Still looking for the kitchen, Taipei replies... "Aren't we all those things already? Just unprepared? I'm probably some form of hylotl sushi, just not dead and dissected yet!"
The ship exits hyperspace at a small refueling station atop a tiny little asteroid. The sign atop the station reads "GAS4CA$H".
Looking outside, the Issan siblings remark on what they think of the station... "I don't like the looks of this. Looks pretty sketchy if you ask me...""I dunno... Seems legit enough for me!" She turns to Erebrus. "Say... You have any spoons on this bucket with chairs and windows?"
Opia stands up and walks toward the exit, shakily. She says, to nobody in particular, "What will we be doing here? I have no money, and nowhere to go." She stays close to the ship, apprehensively.
Taipei is still looking for the kitchen... "Seriously Nalumi. Do you and Erebrus ever eat? I can't seem to find much by way of utensils..."
her three eyes go wide at this... *Pfffffff* Twice a year?! TWICE A FUCKING YEAR?! Hell, I'm pretty good with my metabolism, I can go a month without eating at most, but... Twice a year? The fuck? What kind of regiment do you go on to keep any muscle mass at all?! Protien doesn't form out of thin air you know..."
Opia looks down and realizes that her stomach hurts. When did she last eat? Can she remember? She shakes her head in frustration, and starts looking around for someo- something to eat.
Claude remains on board. That ham, while potentially damaging to the mind and soul, was quite filling.