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Outdated Vanity Blueprints 2.1

230+ vanity blueprints to be found, crafted, and sold.

  1. fire.frog

    fire.frog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That'd be great, but it'd be way more intrusive that just adding some item like almost every mod does...

    I crafted the VBC, but... to be honest: I'm a bit of an avaricious person, even in games, so I didn't use the console. I mean: even if I did use it, I'd get some blocks I could gather somewhere without paying for it (although the currency is for free, but nevermind...). And I'm not that much into building a fancy base (especially because you have to beam back from any planet to your ship to your homeplanet to your ship to the targeted planet when you can have your base on a [modded bigsize] ship), so I don't quite need fancy blocks.

    Don't get me wrong on this specific point though. I think there is many many players out there to build fancy bases (gosh, that's one of the reasons why you play a sandbox game like Terraria, crappy Minecraft or Starbound, isn't it?), so don't feel too intimidated [is it the right word? hope you get what I mean] by my opinion.
    I think you'll find a balance (especially with a couple more people saying "too much", "too little" and whatelse), and maybe you even find a way to set it as a second currency, which would be whoopingly awesome!!

    /edit: just edited my text about 23209 times after I read every half sentence, but now it more-or-less fits to what I try to say ;)
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    Sethh likes this.
  2. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal

    Hi, here is another issue :
    Error: Failed to place dungeon ItemException: No such item 'moneyurchinseed'
    You added it in two treasure pools, but not in your item list.
  3. MiraiMai

    MiraiMai Void-Bound Voyager

    That was a replace bug I'm guessing. I'd assume he was using "dirt" as money while testing, then replaced the dirt with what it actually ended up as. Search through the file for "urchin", and replace whatever is before it with dirt, I think I found it 3 times. It's all in the "basictreasure.treasurepool".
    Sethh likes this.
  4. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Or if you are lazy i just fixed the 3 that i found.
  5. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    @Sethh I began getting the rocketeerhead bug for some unknown reason again last night, I had to create a disablerecipe script in order to fix it, the devs seemed to have removed rocketeerhead from the main game in some patch which I presume caused the problem.
  6. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I noticed that last night. Fixed yet again. It might be uploaded to the Dropbox. But if not will upload when I get home.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  7. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  8. Fatmice

    Fatmice Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[rocketeerhead, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'rocketeerhead'
      005A720A starbound_opengl.exe
      005A7E28 starbound_opengl.exe
      005A91B0 starbound_opengl.exe
      005A9E5F starbound_opengl.exe
      005D8F26 starbound_opengl.exe
      005027C6 starbound_opengl.exe
      00404B3C starbound_opengl.exe
      009A3DBC starbound_opengl.exe
      74DD336A kernel32.dll
      76FB9F72 ntdll.dll
      76FB9F45 ntdll.dll
    That rocketeerhead error is still there in your most current version. I simply deleted the rocketeerhead.recipe from your mod and repack the pak file for it to go away.
  9. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    @Sethh Rocketeer bug was fixed in newest version for me, although I have a new error 'combat legs' or something along those lines, I no longer have the error log.
  10. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Im thinking combat legs is not from my mod.

    Not seeing Combat legs in the treasurepools.
  11. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hm, strange, It was like something to do with military, I'll try to force the error again, I have tested it down to only your mod active and it seems that its something to do with legs. Something or another legs. But I'll get back with you when I get the error again. Causes the planet to crash.

    Edit: Haven't played much, but the poster below me seems to have the error from the log.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  12. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal

    I found the source of the soldierlegs-recipe crash.
    Error: WorldServerThread exception caught: ItemException: No such item 'soldierlegs-recipe'

    It is called in your basictreasure.treasurepools, but the game does not find the item.
    Rashen likes this.
  13. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ohhhhhhhh its soldier legs xD

    Now it makes sense :p
    Rashen likes this.
  14. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    But yes, I hope it gets fixed so I can add it back to my server because my OCD refuses to let me play the game without this mod due to how much it feels like it should be in by standard. Like you know in fps games how you get disappointed when you can't shoot glass out? Or when you can't sit down in rpgs? Yeah that is my disappointment when I realize this mod isn't running properly \=

    Also on side note, When I was using it and played all day trying my best to ignore the bug I only collected maybe 10 vanity coins over 10+ hours of playing... A bunch of the hours were spent trying to get the coins.
  15. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  16. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hmmm I guess soldier legs was supposed to be soldierpants...

    Regarding your side note, What sector were you in?
    Theres nothing else modifying treasurepools?

    10 coins seems awfully low.
    Maybe another mod your using is modifying a treasurpool that i use such as default or basic.
  17. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It was the first three sectors that I noticed it in. Do you have a set value as the drop rate? It hasn't happened in the previous versions I have always had an over abundance of vanity coins.

    Also I downloaded the Just uploaded patch and launched the server and was greeted with the error in the log "Error: Could not instantiate item '[rocketeerhead, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'rocketeerhead'" I have no other mods that adjust vanity items or rocketeerhead for that matter. I don't understand how the coding keeps messing up.

    Edit: I actually searched my starbound folder in every file to see what was causing the error and this is all I found (Pastbin link)
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  18. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ugh.... This is getting strange.. I removed the rocketeer recipe twice now from treasurepools and also removed the .recipe file...

    Reuploading, hopefully it hasnt evolved.

    And that pastebin error is just strange.

    Edit: Dropbox is having issues update will come asap.
    Rashen likes this.
  19. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  20. Lordanar1337

    Lordanar1337 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Does this mod conflict with the Medical Potion Mod? I just tested it on an alpha planet. Killing creatures grant me Pixels/V-Coins, really rarely Meat but no Monster Essences?

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