Modding Help Updating mods for Stardew Valley 1.3 [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Apr 15, 2018.

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  1. Melindee

    Melindee Big Damn Hero

    Make sure the coordinates are correct and that the map name is exactly as it's stated when you look it up. You may need to wait a day till it activates but it should be good after that.
    • Monoui

      Monoui Void-Bound Voyager

      Yeah, I got it right this time and it's working. I appreciate the assist!
      • Balogrim

        Balogrim Orbital Explorer

      • Neferatem

        Neferatem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        I'm having an issue with the Deluxe-Grabber mod.

        The auto-grabber seems to be unable to grab all global forage for me.
        Using the latest unofficial version in combination with automate, to have everything put in a chest next to it.
        Not sure if it's because I use SVE and have more land to cover, but even on my farm (where I have set the grabber) not all forage is picked up.
        Is there a max amount of forage the grabber can get each day? Or should I set the Distance in the config higher? (currently at 999)
        • Melindee

          Melindee Big Damn Hero

          I don't think Deluxe Auto-Grabber is compatible with Automate.
          • Moragaine

            Moragaine Existential Complex

            Deluxe Auto-grabber works fine with Automate. I'm not sure how well it works with the newer versions of Farm Type Manager and it's custom forage spawning, though.
            • DemainaNyx

              DemainaNyx Big Damn Hero

              Question, I'm using the Farm Expansion Unofficial version with SVE. Everything works fine but SVE has the seasonal minimap, which doesn't fit well with how the Farm Expansion mod adds it's land to the minimap. I'm curious how complicated it would be to add a Seasonal minimap setting to the config file (or maybe an SVE setting) and then use season specific world map? Or, if that's too complicated right now, possibly have a setting in the config file to remove the Farm Expansion from the minimap entirely?

              I recolored the expansion to match the minimaps in SVE (attached), but had to move its original spot to the left on the minimap so I don't know how much that will complicate anything code wise. It pastes perfectly on top of the "default_{season}.png" images in the "[CP] Immersive Farm 2 Remastered/assets/default" folder if that helps.

                Attached Files:

                Last edited: Oct 11, 2019
              • Melindee

                Melindee Big Damn Hero

                I know that Deluxe Grabber works with FTM but it will not take forage that's not available when the day loads except for truffles. I have spawned bushes with the world_bushreset command that it'll not take till the next day. Anything that spawns later will not be taken till the next day.
                I am not sure why you need Automate with Deluxe Grabber unless you're using a bigger box as the space number is the same.
                • Neferatem

                  Neferatem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  If FTM spawns the forage after the day has loaded then that explains why it appears to not grab everything from all maps.
                  I forgot about that, but it makes sense now, the grabber grabs yesterdays spawn from FTM.
                  • Melindee

                    Melindee Big Damn Hero

                    Yes that's right. I have proven that with the bushes. If you use the world_bushreset command to spawn new bushes during berry season, those bushes wouldn't be picked till the next day as everything is picked clean the next day as proof.
                    I do believe that FTM is spawning items later in the day since I can go to custom maps and still see a bit of forage sometimes.
                    Sadly since this is an unofficial version I can't ask the original author for a fix to this but it's really no problem. If overload is an issue, you can use a box and Automate but if you put the grabber in your farm then this shouldn't be a problem if you checked it daily.
                    • supulton

                      supulton Void-Bound Voyager

                      Hey guys...since I spend most of my time primarily lurking this specific thread, I was wondering if someone could help me pinpoint a mod conflict... I've posted all the info here:

                      But tldr; After a strange crashing sound, a bunch of red error messages about "base update loop" pointing to
                      StardewValley.Events.SoundInTheNightEvent.makeChangesToLocation() in C:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Events\SoundInTheNightEvent.cs:line 160

                      and unable to save my game on sleeping. Not sure how to reproduce or when it will appear again..

                      EDIT: Log here:
                      • Pathoschild

                        Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                        @supulton I'll help in the separate thread.

                        @Balogrim I only updated the mods for compatibility with the latest versions; I suggest asking on the mod pages directly about possible bugs in the original mod.
                        • olemaire

                          olemaire Void-Bound Voyager

                          Hey, I tried to join the Discord server from the link, but it's not working. My Discord username is livipup#3044. Can somebody add me?
                          • Pathoschild

                            Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                            @olemaire Are you using the link on this page? What happens when you try to use it; do you see an error?
                            • hvxxing

                              hvxxing Orbital Explorer

                              Is there an update for 'more food' by Paradigm Nomad? I have 'more recipes' downloaded by according to my SMAPI log they aren't the same.

                              Also for Artisan Valley Machine Goods?

                              I also am looking for Sweet tooth.

                              Thanks in advance! I have multiple mods that need these and aren't loading.
                              • minervamaga

                                minervamaga Pangalactic Porcupine

                                More food and More Recipes are the same thing. AV Machine Goods are available on the AV page. Sweet Tooth support has been dropped as well.
                                • Katiemae2

                                  Katiemae2 Void-Bound Voyager

                                  is animal sitter being updated or is there a new mod for that?
                                  • Moragaine

                                    Moragaine Existential Complex

                                  • Pathoschild

                                    Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                                    (You can check for the latest compatibility status for SMAPI mods, including links to unofficial updates. Direct links to a specific update may become outdated.)
                                    • gordan1219

                                      gordan1219 Void-Bound Voyager

                                      Did it compatible with artisan valley ?
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