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Outdated Vanity Blueprints 2.1

230+ vanity blueprints to be found, crafted, and sold.

  1. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks again xD

    The typo and nonexisting items are fixed i just need to reupload.

    A few questions.
    What sector are you in?
    How many vanity coins do you have stored?

    I keep burning all mine on the block console :p
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
  2. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  3. MiraiMai

    MiraiMai Void-Bound Voyager

    Honestly, maybe you should just rewrite most the files instead of just constantly patching/editing them? Would help you find any other mistakes ^-^;;

    I'm currently in beta, though I was having the issue even before leaving alpha.(I started the character with this mod)
    I haven't really focused on making a large base yet, maybe when I do the block console will start burning through them, but we'll see.
    I have about 3000 or so stored so far, and have gotten quite a bit of costume items with them, so have gotten around 5000-6000 so far total I'd guess.
  4. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well the problem with rewriting the files is i did all 200+ in one go so there shouldnt be that many if ANY left now.
    the other issue is some of the names are messed up adding the word demo in the item file which i didnt expect to be there.

    It looks like i will be putting the cost back up to 250 for the clothing. ( i just wanted to make sure by the first time you find a blueprint that you are able to craft it.)
  5. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  6. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I Love this mod, it is one of my favorite mods in my life and I mod everything I play.

    I have noticed while exploring my server will error out and cause the planet to crash that I am exploring when I come upon a npc village, this is the error: "WorldServerThread exception caught: ItemException: No such item 'vanitycoinurchinseed'". I have personally looked through almost all files in your mod searching for the line that is asking for this seed and I can not seem to find it. I realize that it may be a compatibility issue with 'Variety is the spice of the Universe' as that is the only other mod I have. I am also sure that you know about the error: "Could not instantiate item '[sombrerrohead, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such Item 'sombrerrohead'"

    On a side note: Couldn't you set the treasure pools to '_merge' with other mods to make the compatibility better? Yes I do not understand the '_merge' coding but you should look into it if it would make compatibility better.
  7. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thank you for the feedback.

    Yes i am aware of the sombrerrohead issue. i swear i fixed that last update( i guess not xD...oops.)

    I just figured out what the issue was with vanitycoinurchinseed. (i accidentally replaced all "money" with vanity coins)
    Will revert this asap.
    EDIT: It wasnt money that i replaced it was "Dirt".... I have no clue how i did that....

    As for the _merge command i believe it is still broken when using treasurepools. I remember reading somewhere that arrays are not handling well with the merge command.

    As soon as i find a workaround for _merge that will be a high priority.
    Rashen likes this.
  8. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  9. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    @Sethh Well I installed the new update and I am sorry to say but my server still gets this error " Could not instantiate item '[sombrerrohead, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'sombrerrohead'"
  10. MiraiMai

    MiraiMai Void-Bound Voyager

    Sethh: I'm guessing you took my spelling advice backwards, it's supposed to be spelt sombrero, 2 r's, not 3 :p
  11. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Where is that even coming from? i removed it from the game for now......
  12. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    After adding one too many Rs
    I fixed the file but removed the Recipe and now there is a residual effect.

    Placing back the Correctly spelled sombrero recipe to hopefully fix this lol..
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
  13. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well where is the game pulling the list for the blueprints from? I have tried to search everywhere for it and can't find anything on how to find the place where it pulls from.
  14. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    They are coming from treasurepools.

    Im doing a search to find it right now.

    Does your game freeze or is it just in the logs?
  15. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I haven't actually started the game I use the server launcher to get the log files without starting the game, because it is quicker and tends to do better.
  16. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Now its Fixed

    Uploaded an unofficial update to the dropbox.

    Redownload the Mod and it should be the new updated version.

    Let me know if it didnt update as this is a test to see if the unofficial updating works
    Rashen likes this.
  17. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks Sethh!

    I'm going to go play the game for a little while now.. Considering I've been updating mods all day fixing their problems to make sure they run and then by time i go to play there is like new content updates for half of my mods again.

    Also it is indeed fixed I haven't seen no errors in my server log since I running it with no mods. I am running 78 mods by the way.
    Sethh likes this.
  18. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Rashen likes this.
  19. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Damn 78 mods. I bet that's fun on patch day :p
    Rashen likes this.
  20. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well It doesn't bother me much updating them because I know I will be getting new content. If the patches that are for the mod do not add new content then I simply modify the modinfo to the latest version. so its not terribly bad.

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