RELEASED UPDATED: Rival Events for Maru and Penny (now includes Poly options!)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by BrintheHufflepuff, May 1, 2019.

  1. FinnieTheFox

    FinnieTheFox Space Hobo

    I have a problem with Penny's six heart event. When she says "Maru" nothing happens after that. I am basically stuck in the cut scene and idk what to do. Anyone who had this problem and was able to solve it?
    • ugossy2j2

      ugossy2j2 Void-Bound Voyager

      I'm still learning about events, but from what I can tell I think this is another case of the problem a couple posts up where "warp" is given 3 arguments instead of 2. In other words, like user "the orist" mentions, you also have to remove the third argument in other instance of "warp" being used in the events beyond the two already mentioned. This means editing to content.json a bit more.

      To do this I searched for "warp " (the space is useful for limiting results) in the document and just deleted the third argument (either " 0", " 1", " 2", or " 3")when it showed up. One of those cases is in the six heart event for Penny that you mention, but there are a few others.

      Does this fix it? I honestly am not sure since, again, I'm new to this, but from what I understand it theoretically does fix it. I can test it later when I have time to do so and I'll eventually get to them in game as well.

      Edit after testing: So this does seem to do the trick. And as an added bonus, I now understand making events in Stardew better. I only tested a few events, but included ones where the "warp" edits were necessary and the handful I looked/skimmed through ran correctly in game in 1.6.
        Last edited: Jun 1, 2024

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