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Vault Boss HP

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by ZeeHero, May 4, 2017.

  1. ZeeHero

    ZeeHero Pangalactic Porcupine

    Why do they have so much health? I'd be ok with them being a little harder if they had less health it takes me a very long time to beat one and the fight seems more tedious than challenging. I'm using t6 weapons for it.
  2. Tlactl

    Tlactl Cosmic Narwhal

    Get a friend on and they're fun to beat
  3. ZeeHero

    ZeeHero Pangalactic Porcupine

    Don't always have a friend on though. If their health scaled with the number of players but wasn't so insane solo I'd be ok with that.
  4. Sparklink

    Sparklink Ketchup Robot

    The vault bosses do indeed have more health than most others (the Erchius Horror has 6000 health, the ruin has 5000 health, and the guardians have 2250), but there are several ways to prepare for them.
    If you use items you can protect yourself from certain statuses, stimulants can counter slowness from freezing, antidotes give temporary immunity to poisoning, and burn resistant spray goes a long way. There is also the medical kit that removes statuses.
    This part is probably obvious, they have weaknesses to some elements.
    Some tech can help avoid attacks, the spike sphere is really great for when they cover the ground in spikes and use their sphere attack to sweep the platforms.
    Learning a pattern to their attacks and carefully maneuvering and finding a way around them is especially helpful.
    One last suggestion, your ship in its final upgrade actually counts as a teir 8 location; so spawning merchants on there will get you teir 8 weapons that can be particularly helpful.
    Waffle-Chan likes this.
  5. ZeeHero

    ZeeHero Pangalactic Porcupine

    I didn't know there were tier 8 weapons, I thought it only went up to 6.
  6. WallyBW93

    WallyBW93 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think someone discovered a loophole, I won't do it though. I haven't had a problem with the weapons I have.
  7. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    to keep people busy. But I still don't get why bullet sponges exist as bosses as it deoesn't amkes them special, just doing the same for a longer time.

    not if you want to terraform a palnet and have to go through so many of them, then they become a rather boring repetitive thing
  8. Gon009

    Gon009 Subatomic Cosmonaut


    These bosses are just tedious and huge hp makes them just even more boring. Longer doesn't mean harder, it's just more tedious. All bosses follow the same patterns in their attacks so they aren't difficult either so player just need to counter pattern of the boss. Good timing is needed and suddenly it's super easy.
    To be honest, I enjoy the vault until I hit the boring boss room unless the boss has shield because bosses with shields have acceptable amounts of HP.

    About T8 weapons: There were even T10 ones(colonies on moons but it's fixed already, no longer obtainable without cheats) but yeah, T6 weapons are powerful enough. I don't how it is with T8 ones, but T10 ones were just too powerful. Equipment strength is quite balanced, I only wish that all useless special attacks could be buffed so they can compete with good ones..
  9. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    Are you referring to standard value vault bosses or the ones where you have to buff yourself with the purple before hitting them. cause those are two different situations (in the latter, you do piddly damage because you supposed to buff yourself with the purple stuff to deal good damage on it.) I found the bosses last well enough for t6 weaponry. There is also element to factor in.
  10. Sparklink

    Sparklink Ketchup Robot

    One last thing that you may not know the enemies in the ancient vault are all tier 7. The weapons you get by upgrading with that anvil are tier 6, the Protectorate Broadsword is the only tier 7 weapon (I could be wrong, but I mod often so I do not think so). Captured monsters can be helpful if its stats and abilities effectively counter the boss'. Flying monsters found way high up often have powerful elemental attacks. As for unique monsters the Pyromantle is great for fire, the Wisper is a flying ice, the Pteropod will attack with poison from afar, and the Scandroid also uses long-range electric attacks. There are plenty of great monsters for you to chose to help you tackle these bosses like a Kluex Sentry, or a Spookit; but having an elemental power can be very useful.
  11. ZeeHero

    ZeeHero Pangalactic Porcupine

    Protectorate broadsword is forever off limits since I dont have the original broken sword anymore.
  12. Jerln

    Jerln Oxygen Tank

    Make a new character and have them put a broken broadsword in a chest on a planet, then fly there with your original character.
  13. Sparklink

    Sparklink Ketchup Robot

    I forgot to mention this, A captured monster's power is mostly dependent on your own stats.
  14. Gon009

    Gon009 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Even with this buff damage is still low compared to insane HP of bosses. Vault boss rooms are the only places where I'm using T10 weapons because only T10 deal reasonable amount of damage. It's too tedious and boring for me to fight bossses which are using the same scripted patterns all the time, it's not challenging at all. I would prefer difficult and deadly obstacle course at the end of the vault but unfortunately obstacle courses are too dependent of player's tech so for with some combinations there would be just too easy like it is with challenge portals. Maybe waves of standard mobs with some good defense scenarios would be much better than these bosses.
  15. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    Difficulty is relative, I'd find waves of standard mobs to be uninteresting, as they often pack too little punch or act the same, which gets them ripped apart once they bunch up. At any rate you still have a boss to fight, And a boss with a totally random moveset might be broken in some circumstances, or the novelty will wear off quicker, as each fight is the same. Right now I have my ways around certain attacks, but I don't know what boss im facing or if said strategy is relevant to it. That keeps things fresh when i go in with my spear.

