THIS IS THE RP THREAD, LINK TO THE OOC HERE The USCM transport vessel Clanger cut through space with surprising speed for such an old, decrepit ship. Mitch studied the faces assembled before him in the briefing room. Among the more notable creatures was a novakid the size of a damn gorilla and that poor Hylotl kid that seemed to want to be anywhere but here. Mitch had to admire the guy for trying though. "Allllllllright, ladies! Listen up! So as you all probably now by now, there's some sort of disturbance going on in this system. We're here to investigate." A novakid of average height with some kind of number five plastered on his face raised a hand. "No questions! Especially not from you, Crowe." Mitch barked, and the novakid dropped his hand in an instant, looking slightly shaken. "It's a pretty varied planet, kinda like Earth. Before the whole tentacle incident thing. We're going to be dropped down in the general area of the anomaly and investigate whatever the hell it is." Mitch took a sip of some congealed green liquid from a mug. It looked and smelled disgusting. "Any questions?" Mitch stared straight at the novakid.
Mitch drains the mug in an enormous gulp and belches. He throws the mug into a trashcan, because well, he can do that. "Any more questions?"
Tau leans against the ship's wall. "Anticipation. Sergeant Mitchel Johnson, what is our estimated time of arrival?"
Nefarious looked around and examined the parts of the ship.. "Does disturbance need physical violence! Nefarious like physical violence!" He laughed a little bit.
"You got a few bolts loose in there glitch? I remember saying very specifically that our ee-tee-ay is five minutes. I definitely said that." "Maybe."
The novakid known as Isaac Crowe nods in agreement. "As long as he remains on our side, I suppose it isn't the end of the world."
Isaac immediately struggles out of Nefarious' grip and backs away. "Ha ha... thanks...." "WE'RE HERE."
Elyte is trying to sit as far away as possible from all the novakids there. "why do there have to be so many novakids?"
"Yes, Nefarious ok. Are you OK fluffy avali?" He then pats that Zevrans head. Nefarious puts on his gloves of justice. They were semi-jet propelled, not fully, they were defective. When activated they could send very small animals like rabbits or foxes, and other small things far. (He would never hurt the rabbits though, that's against his standards.) Otherwise they were just good for breaking bones on the bigger guys.