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Discussion in 'Races' started by Mwarner, Dec 9, 2013.


Rate this Mod!

  1. 5 - Works Great and Looks Great.

  2. 4 - Works and Looks Okay.

  3. 3 - Hard to Install and Not enough work.

  4. 2 - Poorly Explained and Poor Sprite Edit

  5. 1 - WHY DID I DOWNLOAD THIS?!?!?!

  1. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Ursine Version 2.2 Patched!
    (Compatible with Indignant Koala)​
    The Ursine is a bear like character that is dominantly aggressive towards other races, and works well in small groups.
    Banished from your homeland, your are cast out into space with just the basic materials. With no hope or luck on your side your ship's fuel supply runs outs leaving stranded in a small sector of planets. Go forth these planets and collect resources to continue your journey to raise above King Nerah!


    Version: 2.2

    (If you would like s specific host please inform me.)

    - Now includes a Mod Loader
    - Open in Winrar or 7Zip
    - Drag the content within the "Ursine v2.2 Patch"
    folder into your "Root" folder replace all.
    - Run game and create a New Character!
    - Enjoy!!!!​

    (Open to suggestions for this race, Will continue to edit this.)


    Special thanks to Kawa for the example.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  2. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    Dang, now that people can easily mod, I fear that people will start making race mods without even working on the lore/race relations/etc.
    How I miss commenting on every little error the race had :(

    On topic tho, looks great! I especially like the snowy pines on the ship. Looks fantastic.
    Heartstrings and Mwarner like this.
  3. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Thank You, and I do agree Modding is more friendly. But with time there will be much greater mods with more in depth features.
    Just give it due time once the game is out of beta I feel that the modding will slow down, until release; with the final release of the game is when I feel the mods will go to greater lengths with more depth and attention to detail.
    But again thank you for the kind words.
    F-ranko likes this.
  4. lexietanium

    lexietanium Subatomic Cosmonaut

    really good lookin mod. Was wondering if you're gna make this race immersive? Maybe they can tie in well with the florans since both races are aggressive =)
    Mwarner likes this.
  5. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    This could be a great learning experience for me, so I will see what I can do!
    Thanks for the reply! -Mat

    Will post back with work :D Also have made an edit to the Character Creator Config may include in version 2.0
  6. Jermatoo

    Jermatoo Void-Bound Voyager

    Works like a charm! Nice job on it man. I'm excited to see what else you can do with this. Any idea for what kind of racial passive the ursine armor may or may not give? I vote for maybe more defense or something of that sort.
    Mwarner likes this.
  7. lexietanium

    lexietanium Subatomic Cosmonaut

    =) I'm gna try making my own one too and :D btw are they gna have any sort of hairstyle hahah I want my bear to have flowy hair as she bash lifeforms' faces. I can't wait until you implement more. Really great job
    Mwarner likes this.
  8. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Thank You! For armors I am not quite sure how they will be but I will keep the suggestion in mind. :)
    Hopefully you all will see many updates in the next few days!

    Awesome can't wait to see :) also I will be working on some hair styles, was just focusing on the base for now, but with in the updates we will be seeing new armors, weapons, hairstyles ect ect
    But again Thank you so much for the support it is very appreciated!
  9. lexietanium

    lexietanium Subatomic Cosmonaut

    are you gna upload this baby into nexusmod? =o and your welcome :). Let your creativity flow baby! let it flooooooooooowwwwwww
  10. AeonsAlex

    AeonsAlex Phantasmal Quasar

    They look beautiful! :D
    Mwarner likes this.
  11. RockyTV

    RockyTV Big Damn Hero

    Pedobear, is that you?
    Nice job!
  12. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Thank you everyone for the Support! Again any suggestions are more then welcomed!
    Today I have started making a Unquie Ship and I made 7 Male Hair styles:

    Ship Base WIP:
    Male Hair Styles:

    Coming in Version 2.0!
    Version 2 Released Patch Notes:

    -Added New Custom Ship WIP
    -Added Male Hair Styles
    -Added Female Blush
    -Edited Main Quest/Story
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  13. Haku

    Haku Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Uhmm can we have a brown fur color???

    EDIT: Game crashes as soon as I pick character.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  14. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    There are 2 brown colors but More colors will be available soon!
    Also I will make sure everything is correct thank you for reporting!

    I will Edit back as soon as I find what is causing the crash.
    (Can you look in the starbound text document. It should report what caused the crash.)

    Edit: Just tested it crashed once because it is writing into your config files once it happens reboot and it should fix the issue. If the problem continues please let me know!

    (A patch will be released once I have fixed the issue.)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  15. Jecoconono

    Jecoconono Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    We just now have to wait until you can tell a machine what to do and it makes the mod for you... ahh i love dreaming
  16. bswaldmann

    bswaldmann Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i've got an idea for the lore of these guys:
    Mwarner likes this.
  17. SomeKindaSmeargle

    SomeKindaSmeargle Big Damn Hero

    Im assuming theres not a way to get this working on servers at the moment? Im trying to get onto my dedicated server with the mod installed and it crashes, which is unfortunate. Im guessing there are server-side edits that need to happen before you can log in with a modded race, but since I dont have acess to the servers files, I think I might be stuck to single player. x:
  18. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Hello everyone, I would like to apologize for any issues with the latest version I plan to fix this in the patch that will be released later today.
    The issue may be a corrupted file/ Missing File.

    Patch v2.1

    -Will fix the Single Player and Multiplayer
    -Will fix the Quests
    -Will Fix the Ship Files
    There may also be some new things added
    Thank you for being so patient with me!

  19. Lawls

    Lawls Space Kumquat

    Yay bears! :D
  20. Mwarner

    Mwarner Industrial Terraformer

    Ursine Version 2.2 Patched!
    -Will fix the Single Player and Multiplayer
    -Will fix the Quests
    -Will Fix the Ship Files
    -Added New Color Scheme

    Future plans for 2.3
    -Female Hair Styles
    -Armor and Clothing
    - More Quests

    Thank you for being so patient with me!

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