    And the patterns need to be avoidable because there is no telling what the player is going in with as weapons/armor. I have a melee setup With lots of defense and regen, someone else might be in mage armor with Kluex's staff, or using dual pistols. The way to have a boss fight that all three can manage is kinda what they have now, avoidable attacks, and gimmicks in offence or defense. I'd throw in a last ditch "taking you with me" attack myself, but that might not appeal to an audience of moderate skill.
  16. DraikNova

    DraikNova Spaceman Spiff

    Step 1: get at least two crew members to take with you. Step 2: get a large flyer pet or two. Step 3: Get perfect armor. Step 4: Get either a doomcannon or Tier 8 randomly generated machine pistols. Why these? Because range makes dealing with boss attacks easier while still retaliating, and the doomcannon has an effective 130*1.1+17.5*4.6=223.5 DPS (if you can hit with all of it's attacks; more likely is that you'll only hit with one or two of its bullets, resulting in about 150 DPS), and machine pistols, assuming you got average ones, will do 4.5*6.5*4.6=134.55 damage per second. This is about as high as you can get with ranged weapons.
  17. Gon009

    Gon009 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, standard mobs should get own special attacks and they give more room for some scenarios, like defending few things scattered in few rooms at once, reinforcing entrances with proximity mines or destroyable turrets preferably given at the start. For bosses no variety can be added other than another special attacks.
    Anyway about bosses, I don't think that getting way around certain attacks is interesting. Bosses feel like oversized mob with few special attacks and that's all. Most of the can be avoided by simply jumping around the boss. Other attacks can be avoided by simply running away(lol). Also, I'm not finding interesting or refreshing seeing for the thousand time boss mindlessly jumping on his own beam or charging from one corner to another. You can't get overwhelmed after doing mistakes when fighting a boss. If you want, you can even stay in one place and spam medical kits if you want, boss will mindlessly run its low-DPS script rather than analyze your moves and punish you for staying in one place(because there's almost no AI). Or even better, bring staff with healing zone. Or I know, I'm going to bring double-shield and wait in one place for the opportunity to get a buff or take down shield of the boss(I will test it). Melee is inferior for vault bosses and as these bosses promotes just high-DPS ranged weapons, the more DPS the better. At least with waves of mobs you can get overwhelmed, pinned to the corner and killed if you aren't careful and all tactics are welcomed.

    Edit: Double-shield works. The only problem are these mobs who spawn but if there would be only boss in this room then you could survive almost forever by staying in the corner
    Last edited: May 6, 2017
  18. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    You are still dealing with weaker enemies that go down quicker. At the end of the day, there is nothing you cannot add to a regular mob that you can not give to a boss, and that includes attacks that do not provide mercy invincibility. The question is do the devs usually intend to make bosses like that, which isn't the case. Starbound is not designed for the hardcore player in mind.

    "Melee is inferior for vault bosses and as these bosses promotes just high-DPS ranged weapons, the more DPS the better."

    This line right here tells me all about the mindset you are coming from. When I use melee, Its the same reason I use my sniper rifle: cause I want to, not because it is the best weapon. On occassion I select weapons with the elemental affinity that doesn give smal numbers, but which weapon "is the best" or "how fast I can soeed run this vault" is not a concern for me.
  19. DraikNova

    DraikNova Spaceman Spiff

    To be honest, I just stick to the weapons that let me get the job done quickest, and you want to know why? Starbound isn't about fighting for me, it's about building, and if that means getting the most ludicrously-high DPS weapons possible to let me dispose of random birds as easily as bosses, so be it. I want some terraformers, and I want the action figures, and maybe to take advantage of the variety of mobs in Vaults to finish my pet collection, but the fighting isn't really that appealing.
  20. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    It isn't a priority for me either. I tend to stick with 2 spears and a sniper rifle for vaults. The blade whirl from the non elemental spear allows me to pick up essences from pots quickly. and I give the place a once over before fighting the boss. with at least 2 elements, I'm not caught flatfooted when the enemy is strong to fire or non element.

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