Vanity Item wish list

Discussion in 'Gear and Items' started by c0mandr, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Kitsune mask. I really do wish more games had one or even several to wear.
    Master Geass likes this.
  2. navar0nius

    navar0nius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Rainbow visors!
  3. wizzard

    wizzard Aquatic Astronaut

    Sidebuttoned jacket, Leathergloves, Knee-deep Shoes, a Black Cap.
    Literaly my Avatar.
  4. Nefliax

    Nefliax Master Chief

    What if there was a super man cape... no?
  5. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    There already is one.
  6. Nefliax

    Nefliax Master Chief

  7. Nefliax

    Nefliax Master Chief

    Fine... a pair a shades? Why not?
    Oh, I got an idea! A pikachu tail! Im not a big poke mon fan, but that would be awesome!
    Master Geass likes this.
  8. Master Geass

    Master Geass Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That would be fun. I could think of a number of different tails that would be enjoyable.
    Nefliax likes this.
  9. Arduar

    Arduar Space Spelunker

    1.) Rubber Alien suit (Ridley Scott film)
    2.) Assassin's Creed robes
    3.) Fishbowl from Terraria
    4.) Iron Helmet from Skyrim
    5.) Familiar's Clothes from Terraria
    6.) Darth Vader suit
    7.) Solid Snake
    8.) A color changing slim fit bodysuit that is whitish above ground but becomes darker (camouflage) the deeper down you go. Obviously if it's black your friends will have a tough time finding you in a cave without a name tag.
    9.) A helmet with a red light on top which beeps when an enemy get close. Not a constant beeping but a single "blip" when it notices an enemy.
    10.) A helmet which gives someone else wearing the helmet the same appearance as you. The "template" so to speak is determined by who puts the helmet on first.
  10. Kitsune

    Kitsune Phantasmal Quasar

    Not sure if it's been mentioned... but I want a shadow suit.


    A shadow suit. Sounds so complex, right?

    Probably just a black suit that goes over you, leaving your hairstyle out, and makes you black, with white eyes (Or whatever your eye color is.)X3
    BeckySan likes this.
  11. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    Here's all the Vanity Items from Terraria and would have to say that for me i would like to see the fish bowl helmet in Starbound :D

    Master Geass likes this.
  12. Bueno

    Bueno Star Wrangler

    I wish for a old soda drinking hat?:badger:
    Nefliax likes this.
  13. ender1200

    ender1200 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    steve? mask, in all it's cubicle glory!
  14. BeckySan

    BeckySan Aquatic Astronaut

    Uh... unicorn horn...
    maybe a robot hat like there is in Terraria...
    maybe fake demon wings? lol
  15. Marshall.Duke

    Marshall.Duke Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Tightie whiteys that can be worn over ones head as a hat.
  16. Adam #

    Adam # Big Damn Hero

    An entire set of cardboard, bubble wrap, and paper armor.
  17. Vapor Horologium Corpus

    Vapor Horologium Corpus Weight of the Sky

  18. duhman38

    duhman38 Void-Bound Voyager

    A few of the Tron Legacy suits, a square pumpkin hat as a Minecraft cameo, a Terraria style fishbowl hat, a Stig suit off of Topgear, and square clothes that make you look like the Minecraft Steve basic skin.
  19. Tahu16

    Tahu16 Void-Bound Voyager

    Cave story: robot hat.
  20. Redheat

    Redheat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Daft Punk helmets

    Arduar and Master Geass like this.

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