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Outdated Vanity Blueprints 2.1

230+ vanity blueprints to be found, crafted, and sold.

  1. fire.frog

    fire.frog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I still get issues with that rocketeerhead-recipe, logfile saying it couldn't find the item. Can you fix this please?

    /edit: until then, I'll just explore the other way on that planet :D
    Rashen likes this.
  2. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I was having the same problem, I found a fix to that

    Let me look into my files real fast and I'll get back to you with the fix.
  3. fire.frog

    fire.frog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Cool, thanks mate :) but don't rush, I'm just running the other direction now... that's what I'd call a work- or walkaround. What a knee-slapper... ;D
    Sethh likes this.
  4. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Do you have other mods installed besides this one? I assume so because I only get the error for the "rocketeerhead-recipe" when I run with the Arcane AddOns mod. If that is the case, which is the error I had, then what you need to do is go to the "\Starbound\mods\ArcaneAddOns\recipes\magicExtracting" folder find the file named "Rocketeerhead" and rename it to "Rocketeerhead-recipe".

    If your problem persists or if you are not using arcane AddOns then let me know.
    Sethh and fire.frog like this.
  5. fire.frog

    fire.frog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well I do use other mods, but not the Arcane one. I just let Windows search the whole starbound-folder, but there is no file named rocketeer*. But when loading the modmanager (by KrazyTheFox), it says that "the Mod 'VanityBlueprints' does not appear to be correctly packaged" and states to have a problem with the Interface Overhaul by Niran. Up to now, the modmanager did quite a good job merging mods, but maybe it fails on this specific combination. What IS strange though is that it does not find the file, neither in the Vanity folder nor in the Interface Overhaul one. I might try to swap the order of the mods, as this might change how they are merged - but as I'm still running the other way round (found an Avian Tomb ;) ), I'll go on playing like this until it crashes again or i just stop playing or you find out what's wrong or.... you get it I guess ;)
  6. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    My mod isnt compatible with mod manager.

    I believe its because its in a .pak
    fire.frog and Rashen like this.
  7. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  8. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Go ahead and redownload it.
    I believe its fixed.

    If you are still on that planet can you check and see if you still get the crash?
  9. fire.frog

    fire.frog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Aaaaaaand the next one, it keeps me from picking up my lovely LJ dogmate:

    Error: WorldServerThread exception caught: ItemException: No such item 'crystalpackback-recipe'

    There is a crystalbackpackback.recipe (or something like that, kinda like backpackbackpackback)... guess you deleted the wrong digits ;)
  10. fire.frog

    fire.frog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah, okay, darn. Will it be compatible if I keep on using the mod manager, but put your mod in manually?

    /sorry for double post, but as it is a completely different topic, I didn't want to edit my old post...
  11. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Fixing that now...

    What is up with the way they name things... lol Crystalbackpackback...
    fire.frog likes this.
  12. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Okay should be fixed now.

    Just redownload from the dropbox. *unofficial update*
    fire.frog likes this.
  13. fire.frog

    fire.frog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    but I still can't just put it into the ModManager, right? Will it work to put it in manually? I mean, the MM doesn't to that much more (as from what I can tell), but it checks if it will work and tries to merge mods if it doesn't....
  14. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Um im not really sure how that mod manager works tbh i haven't really messed with it.

    I'll see what i can do later about the mod manager.

    Unless you figure it out first. :p
    fire.frog likes this.
  15. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Okay it seems they are compatible.

    All i did was:

    Add New Mod - vanityblueprints.rar
    Waited for it to show up
    Hit install.
  16. fire.frog

    fire.frog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, up to now it worked fine :p as I said, I think it does not do thaaaaaaat much more than comparing if the mods match and then unzip the files to the mod folder, unless they don't match. I do not have any clue about what it does in that case - but up to now, it worked quite well. Just started the game again, everything except for Vanity handled by MM, Vanity put into mod folder manually. Let's see....

    ... and slightly another issue: you already stated that you're going to get Vanity Coins to the TabulaRasa. I feel that, when killing monsters, there is a lot more VC dropped than Pixels. Did you somehow relate these counts? Do VC drop instead of or additionally to normal Pixels? I think my color marking already emphasizes what I'd think of these two Versions... ;)

    [just a little offtopic: what I f**kn love about this community is the response. You post any kind of issue, and before your game crashes the next time [SCNR :D:D] you got an answer to every thread you opened/contributed to. WOW!]

    /edit: "You have 3 new Alerts".... that's what I mean! :D
    Rashen and Sethh like this.
  17. fire.frog

    fire.frog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    even better then! :) Like I said, it used to work with the MM all the time except for the typos and such. Just trying it w/o MM, if it doesn't crash during my quest for LJ, I'll get it back into MM with the next update at the latest
  18. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Regarding Vanity Coins, yes i did add them to the basic treasure pools. They drop alongside pixels, but im still trying to finetune the droprates on them.

    How many have you gathered so far? Is the lack of pixels dropping hurting the experience?

    Also did you want tabula rasa vanity pixel support?
    fire.frog likes this.
  19. fire.frog

    fire.frog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't quite know yet. In the beginning, you don't have cool, new, fancy, whatever, vanity items to use the VC for, so they just occupy an inventory slot as soon as you kill a monster, destroy a vase (or whatever these white thingies are) or anything else pixel-generating. Now that I got some blueprints (only some, many more to come, and they are "quite" expensive) I can see the sense in the dropping rate. It might be a little less. As of now, I'd say maybe 3/4, maybe 1/2, so you miiiiiiight lack VC when you get that fancy new suit you always wanted. The problem is: as the blueprints are completely radom (AFAIK!?), you might get the fancy suit with the first chest you open, so you have to farm Coins, or you get two out of three parts in an instant, tell yourself "ok, save coins until I get the last part", and in the end you can swim in Coins like Scrooge Mc. Duck. As there is no Tier restriction, I find it really hard to say on how to balance your mod. On the other hand, goddamn, it is only vanity, so why let people save half a year (in a game!^^) just for having that nice blue necktie. It's pixels, not silk. But still... it's like pixel silk. Gosh.

    .... well, I just tried to write down my thoughts. I hope they help you in some kind of way :)

    /edit: if - IF - you could get them to be a second currency and don't occupy the item slots... whoa, that'd be awesome!

    /edit2: even with your newest update, I get these error messages:

    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_PollEvent millis: 1616
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop millis: 1634
    Error: Could not instantiate item '[rocketeerhead, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'rocketeerhead'
    005A71CA starbound_opengl.exe

    I copied a couple of lines, as I don't have any idea what those millis vallues mean and if the hex code for the starbound.exe is relevant. The game didn't crash yet, though... will report if otherwise.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  20. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Those were my thoughts exactly. Enough coins to to purchase what you want but not too many coins to take up space.

    I also put in the
    vanity block console to help get rid of excess vanity coins.

    Also i'm trying to figure out how to convert the vanity coins into a currency right underneath pixels. It would be much more ideal.
    fire.frog likes this.

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