in all your farming endeavors Duke.
                  • Avarwen

                    Avarwen Pangalactic Porcupine

                    I'd like to see a Hispanic and an Asian character before another African-American character only to be fair. Also love Maru she looks like I did in high school.
                    • Cazakatari

                      Cazakatari Void-Bound Voyager

                      Dukeofriven, I didn't engage in personal attacks and gross assumptions about character, you did. The irony of you proving my point so brilliantly, thank you :)
                      • zoeevee

                        zoeevee Zero Gravity Genie

                        Ignoring it until it goes away is a child's solution. The real world never works like that. Yes, it would be nice if we could all see each other as equals, but the truth of it is that there are people who don't want to see it that way. There will always be people who make others feel less so they can feel more. As long as there are people that do that, ignoring the problem just means those people get away with it. Belittling the people who deal with this prejudice by calling them "hypersensitive" is a really shitty thing to do and only helps the wrong kind of people.
                        • Breowak

                          Breowak Astral Cartographer

                          Wait, Is the issue here that you're unhappy with how many white people there are?
                          Legitimate question.
                          • powerdemon

                            powerdemon Void-Bound Voyager

                            Depending on who you are asking, No is my answer.
                            • zoeevee

                              zoeevee Zero Gravity Genie

                              Not sure if this question is just for OP, but I'm not. I think the game is great the way it is and can totally live with how it is now. I just think it would be nice in the future to have a couple more characters that are diverse.
                                M.Car likes this.
                              • agry

                                agry Orbital Explorer

                                I'm still confused about how people only see Maru+Demetrius as "different" from the others, but not Gus or the others.
                                Especially if you check the color tables for the characters. I quite often see posts "there's only Demetrius and Maru" and nobody ever mentions Gus, which is kinda... strange.
                                It's always black and white, isn't it?

                                Well, we have 41 characters in the game now, 6-7 being not totally white. Let's wait for the future. The game is good, the game is fine and if there will be any more diversity in the future, nobody will complain. All those posts about an indie game... yuck.
                                  Last edited: Mar 16, 2016
                                • Breowak

                                  Breowak Astral Cartographer

                                  first, thank you for not taking my question asrudeness, I see how it could be misconstruved thinking about it.
                                  second, why do you only mention colored people? there is also a lack of asian, german, russian, irish, scottish, native american, australian, and canadian people.
                                    izzy82 likes this.
                                  • M.Car

                                    M.Car Space Penguin Leader

                                    Because there's no direct evidence of any of those countries in the game.

                                    Yes, 'Asian' is lacking and a native character would be a good addition too, but the average Scot, Irishman, Russian, Australian, or Canadian (given pixel density) could look VERY similar given the art style.

                                    Minority representation is called that for a reason, the largest chunk of the population in many of those countries are lighter-skinned. For the most part, differences between those nations are cultural ones, not physical. I'll admit that bone structure and various other physical tells can give away a person's ancestry, but without making the characters offensive parodies of those nations' cultures, you wouldn't really be able to differentiate 'Canadian' and 'American' or even 'Australian' because fundamentally we're all British Descended. I know because my American husband is confused for a born Canadian by other born Canadians. We don't live in Igloos, we don't bleed maple syrup, and we don't say 'eh' every other sentence.

                                    So, to answer your question... we're not talking about Irish, German, Russian, Scottish, Australian, or Canadian people because we really don't need to. Those are cultural distinctions, not racial ones, and the only countries mentioned in the game are fictional ones.

                                    If it were set in a version of modern Earth, grounded in reality, and linked to these other countries, it would be COOL to see those nationalities. But there is literally no reason, because in this universe we're all blended together into 'white' (and yes, I know not all Scots and Canadians are white. But in the spirit of the question, I'm generalizing. Apologies.) and our borders don't exist.
                                      powerdemon likes this.
                                    • powerdemon

                                      powerdemon Void-Bound Voyager

                                      For the record, Asian people are considered people of color.

                                      As to the Gus thing, I never noticed. He seems like another white person to me. I didn't notice a skin tone difference and I didn't know he liked tacos until it was pointed out in this thread. I presume that information comes from the wiki, and I rarely use it.

                                      To your second point, M. Car answered it quite well.
                                      • zoeevee

                                        zoeevee Zero Gravity Genie

                                        Well, as someone who is hispanic/latinx I would say no, it's not always black and white. I personally headcanon Alex as hispanic/latinx mixed as well since he is a little bit of that look. Gus I can see the same argued but frankly I forget him as a character all the time as he has very uninteresting dialogue and never really comes out of the saloon. But, unlike Maru and Demetrius, there is a lot of debate about the supposed race of those characters which is why I tend not to count them. It would be nice if there were more confirmed people of color.

                                        Also, I would say that makes a max of 4 characters in SDV being not totally white. Where are you getting 6-7 from? And "nobody will complain"? I wish. People are already complaining sadly enough.
                                          powerdemon likes this.
                                        • Breowak

                                          Breowak Astral Cartographer

                                          technically irish and scottish didn't used to be considered white.
                                          also did canada not used to have it's own language?

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