RP Vahalia [NOW DEAD]

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Dragonclaw, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    You cause an explosion and the engine becomes little pieces of metal floating in space.
  2. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    "Hey Jack, I think I've got this figured out! Fry 'em, disable the guns, the maroon 'em..." He flies out of range and takes time to see how many destroyers are still a threat.
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  3. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    There is the one drifting that still has guns, but apart from that there's two hanging back.

    "It isn't looking so good for the bridge. It's getting pounded and the shields are probably going to fail soon. Let's make this count."
  4. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    "Simo, I think we ssshould play around with the two that aren't attacking. If the sssituation isss that bad on the bridge, we can't afford a coordinated attack from all three."

    ((You get to decide as you are the on doing the attacking.))
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  5. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    "One armed bad guy...not for long..." He maneuvers to fire the EMP at the engine and fires on it with the Gauss cannons for good measure.
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  6. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    You knock out the engine for good and also disable the turrets.
  7. HunterC1998

    HunterC1998 Cosmos Killer

    "Alright...Jack..you still in one piece up there? All the attackers are fried, there's those few hanging back but we're clear I think.."
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  8. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    "There is still one problem. They might be fried but they're going to hit us. I'm not sure if the engines will be able to move us fast enough, but I'll try."

    The ship lurches a bit as it begins to move.
  9. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    Tee tries to start the gunship

    " Work dangit! "
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  10. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    You take off and get outside the hangar without any trouble.

    (I tried to post this earlier but it didn't work.)
    Arra likes this.
  11. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    Tee giggles as she lifts off. She looks through the weapons she has
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  12. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    You have (if I remember correctly (I probably don't.)) two SAMs, two twin link autocannons, and 4 mini missile racks.
    Arra likes this.
  13. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    Tee pilots out of the hanger, she looks for something she can shoot
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  14. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    There's always the cruisers that are drifting towards the ship, and then there are the two that are hanging back.
    Arra likes this.
  15. Roland Weiss

    Roland Weiss Tiy's Beard

    "Let's do it. Just make sure we don't have the carrier in the line of fire, in front or behind us."
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  16. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    Tee heads for the two which are hanging back
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  17. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    They don't seem to be doing anything, but when you try to get close some of the turrets start to shoot at you.
    Arra likes this.
  18. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    Tee backs up to where she is out of their range
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  19. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    Snab flies straight infront of the two destroyers and starts circling them. Snab would probably call this 'a delicate little dance' but the aliens probably see their ship as a tiny anoying fly. He tries to locate a new weak point 'Maybe their destroyers only have one reactor? Doubt it, but still...'
    Dragonclaw likes this.
  20. Dragonclaw

    Dragonclaw Supernova

    You notice there are a few gaps in the armor, but none big enough to get through. There is some kind of door on the underside...

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