Modding Help Updating mods for Stardew Valley 1.4

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Jul 2, 2019.

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  1. craig_prime

    craig_prime Master Chief

    Mizzion, you're a legend! Thanks for doing so much work.

    While you're looking at Quality Products, could you check on Dino Eggs too? Mine are turning into regular Mayonnaise instead of Dino Mayo.

    Thanks again!
      Th3Tob1 likes this.
    • Ambsace

      Ambsace Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      I'm getting the same. Instant wine, cheese, jam, etc.
        Th3Tob1 likes this.
      • Xuomi

        Xuomi Phantasmal Quasar

        I can probably make a recolor of the mead bottles to allow for sunflower mead if you'd like.
          Th3Tob1 likes this.
        • weyrbound

          weyrbound Master Chief

          I figured out what I was doing wrong with the BFAV mods I was trying to update.

          I'm still getting a debug message about the sellback price for the animals - but I can purchase them and they show up in my game now!

          So here's Magic Bunnies and Frogs for BFAV updated to the new format.

            Attached Files:

            Neferatem, methseyers and EblyssR like this.
          • Benigni

            Benigni Aquatic Astronaut

            Is it just me, or does Deluxe Auto-Grabber not work inside a shed?
              Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
            • Senthyril

              Senthyril Tentacle Wrangler

              for prismatic tools, use this version instead for quality products, it was quite broken. should be a new update for it out soon.
                dashblitz2 likes this.
              • Kapalbility

                Kapalbility Void-Bound Voyager

                Hi Mizzion! Quality products breaks special honey and the new SDV 1.4 products. Others are working as intended. I will be watching this thread excitedly as this is the last thing on my list that needs updating. Again, thanks so much for your hard work!
                  dashblitz2 and Th3Tob1 like this.
                • Quackmori

                  Quackmori Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  Once again Emie's map recolor need a fix, it hides the quarry mine
                  • jkinnaly

                    jkinnaly Void-Bound Voyager

                    I've downloaded and used that version of prismatic tools repeatedly, Somehow, the file name changes every time to 1.7.1 rather than 1.7.2. I'll try it again, but I doubt there'll be any difference.
                    • AD2015

                      AD2015 Void-Bound Voyager

                      Crafting does not seem to be working. I have to have the items in my inventory to craft.
                      • iAnimeDeath

                        iAnimeDeath Void-Bound Voyager

                        It states directly in your quote that crafting is broken from Chests as a known issue.
                        • Akuuni

                          Akuuni Void-Bound Voyager

                        • jkinnaly

                          jkinnaly Void-Bound Voyager

                          fullsizeoutput_a03.jpeg fullsizeoutput_a05.jpeg

                          As I suspected, downloading the version suggested made no difference. The version of the prismatic tools update in my Mods folder is 1.7.2 by Seawolf. The one that loads is 1.7.1. I've (hopefully) added the screenshots I took so you can see what I mean.
                          • Moragaine

                            Moragaine Existential Complex

                            @jkinnaly I downloaded Seawolf's update of Prismatic Tools. Opening the manifest I find that he didn't update the information there to indicate that it was an unofficial version, so it doesn't load as 1.7.2.
                            • jkinnaly

                              jkinnaly Void-Bound Voyager

                              Thanks for that info--at least I'm not going nuts! :) I still can't get prismatic tools to upgrade my tools, though.
                              • felipe32145

                                felipe32145 Void-Bound Voyager

                                luck skill has an annoying pop up notification everytime you go to bed, and the dev seems pretty busy so i guess he wont be updating it for now... sorry to ask, but could you try to fix it? thanks!
                                • Mizzion

                                  Mizzion Phantasmal Quasar

                                  Updates for Quality Products and it's automate add-on, all the stuff should work, besides the naming of the flowered honey mead. The item icons should work properly.

                                  Added 1.4 items, to the machines
                                  Got the Mead icon replacements working (Except for the name)

                                  Update for Deluxe Auto Grabber

                                  Fixed a bug that happened if you had Furniture Anywhere installed. The mod cause DAG to null out.

                                  If you find any more bugs, let me know and i'll look into them. I'm still looking into the flowered honey names not working.

                                    Attached Files:

                                    Last edited: Dec 10, 2019
                                  • craig_prime

                                    craig_prime Master Chief

                                    Quality Products breaks both the kitchen and the workbench for me.

                                    stove.gif workbench.gif

                                    The stove opens as normal once then gives that message. Workbench opens once, transparent, then doesn't respond at all.
                                      LadyAna and Benigni like this.
                                    • Quackmori

                                      Quackmori Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                      This is what it looks like where the Quarry mine is supposed to be with the recent Emie's map recolor mod

                                        Attached Files:

                                      • Lelix

                                        Lelix Aquatic Astronaut

                                        This is a mod id really love to see updated to 1.4


                                        I used this mod a lot around a year ago and it worked perfectly, but with the newest update, the player character's ankles are transparent, and there's a weird blue rectangle around the neck. I don't know how to mod and why it is now incompatible, but it'd be really nice if one of the modders here can make it work :) I'd appreciate it
                                          Last edited: Dec 10, 2019
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